Wednesday 29 December 2010

reflections of 2010

only 2 more days left of 2010...

i have been re-reading my blog... and amazed at how God has positioned us... and how He has been faithful... He has been good... He has been merciful...

the end 2009 was such an exciting time... it was also the start of a very uncertain journey... we knew by then we would be going to japan for a year... but no dates were given... though there were many uncertainties... i could feel deep within me... a peace that surpassed all understanding... i knew we were gonna be blessed beyond what we could imagine... and many ppl have come alongside to affirm that 2010 will be a year full of the Lord's blessings...

this year... 2010...

truly it was an amazing journey... i dun even know where to start to tell of all that we have been blessed with... it was truly a faith journey... how our faith has grown through the year... seeing Him answer our smallest prayer...

just before leaving for japan... i sensed in me that i would not be returning to teaching after one year... i would be involved in full time ministry... but the catch was this... it will not be in TPMC...

i could not see how it was ever gonna be happening at that time... if not TPMC... then where..? i have absolutely no qualification papers at all for any posts in any church... i dun play any instrument... i have not attended any bible college... seriously... i had nothing... but i left it as that... did not think much about it... just prayed with my eyes open...

then an opening to serve Him in full time capacity came... it literally fell from the sky... over FB chat... some time in august... and that's it... i was tentatively employed...

what i am about to do in 2011 is very exciting... stuff that i have never done before...

2010 has truly been an amazing year... although i hate for the year to come to an end... i do yearn for 2011 to come... i wanna see what God has in store for my family and i...

the past weeks have been seeking and praying... asking the Lord for a word in season... what will 2011 be like for us..?

and the message has been consistent...
'go and be a blessing to others'...

for as much as we have been blessed in 2010... our experiences... our walk... our journey... we are to be a blessing to others in 2011... and God has assured me that He will continue to bless us... that we will not be in lack as we bless others...

thanks for praying with us this year...
blessed new year everyone..! =)

Sunday 26 December 2010

2-week holiday

school is closed till 11 jan 2011... school year does not end till march... so this is just a winter break...

will be making use of this time to cover more of the gals' syllabus from singapore... prepping them for their return... 2 hrs every day... for the next 2 weeks... =P

which also means that i will have to prepare lunch as well as dinner... lunches may be a little tricky as i will be coaching the gals form 9-11am... means that there is not much time for me to prepare for lunch...

in the mean time... we have already started to put aside stuff which we may be sending back home first... we have also started planning our return... lots of things to buy... prepare... and schedule...

now... what shall i prepare for lunch tmrw..?

Thursday 23 December 2010

christmas cookies

finally... they are done..! ready to be given away... =)

Tuesday 21 December 2010

christmas for me is...

because it's just so quiet... have been spending a lot of time... just thinking... just reflecting... was just thinking... what is christmas to me..?

parties..? gift-giving..?

yes... a large part of it... i must admit... it is a time for parties... and gift-giving... but when i think deeper... it's really more than that...

it just doesnt feel like christmas to me this year... is because... i am not sharing...

christmas is a time to share joy... to celebrate life... to tell another about the birth of Christ... all of which... i dun seem to be doing now...

christmas is a time for me to be involved in some evangelistic event... be it a musical... a seeker-service... anything... just to announce... to tell of Christ's birth...

maybe that's why i enjoy throwing parties... to share joy... to celebrate...

i even suggested to the gals... if we could go carolling... go knocking on our neighbours' doors... and just sing..!

but they were too shy to do it... thought it'll be fun... at least an opportunity to tell... or sing about the birth of Christ...

maybe there'll be a chance for me to share this year... to tell of the birth of Christ...
let's wait and see... =P

christmas 2010

this must be the quietest... laziest... calmest... christmas by far...

usually... christmas time used to be one of the craziest times of the year... juggling rehearsals... planning of worship sets... christmas shopping... wrapping presents... coordinating parties... on top of all these... getting the gals ready for the next academic year... getting their books... wrapping the books... making sure that they can still fit into their uniforms...

the list goes on...

but this year... nothing... just visiting different malls to see their christmas illuminations... enjoying the cool weather... it's not even cold yet...

it's just 2 days to candlelight service... and it sure doesnt feel like christmas...


3 years... that's how long i have been holding onto the N95... too long...

this is a record for me... never have i held onto a phone for so long... usually before the contract is up... i'd be eyeing for a new one...

one of the first things that i will be buying myself... when i get back home... will be a new phone..! cant wait..! =P


2 days ago... we completed the last page of the daily devotional that we brought over... was wondering what to do... there was suggestion to start from day one... then i tried searching for one at amazon... but couldnt find anything suitable...

so last night... sitting in their beds... i asked joanna to choose a date... and she chose 8 feb... she said cos it's mommy's birthday... =)

and so... we did the devotional that was dated 8 feb...

tonight will be rachelle's turn to pick a date... think we'll make do with this system till i find something suitable online... =P

Saturday 18 December 2010

our number game

2 days to lunch with host's wife
1 week to christmas
13 days to spending new year with a japanese family
2 weeks to new year
7 weeks to my birthday
2 months to weekend getaway with host family @ yamanashi
10 weeks to hubby's birthday
11 weeks to ski trip @ clubmed sahoro
14 weeks to going home
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
time flies

Thursday 16 December 2010

ski gear

had waited a whole week for today's sale... actually... we chanced upon the announcement of the sale... while out having wagyu beef lunch... which makes it even more amazing... again a testimony of how God has provided for us...

before today's sale... we went about the shops... checking out prices... designs... and being first-timers... learnt from the various shops... and also the internet... on what is the essential gear for skiing...

it all seemed very expensive... costing about $400 just for one ski jacket... and just as much for the ski pants... the ones for children were not much cheaper too...

so we have been praying for ridiculously good bargains at the sale...

we reached early enough to be the first 50 in the queue... and the bargains were really good..!

and after 2 hours of shopping... we bought...

ski jacket... ski pants... 2 pairs of socks... goggles... gloves...

ski jackets... ski pants... 2 pairs of socks each... goggles... gloves... neck warmers... beanies...

ski jacket... ski pants... 2 pairs of socks... goggles... gloves... neck warmer... beanie...

everything was less than half price... way less..!
let's go skiing..! =)

Tuesday 14 December 2010

rachelle's prayer

one of the devotions last week was about christian disciplines... and prayer was highlighted in that particular devotion... and so... the gals started taking turns to pray during devotions...

just 2 nights ago... this is how rachelle prayed...

'... ... pray that i will get good results for my PSLE... and mei mei... will get into the GEP next year...'

wow... 2 more years to PSLE for her... and she has already started praying... i see a top student in the making..! LOL

i'm just glad that my gals are praying... and for us as parents... we are thankful that we have persevered the daily devotions with them... seems to be reaping it's rewards...

keep growing in the Lord my darlings... =)

quiet morning

it's been a while... that i am just on my own in the mornings... hubby has been away from college for the past month... he doesnt need to attend the classes as they are meant only for the japanese students...

so we have been out on most days... which means more eating and spending... that explains the reading on my weighing machine... =(

this morning... he has gone to college to settle some admin stuff... like applying for leave for our it's just me and my coffee for now... =)

and he had to call me just now... to tell me the dates for his hokkaido trip in feb... with the college... only 3 days... and my birthday is sandwiched between those dates... that's 2 consecutive years that he is missing my birthday... hmph...

but considering how much time we have this year... ok la... anyways the 3 days are weekdays... at least it's not over the weekends... =P

thoughts on parenting

buses here are really small... 20 passengers max... we were on one after church last sunday... then 2 mothers and their 2 sons boarded the bus... moms were japs... believe that the sons' fathers were africans...

the older boy was able to sit and be quiet... but oh... not the younger one... i reckon... about 6-7yo... and boy... wad a handful he was...

he refused to sit... wanted to run up and down the bus... and when mom tried to restrain him by grabbing the clothes of his left shoulder... he wiggled and whined... and then crawl up mom's skirt..!

the whole time... my gals were just stunned at the behaviour...

all mom did was... 'please stop it'... in jap... while still holding onto his shirt... and boy is like all over the floor... with his head up her skirt... and trying to lift it up...

at this time hubby stood up from his seat... grabbed hold of the boy... looked him in the eye... and told him to sit down... and stop causing trouble... *my hero...* =)

but the peace didnt last 2 min... and he was up and tried to escape from his mom again... poor mom... from hubby's face... i could tell that he was so close to slapping the child... haha...

thankfully... we had reached the terminal... and we all got off the bus...

almost immediately... the gals started talking about the incident... and then asked us what we would have done if THEY were behaving like that in public...

i tried to think of an answer as to how i'd tackle such a situation... but hubby came in and said... 'we dont have to handle this... cos we know our gals will never behave like that in public'...

and that is so true... most 'manifestations' we so often see in public... are just because 'teaching' has been lacking at home...

like the case of the boy... if the boy had been taught the meaning of 'no'... or 'stop it' at home... or if mom has been consistent at home... such a scene may not have happened...

i feel really old when i broach this subject on parenting... like i belong to my mom's era... or even my grandma's... =P

parents in my generation seem to find it so difficult to say 'no' to their children... maybe it's because of the little time that they have with their children... and so... wanting each moment to be sweet and memorable...

we are so afraid to see the child cry... or fuss... or scream...

well... if the child has never been taught 'no'... yes... he'll cry... fuss and scream... all at the same time... and loudly too... but it'll all pass... he'll know that crying and fussing and screaming... will not get him what he wants...

sometimes.... in fact most of the times... it is our inconsistencies as parents... that have confused our children... we just wanna give them what they want... so that they'll stop bugging us...

but i personally think that it's a lose-lose situation... the child has lost the opportunity to learn... and the parents... the opportunity to seize that moment... and turn it into a teachable moment...

yes... all these take time... but it sure gets easier with time... and consistency...

and yes... you may sound and look so cruel compared to your peers... but keep at it for a few years... and see for yourself... the fruits of your labour...

learn to say 'no' to your children... even if they are just toddlers... it is a myth that they do not understand 'no'... of course they do... we just gotta be consistent... so that they know that 'no' means no... and not 'maybe... depending on your mood'...

Sunday 12 December 2010

christmas presents

told the gals that their presents this year will have to be inexpensive...

we dont wanna be spending on stuff like a unicyle... a bicycle... a laptop... cos it will mean that we will need to ship them back home in less than 4 months...

so for joanna and myself... we each got a down jacket from hubby... =)

rachelle had a hard time deciding what she wanted for christmas... it was only yesterday that she decided to have a new hairdo for christmas... she wanted to have a fringe... for a change...

and so... we made an appointment with the only hairdresser we know... and arranged for her to have her hair done today...

think rachelle looks good in her new hair-do..! =)

my present to hubby is a bag... rather unique... it's a tausche bag... didnt take a photo of it yet... but we think the bags are just so cool... made in germany... and the shop in japan... is 1 of the 5 in the world... 4 in germany...

this season used to be the 'wrapping season' for me... wrapping numerous presents... and new textbooks for thew new year... but this year... we're just shopping and eating..! =P

Saturday 11 December 2010

和牛 {wa-gyu}

after over 8 months here in japan... we finally went to have some 和牛 beef for lunch today...

i had always thought that 和牛 was beef of a particular breed of cow from japan... but 和牛literally means 'japanese beef'... =P

hubby's classmate brought us to this place... the restaurant is called Mitoyazawa... and is very popular... and it's located in Gotanda... just 2 stations away from where we stay... it serves A5 grade 和牛 beef at very reasonable prices... as reasonable as half the price... compared to hotels and other restaurants...

the restaurant doesnt take any reservations... so you just gotta queue... but good thing is... the turn-over is rather high... so the wait wasnt too bad...

we ordered the lunch set today... a hamburg... with rice and salad... and it's the first time that i was eating a hamburg... with just a pair of chopsticks..!

when the meal came... it looked rather normal...

but when we cut it open... ooooh..! it looked so good..! cant wait to sink my teeth into it..!

unlike most patties... there wasnt a trace of fat in it... it was pure meat..! and it seems to just melt in your mouth..! simply delicious..!

Thursday 9 December 2010

natural insulation..?

as temperatures are dipping... we are putting on more clothes... more layers... but not the gals...

here i am... in a pair of warm track pants... a short-sleeved heat tech... a long-sleeved 100% premium cotton t-shirt... and a thick turtle-neck sweater...

rachelle's in a fleece pants... and a t-shirt from singapore..! looking at her makes me feel cold..! =P

persuading to wear more each morning is a challenge... they'd bargain... choosing to wear less than what they are told to...

like today... rachelle left for school in just her jeans and a t-shirt from singapore... then told her to put on her fleece jacket... which she did... made her promise to wear the jacket when outdoors... she agreed...

when she came home... she was just in her t-shirt and jeans... asked her where her jacket was... she said that it was in school... faint...

highest temp today in the day was just 12deg...

any how... i thank God for insulating them... =)

couple time

hubby had gone to college... just one... or two days... in the past 3 weeks maybe..? =P

and we've been going out everyday... even the manager (aka security guard) teased that we go 'dating' almost everyday... and very often... we'd bump into this korean lady who stays in the same building as us... and she'd tease us too...

i'm totally enjoying this time... aimless walks in shibuya... daikanyama... shinjuku... long coffee breaks... shopping... early christmas presents... =P

today... after seeing the gals off to school... we actually went back to sleep... till almost 11am..! such a luxury... really treasuring every moment of this...

though i shouldnt fear... or be anxious about what next year would be like... i worry lor... we're both starting our new jobs / positions next year... on the same day...

really wonder how much family... or even couple time we would be having...

but i really shouldnt think that way... 4 more months of this...
and even greater blessings when we get back home..! =)

Wednesday 8 December 2010


last night's devotion was about how all of us are different... but yet all beautifully made by God... then joanna asked a very random question...

'brothers and sisters cannot marry each other right?'...

of course my immediate reply was 'no'...

then she went on... 'God only made Adam and Eve right..? then how..?'

i knew what she was getting at... if brothers and sisters are not allowed to marry each other... then how did it all start with just Adam and Eve..? how did the whole get so populated..?

stumped... i told her that i'll ask pastor PEW... LOL... =P

Monday 6 December 2010

more cooking

just confirmed this morning that we'd be hosting 4 japanese from hubby's college on wednesday... and it's decided that it'll be a singaporean fare...

so we went through our stock of pre-mixes and came up with the menu... and it's gonna be groceries shopping tmrw...

and as we were walking around town... hubby asked if i had any plans for christmas... then he suggested if we could host a small party... for one or two of his classmates... both are alone this christmas... and hubby was thinking that it's not very nice to be spending christmas all alone... *awwww*

how could i say no..? i'd love to do that..! and so... we started thinking of the menu for a christmas party... turkey... honey-baked ham... christmas cake... wad else..?

then come january... we're hosting another couple at our place... this couple has made plans to visit singapore in the coming year...

yay..! sure would be able to finish our stock before we go back..! =)

Sunday 5 December 2010


and i was just lamenting last month... how i miss throwing parties... and we just did 2 parties... back to back... just friday and saturday... phew..! =P

this is even more tough than throwing a party back at home..! cos it is not usual to cater... maybe it's just too expensive... so almost everything had to be home-cooked...

the funny thing about last night's party was... hubby and i are still confused... how we became the organisers for the party... all i did was to help design and do a poster in powerpoint... in fact... all the details of the party... what to bring... what to wear... where the party would be held... all these were told to me... all i did was to design a poster... period.

but last night... everyone came to thank us for the party... even the brain behind the party had to leave half-way for another function... leaving hubby to do the opening and closing of the party... funny... but it was ok... thank God that we are already so used to such stuff back at home... so it was really no sweat at all... =)

more parties to come... hosting one or two at our place... preparing singaporean food... thank God our parents came and replenished our supplies..!

i still love parties..! =P

Saturday 4 December 2010

feeding the 50 japanese

since the time the gals left for school today... i started to be busy...

started with preparation of the ingredients... thawing... soaking... chopping... slicing... measuring... washing... from 8 in the morning... to about 11.30am... that's when the first batch of claypot rice was cooked...

while the rice was being cooked... there was more to be done... like a veg side dish... done in japanese style... i've never prepared so much veg in my life..!

all in all... there were 6 batches of rice to be cooked... the last batch was done at about 5.30pm... just on time... the guests arrived at about 5.45pm...

just as the party was about to start... rachelle suggested for the foreign kiddos... to do an opening welcome... actually... they were lines from the recent school's play... but the guests were impressed nonetheless... =P

during the entire party... it was indeed a relief to see them enjoying themselves... as japanese cannot take spicy food rather well... the claypot rice was rather popular with them... =P

me too were mingling with the guests... no need much for an interpretor... just needed them to speak slowly... and most of them were able to communicate a little in english... so with gestures... it was quite ok... in fact i enjoyed going around and talking to them... hubby commented that he had been noticing me from a distance... and was proud that i could carry myself even among his japanese friends...

it was interesting to see how there was an opening speech... a introductory segment for the foreign students to introduce their families... and also a closing 'ceremony'... quite fun...

the kiddos were really a great help... serving ice cream... drinks... and even the cleaning up after the party... they were amazing...

all in all... it was a huge success...
actually... it's really all thanks to the wives... =P

Monday 29 November 2010

日記 {nikki}

rachelle is required to write her 日記for the weekends every week... due every monday when she reaches the classroom...

in the beginning of the school year... she would write what she had wanted to say in english... then hubby would translate for her... then she would copy it into her 日記... and as she was copying... hubby would read to her what she was writing... and explain to her... sentence by sentence...

this went on for a while... it got a little stressful especially during the times when hubby was oso hard pressed for time... to complete his paper... in well...

but i believe hubby's efforts had paid off... it was all worth the while...

for the past month... or even longer... she has not been asking hubby to help her with her日記... and last night... i saw her writing her own 日記..!

though written in simple japanese... i was so amazed... and to me... it's really quite an achievement..!

gals are really speaking quite a lot of japanese these days... especially when playing with their korean neighbours... cos japanese is their only common language... =)

busy week ahead


~groceries @ jusco with hubby~

~dinner with friends @ gogyo ramen~

~disneyland with 2 other families~

~party where we need to provide 50 ppl with a taste of singapore~

~international potluck party~

~meeting my principal~

so busy... but i like this kind of busy-ness... =P

friends and weekend

what a tiring weekend it was... but so much fun..! especially for the gals...

went to tokyo dome on saturday... kids just went on rides after rides... at the amusement park... it was there that rachelle told me how much fun she was having... and that she can hardly wait for thursday to come... cos she figured that it would be a whole lot more fun with another family..!

then we did dinner at a tonkatsu restaurant... and i asked the gals if they would want to join the family again the next day... and they eagerly said yes...

hubby had some work to do... so the gals and i headed off to meet them first...

we had a picnic out in a park... at tokyo midtown in roppongi... we always love to go there... very relaxed environment... and it was a nice weather to have a picnic...

so we headed to the supermarket to buy our food and drinks first...mainly sushi... yummy..!

then the kids ran off ahead of us to lay the picnic mat... and like most singaporeans... they chose a shady spot... aiyo... so cold... so we shifted right under the sun... and it was nice... actually it was a little hot... but only for a short while...

when the sun hid behind the buildings... it felt cold very quickly... but the kids did not feel cold at all... they were too busy running all around the park... playing games... and simply enjoying themselves...

hubby joined us after he had completed his stuff... and we headed to get hakone tickets for the family... and then to the arcade for the kids to enjoy themselves...

the day ended nicely with dinner... and ice cream... ice cream was fun... cos we bought from cold stones creamery... and the staff sang for tips... we just wanted them to sing... so i put in some money into the tip box... and they started singing..! with so much enthusiasm too..! it was all so cute and amusing to watch...

it was so nice catching up with someone from church... to hear a little about how church is like these days... just nice to be connected again...

lucky me has today to rest... while the gals and hubby are back at school... =P

cant wait for thursday to come..!

Friday 26 November 2010


the 4 foreign students are hosting a party for their japanese course-mates... so a piece of paper was circulated... to see how many would be turning up for the party...

lo and behold... 45 people indicated that they would be coming... *stress*

though the 4 families are not required to prepare all the food by ourselves... we could order... or buy... but each family is to prepare at least something... a local dish from where we come from...

hubby and i discussed long and hard...

what should we bring to the table..? we only have one 16cm pot... a 26cm shallow pan... a 26cm sukiyaki pan... and that's it..! how to prepare..?

thought of making bak-kut-teh... but my 16cm pot can at most... cook 500g of pork ribs at any one time... how many times do i have to cook..?!?!

party's next friday... so anyone of you have any bright ideas... please... let me know... =P

CG gathering

2 families from our CG back home would be visiting tokyo... 1 family's arriving today... and the other tomorrow... so fun..!

they didnt plan their holidays together... and since we had wanted to catch up with the families who are coming... i asked for their itineraries... and noticed that they would be visiting disneyland during the same period next week..!

and so... since hubby is still on 'leave' next week... i suggested for us to take the gals... and arranged to meet them at disneyland...

and yes..! we are meeting..! YAY..!

think it'll be so much fun for the kids... all 8 of them... =)

this would be our 3rd time there... but i believe will be the most memorable one... i mean each time we went... it was just the 4 of us... the gals would sometimes go on rides without hubby and i... no matter how fun... it was just the 4 of us...

but this time... they'd be riding with friends... how cool..!

it's forecasted to rain on that day... so gotta get all 8 kiddos to pray really hard..! =P

talking to strangers

being here in japan... had given us plenty of opportunity to meet new people... and make new friends...

and also the opportunity... to meet friends from home... whom we have not met for a very long time...

as the year end holidays are here... we have been having a constant flow of friends visiting tokyo... and so... lots of catching up... nice.. =)

we just caught up with hubby's secondary school pal and his wife... just 2 days ago... spent the day with them at asakusa... akihabara... and then decided to do dinner as well... so hubby and i headed off home to pick the gals up...

and at the dinner table... and esp at the dessert place... i noticed that the gals were able to carry themselves very much..!

they were sharing their experiences in the local school here... about the recent school play that they had... then rachelle went on to share more about her camp... about how they are allowed to use dangerous tools on their own...

looking at them converse... i couldnt help but swell with pride... the gals have not met the couple before... maybe once... along the streets back home...

i remembered how shy the gals used to be... especially in front of strangers... when introduced... they usually would shy away... and even if they spoke... there would be minimal eye contact... and with a very soft and weak voice...

guess this one-year exposure has made them more open... and also the short trip to perth... all these experiences have enriched them... i believe... =)

Saturday 20 November 2010

学芸会 {gaku-gei-gai}

the gals' school puts up a school play once every 2 years... and how fortunate they are to have this opportunity to be involved..!

each grade (aka level) puts up a short play... about 20min... and everyone is involved... that's what i especially like about the japanese culture... even the foreign students... they are each given a line... or sometimes more to say on stage...

the gals have been practising a lot at home... they seem to be able to recite the whole play..! it's amazing how much japanese they are spurting now... hubby and i are just so glad that we have placed them in a local public school...

parents were invited to watch the play today... and so... hubby and i went to give them the support...

when i was there... i absolutely understood nothing..! but i learnt a lot... as i observed how the whole play was put together... i cant help but feel that our kids in singapore are just so sheltered... maybe too privileged... to the extent they do not learn other life skills... =P

it was not as organised as the school play that my school put up last year... not so 'kilat'... not so pro... parents did not sit through the 6 plays... they would come jsut before their kid's play... and leave after the curtains close for the play...

even though there were no ushers... everyone seemed to know what to do... parents were telephoned the previous night (via a phone chain)... informing us that photography and video can only be taken at the designated area... marked out right at the back of the hall...

and really... no one... absolutely no one was seen taking a picture... nor videoing in their seats...

oh... did i mention that there were no mics..? yep... even with all the moving about of the parents... we could hear what was going on on stage... not only the children performing knew how to project their voices... discipline off-stage was also amazing...

and as i observed... there was no teacher around to do stuff for the children...

the props were rolled on and off stage... by students... even the spotlights were controlled by the students..! they took turns... if it was not their turn to appear on stage during their play... they would be manning the light...

back at home... we'd probably see the teachers scurrying from place to place to make sure that everything was in order... from ushering to technical stuff...

oh... no projector... nor laptop too... they used mahjong paper... to show what the title of the next play would be...

another amazing thing that struck me was when rachelle's class started to sing the final song... there were abt... maybe 50 children on stage... and they were LOUD..! no mics..! so lively... so happy...

i whispered to hubby... if there were just as many singapore kids up there... you wouldnt hear a thing without a mic...

among other observations... i can see how the students really own the play... how much pride they have... to do their part well... sometimes it's even not their job... they take it upon themselves to ensure that the play goes on smoothly...

so our education system... one of the best in the world..?
well... academically... maybe...

wholistically..? creatively..? life-skills..?
maybe still a long way to go...

Thursday 18 November 2010

desperately in need of a strategy..!

opened my email... and i think i stopped breathing for a while... received an email from my principal..?!?! and she's coming to japan..!?!? *panics*

she is asking for a favour with one of her luggage... which is no problem at all...


what if...

she asks...

'when are you coming back to school?'...

what am i going to say..? i have not told her my plans for next year... and i dun think that it's a good idea to do it face to face... i can almost imagine what she might say...


so should i submit my resignation letter first..? then reply her email to say that i can help her with the luggage..?


help her first... then when we meet... prays that she does not ask me..? *i dun think so*


dun help at all... say not free... *but means i'll be lying*


pray that i'll not be free during that time..?

or what..???


maybe... i'll just help... if she asks... tell it to her straight... and face the music... cos nothing's gonna change right..?

ah... duno la... will not respond to the email first... let me think and sleep over it...

Wednesday 17 November 2010

can't wait till you're 13..?

on and off... i have been receiving requests on FB... requesting me to add them as my friends... many of which were students from the school that i teach in... a few others form church...

and at home... my 10-yr-old has been badgering me for a FB account since dunno when... citing that all her friends have an account except her... blah blah blah... why so-and-so has an account... and why cant she... why so-and-so's mommy allows... but i do not...

hubby and i have chosen to stand firm on this...

according to FB's terms... users have to be at least 13 years old... so in order to create an account for her... i will have to not reveal her real age... in plain words... i will have to lie... ouch... sounds so hard and sinful... but what other way is there to say it..?

anyways... i explained to the gals that besides the 'rule' set by FB... i felt that they are not ready for this... it's too massive... to public... and God knows what their friends... of their friends... of their friends... are sharing on the internet...

but that i'm sure we can train... train them how to be smart on the internet... educating them on the dangers of the internet... and making friends on the internet...

guess the biggest factor is the '13-yr-old' rule... and when she compares herself to her other friend's parents... hubby and i will have to tell it to her nicely... that every family has different rules and priorities... and in OUR family... we recognise that rules are placed in order... sometimes to protect the user...

guess our stand is this... if we 'helped' them get their FB accounts now... by not revealing their real age... we have actually demonstrated to them that rules can be broken... 'exceptions' can be made... all things are permissible...

we hate to think the day they turn 18... and lie to the bouncer at the pub about their age... just to be able to get in... to join their other friends... who had done the same thing...

or lie about their age to get a ticket to watch an adult-rated movie...

the list is endless...

we just wanna teach the gals to respect authority... and submit to what that is laid down... we may look and sound like party-poopers... but it's ok... =P

bro henson talks about this issue: Children on Facebook... on his blog too... and he says it so much better than me..! =)

Tuesday 16 November 2010

minor reno

we've started to think about our journey home... in just another 5 months... we should be home...

discussions with our interior designer has already started... gals wanna have their own bedrooms when they get back... so we're planning to convert the study room into rachelle's bedroom... which needs a bed... study table... and a wardrobe... then new blinds for the whole house... and also a fresh coat of paint...

God's timing is just so good...

just last month... our tenants asked if they could continue to rent our house till june next year... but we couldnt... and we could only have them rent till 28 feb... means that they will have to move out by 1 march...

we were just thinking that we needed some time to clean up the house a little...

then we started toying with the idea of getting a minor reno done... while we are away... just before our return... and since we trusted our ID so much... we decided to drop her an email... basically just to check if she is still with the same company...

to our pleasant surprise... she is still with the same company... and best... she still has our floor plans... which means she could start work immediately if she wants to..!

then we told her what we would like to do... she gave us a time line... said she could start work on site on 1 march... yay..!

which means... when we return... we dun have to experience the agony of looking at the state of our house... just after the tenants move out..! =P

eager to see the plans from our ID..! =)

visitors galore..!

to date...

meeting up with 4 different families... over the next 2 weeks..!

i like... =)

japanese tables

since we started 'home-schooling'... i have been trying... for the longest time... to get joanna to memorise her times table...

each time she comes to a multiplication sum... she'd take a long time to figure out the answer... have tried getting her to sing her tables... which i feel... took her too long... for example... 3 x 7... she'd have to sing from 3... 6... 9... too long...

then just 2 days' ago... i noticed that she was doing her jap school's math homework... and it was on multiplication...

the first sum was... 4 x 7 =... and almost immediately... she wrote 28... i was amazed..! and i asked her how she got her answer...

then she went...
shi-shi-chi... ni-ju-ha... (4...7...28...)

my jaw dropped...

then she took out her chart from school... she has been getting her stickers for being able to get her tables right..!

and she does it all in japanese..!

oh wells... it least it's a faster method..! =P

Monday 15 November 2010

SMS (Part 2)

looks like it's clearing up liao


*jaw dropped*

SMS (Part 1)

looks like it may rain too

oh no... gals got no umbrella

let's pray

found it amusing... so unlike him... =P

a regular weekend

last week's weather was simply fantastic..! cool... breezy... sunshine... you could walk for miles... in your cashmere pullover... high boots... a scarf... and not have a bead of perspiration develop on your face..!

met up with hubby's friend and family on saturday... tsukiji market was uber crowded... challenging... especially moving in a group of 8... which included 2 toddlers under 4yrs...

so we went to roppongi... the kids had loads of fun at the playground... did dinner... 焦がしらめん again..! =P

sunday... overslept and missed church... felt so bad...

so we headed for a buffet lunch at Shakey's Pizza... think we wont eat another pizza... nor pasta... for the next 2 weeks..!

did a little shopping... jeans-hunting for rachelle... is like boots-hunting for me... too difficult... but thank God... when we were about to give up... we found... at Gap... and there was a sale..! 20% plus 15%... another testimony about how our God provides... =)

made chicken curry for dinner... didnt expect it to turn out so spicy... but thankfully i always have 'instant' food in the fridge... so the gals had other stuff... while hubby and i enjoyed the curry...

another week begins...

gotta get the gals back on track for their singapore school's syllabus... have not been actively doing since dad and gang were here... that's a month already..! too long...

gals have been rehearsing their school's play... think they can narrate the entire play already... it's amazing how fluent they are..! cant wait to see them in action this saturday... so proud of them... =)

also looking forward to meet a family from singapore over the weekend... have not met them for years... the last time we met was when rachelle was about 5..!

Friday 12 November 2010

ふぐ (fu-gu)

that's puffer fish...

and we had that for dinner last night... dinner was with our host family... and a couple from singapore... close friends of host family...

gals had sushi... while the adults had a ふぐ dinner... =)

we were first served with a ball of fatty tuna...
and ふぐsashimi... the sashimi was served with some thin spring onions... it tasted a little rubbery... much like eating squid sashimi...

then we had a small plate of sushi each... then a few pieces of cold crab...
followed by ふぐ鍋(fu-gu-na-be)... much like our steamboat...

while we were having the ふぐ鍋... someone mentioned that it was said that eating ふぐ will leave a mild tingling sensation on your tongue... which i felt when i was having the sashimi..! and i thought it was because of the spring onions..! =P

when all the contents in the pot have been eaten... some rice and a beaten egg was added to the soup... to make porridge..! the gals had some... in fact... they had a lot..! haha... they loved it... it was so yummy... not a single drop of soup was wasted..!

then the gals said they'd like to sing a japanese song for all of us... and hubby and i were just so proud of them... where did they find the courage to..? but they did so well... =)

then there was still space for desserts..! ice-cream... and a couple of beers...

glad to have had the opportunity to eat ふぐ... dont think we know how to order... or rather... dared to try eating ふぐon our own... =P

Wednesday 10 November 2010


the gals have been getting out of the house... a few days a week... in the evenings... to play with their friends...

and very often... one of them would return home... with either a skinned knee... or a cut somewhere... they are so used to it now that they can clean their wounds themselves...

in fact... when i was reluctant to grant them permission to play this evening... joanna told me that the teacher said that today's weather was great... and encouraged the children to be playing outdoors... oh wells...

the more i watch them play... the more grateful i am...

this is their childhood... my gals have a childhood... at least one memorable year of it... =P

they remind me of my own childhood... of just playing and hanging around with friends at the void deck... marbles... playground... playing police and thief... hide and seek... cycling... =)


rachelle's back..! and her toe is looking good..! thank God... =)

as soon as she got through the door... she couldnt stop telling joanna and i... all the experiences that she had the past 3 days... showing off the craft she did...

she collected seashells by the shore... and one of the activities was to create a necklace using the shells that she has picked... together with some other materials which she has found... and i thought her pendant was really nice..! a small piece of wood... covered with shells on both sides...

she even picked shells for joanna and myself... i apparently got the nicer ones... =P

then she showed us the pair of chopsticks that she made... on the final day of camp... they were all given bentos... but without chopsticks... so they had to make a pair for themselves... from bamboo... and she went on to describe how she made it...

and she shared that her favourite experience was to be seated... facing a natural waterfall... and having her bento today...

as she looked through her school's webpage... she was able to tell us more about her camp from the photos posted online... yes... her school is very efficient in this area... their webpage is very updated... i know what joanna had for lunch even before she gets home each day... =P

then she went on to share her bedtime experiences... many other experiences... clearly... she had enjoyed herself tremendously...

as i thought about her camp... and all the stuff that she had done... it seemed like our camps of old..! so much fun... so much nature... so little technology involved...

i cannot imagine a camp... in spore... without the use of a laptop... to say the least...

so glad that she has this opportunity... she would definitely not have such an experience in spore..!


he is just so cute... too cute..! =)

just skyped with him... poor kid's running a fever... and so... is at my dad's place... instead of the childcare centre...

he was so talkative..! kept talking and talking... not that i understood all that he had said... but regardless... he is just so adorable...

when i held up my camera phone... and as i told him that i was gonna take a photo of him... he immediately put up a 'peace' sign next to his face..! so kawaii..!

then when i asked him... 'where is 弟弟..?'
he replied... 'ek home'... *impressed*

i asked him... 'where is 婆婆..?'
he replied... 'ek home'... *very impressed*

then i asked him... 'where is daddy..?'
yep... he replied... 'ek home'... *LOL*

everyone is at home to him..!

super cute la he... he is one person... who is making me look forward... to going home in 5 months' time...

stay cute till i come back..! =)

Tuesday 9 November 2010

year-end parties

how i miss throwing parties... especially during this time of year... lots of parties to do... and lots of parties to attend too...

many friends are year-end babies... if you work backwards... it's no wonder... cos these babies would be 'made' around february... the month where love fills the air... =P

anyways... just heard that a friend's throwing a party for their 2 children... asking for magician's contact... then my nephews birthdays are too around the corner...

besides birthdays... there are christmas parties that hubby and i love to host... so much fun... sure it's tiring to host a party... especially when we do not have a helper in the house... imagine the clean-up... but hubby and i were pretty much used to it...

really miss parties... big time...

guess gotta wait another 5 months... joanna's 9th birthday will be our very first party back..! =)

Monday 8 November 2010

mother-daughter time

she is asleep now... looking at her face... i know that she has totally enjoyed her day with me... =P
she has been looking forward to this time... when it's just she and i...

didnt see her get angry today... nor irritated... just very pleasant... even when she wanted to go out to play with her friends... she asked for permission so sweetly... and even with a hug... promising to be home by 6pm...

dinner with her was delightful... she kept on re-telling her day to me... about what happened in school... and she ate so much..! in between mouthfuls... she commented that dinner without 姐姐was so different... the dinner table was quiet...

guess she misses her sister too...

played a couple of marble games with her after dinner... much laughter and silliness... it was all good...

another thing that she was looking forward to... was to be able to sleep with me while hubby and rachelle were away... she went to bed without any complains... and fell asleep rather quickly too...

i love it when i am able to spend one-on-one time with the gals... they are so precious... building memories for them to keep... =)


rachelle was so anxious about her camp... that she was not able to sleep well last night... she came over to my room at about 2am... and tossed and turned in bed till past 3am... glad that she managed to fall back asleep...

woke up before her alarm rang... came and hug me... and greeted me good morning... =)

she has been looking forward to this camp since the day it was announced to them... but just last friday... she skinned her left big toe... and the bleeding was not easy to stop... really prayed very hard for a speedy recovery... cos she had much walking and hiking to do during the camp...

so packed her 2 haversacks... and was ready to go off this morning...

looking at her leave me... for just 3D 2N... i felt a tinge of reluctance within me... as i saw her off at the lift... i thought to myself... my little gal has grown up... she looks so mature... tall... and much slimmer now...

it's the first time she is away from home... not just for 1 night... but 2 nights... how i miss her now...

the house is so much quieter without her singing... dancing... she is seldom quiet for long periods of time...

even joanna commented during dinner... that she felt strange... that dinner is so quiet... just she and i...

praying that rachelle is enjoying her camp much... and for protection too...

thank God with us

me being me... i love to share of our family adventures... and even plans... our ups and downs... and so... even our holidays plans are 'announced' on my blog... =P

it's a struggle some times... whether to share of how God has blessed us openly... or to be discreet about it... and maybe share with only my inner circle of family and friends...

but every time... i will choose to shout it out..! =P

and of course i will get comments... on FB... and blogs... from friends... about how envious they are of us... that we seem to be on this perpetual holiday...

whenever i get such feedback... i go into reflection... have my sharings been boastful..? have my shout-outs been jarring..?

my intent is really to tell the world how much God has given to us... how forever grateful we are... especially on this journey... when it all started with hubby and i not agreeing to bring the whole family along... worrying about finances... anxious about how long we'd have to be living apart...

to now... how God has indeed been faithful... and how He is a more-than-enough God for us...

thank God with us ya..? =)

おひさしぶり (o-hi-sa-shi-bu-ri)

that means long time no see...

ever since my korean neighbour found out that she was pregnant... that's in july... she was not able to hold any food intake... she was constantly nauseous... and puking...

so... our english lessons on thursdays... grocery shopping @ costco... lunching and coffees... together with another korean neighbour... has ceased...

today... we're meeting again..! =)

dunno where we'd be going... but it's just good to be able to see them... and go out with them again... especially now when both rachelle and hubby are not around...

it's been a long 3 months... looking forward..! =P

Friday 5 November 2010

looking forward

hubby returned from school today... and told me which are the days that he is not required to be in school...

and that's like more than a month in all..! =)

so exciting... making our holiday plans now... gonna be spending new year's day out of tokyo... staying over at a jap friend's house... experience first hand how the japs celebrate new year...

4 days prior to that trip... we should be in osaka...

then clubmed sohoro in march... just before we go back to singapore...

in the meantime... looking for short getaways too..! =P

Thursday 4 November 2010

boots and bag

after trying... or should i say... forcing my feet into jap-sized boots... for so many days... i finally was able to put on... not one... but 2 pairs of boots today..!

was looking for a pair of brown ones... cos i have a brown bag... but the brown pair did not look as good as the black pair... the black pair looks more sleek and neat... but i dun have a black bag to match it with... =(

so reluctantly... we walked out of the shop... as we were walking... i was thinking to myself... it's really so difficult for me just to fit into a nice pair of boots here... wad if there were really no other boots that will fit me..? just buy the black one first la... then can go buy a black bag later... =P

and so we did... bought the black pair of boots... happy... =)

then was looking around for a nice black bag... couldnt see anything i like at the mall in roppongi... decided to head home... to another mall near our place... and there i saw what i wanted..! and at the price that i was willing to pay for...

cant wait to wear the boots... and carry the bag on saturday... for an outing..! =P

back to normal

after dad and gang left on sat... hubby's been 'on leave' since... today's the last day before he goes back to school tmrw... =)

it has been just great... spending more time with him... just us... doing lunch... talking walks... shopping... that's his way of appreciating all that i had done for the past 2 weeks...

we've been hunting high and low... for another pair of boots for me... wanting to get a taller leather pair... but it has been just so difficult...

either i have very large feet... or the japs have very little feet...

shoe sizes come in S... M... L... or at some shops... LL... their L is 24.5... and depending on the design and cutting of the shoe... i am at least a 25.5... =(

but it has been fun... trying to squeeze my feet into their boots... feel like cinderella... LOL... =P

at home... the house is put back to normal... bed sheets are now matching... and the dining table back to it's normal position...

hubby's gonna be away at kyoto... from sunday to thursday...
rachelle's gonna be away at camp... from monday to wednesday...

means it'll just be joanna and me... from monday to wednesday...

2 weeks ago... so busy and the house was bustling with activities...
next week... so quiet...

well... not gonna be boring... cos i have got scrapbooking to do..! that reminds me... gotta pick photos to print... =P

then also getting excited to meet up with 3 families from singapore... so nice...

but for now... still busy uploading photos... just 3 more albums to go..! =)

Monday 1 November 2010


for the past 2 weeks... the house was crowded... happy noises were often heard... there were times i wished i had some time to myself...


the gals are asleep... hubby's out for a function...

i've been alone for the past 30mins...
it's more than enough liao... =P


now that the gang is safely back home... i begin my re-adjustments... back to routine...

still in the midst of washing all the bedlinen... returned 2 beds... another sofa bed to return tmrw...

now that the weather's turning cold rather quickly... gotta take out the winter clothes and begin packing the summer clothes...

just when i thought it was time to take it slow... after a full month of activities... i found out that there will be 3 families visiting tokyo in november..! so fun..! =)

planning 3 family trips for our final 5 months here... and also starting the gals on next year's syllabus... cos dun think there's much time for me to teach them once our holidays start...

then gotta start making plans for our return... our house... car... and then packing...

though there seem so much to do... but right now... i really dun feel like doing anything... feel that i totally deserve to 'nuah' a little bit more... =P

Friday 29 October 2010

final night

tonight's the final night that i'll be sleeping on half a single-sized bed... i've been sharing the bed with joanna... and i miss being able to stretch out when i sleep... =P

for the past 14 days... tha gals... hubby and i had been trying to hang our jeans and clothes... on anything that looks like a hook... and a few pieces of garments on one hook...

but it has been fun... really... i'm not saying this cos my dad reads my blog... but really... it has been fun... and i can only hope that they had enjoyed themselves here too...

may not have been the most comfortable 14 nights... but we all adapted very quickly to the small space... and managed well... =)

it has been tiring... i believe for them too...

on a normal day... we spend about 7hrs walking... and sight-seeing... there are days when we were out before the gals went to school... and back only after dinner...

but one thing's for sure... no one has any problem sleeping at night... absolutely no one... =P

it has been a very busy one month for me... very eventful... fruitful... fun..!

for the past 2 weeks... my house was so crowded and busy... but next week... the total opposite...

hubby would be away for a few days in kyoto... and rachelle will be at a 2-night camp with the school... which means that there are 2 nights when it's just joanna and i...

good oso la... i need the time to clean up the house... lots of washing to do... bedlinen... clothes... and then there are 14 days worth of photos to upload...

preparing one final meal for them before they leave tmrw... yakisoba... ingredients all cut and ready to be used...

looking forward to meeting 2 families end of next month..! =)

Monday 25 October 2010

day ten

it's amazing how time can fly... it's day 10 already..!

and it is not as bad as i had imagined it to be... everyone knew how to stagger their shower times and toilet breaks... no major waiting... =)

i must say that it has been tiring... for me at least... =P

but it has been fun for me too... i feel like a tourist... and spending like one too..! *oops*

timing is not the best for hubby though... he was free the week before the group arrived... then these 2 weeks have been totally busy for him... then after the group leaves... he has a week free again... so he only gets to spend the weekends with everyone...

maybe timing is good for me... cos when hubby's busy... i have another 4 persons to keep me company..! LOL...

thank God i did my planning of itinerary... meals... gals' schedule... and all... way ahead... so that i can simply execute the plans... without much thought...

and because we're family... they too help out with the chores... like vacuuming... and washing after meals... in fact... they are already so used to how things are done in this house... that they are preparing their own coffee... tea... breakfast too..! =)

another 4 more days of sight-seeing to go... then i need to recuperate..! haha... =P

Sunday 17 October 2010

day two

by 6am this morning... 6 out of the 8 of us were awake... even before any alarm clock... reason given was that it gets bright very early in the morning... which is so true... by 5am... it is almost looking like 8am in the morning in singapore...

we planned to leave the house at about 9.30am... but since everyone was ready by 8am... we headed out for yokohama earlier...

first stop was chinatown... besides stalls and stalls selling bak pau... there was this interesting 3D theater that looked rather appealing... and so we went for it... and it was so much fun..! especailly for the gals...

there were 3 floors of art to look at... all very interesting...

there isnt really a hole in the ground... it's just a painted picture... but i simply love their facial expressions...

this one is just an optical illusion... it was so cool..! gals had heaps of fun in there...

then we spent the rest of the afternoon... just walking... shopping... sight-seeing in yokohama... and there was an international fair happening there today... so we had lots of food too..! =P

gals had their share of fun too at cosmo world... where they went of rides...

the day ended at the ramen museum in shin-yokohama... which was quite a let down actually... ramen was so-so... nothing fantastic...

but even so... dad and carmen really enjoyed it..! i am so glad cos that... if they enjoyed this so-so ramen tonight... it means that the other 2 places which i will be taking them to... they will definitely enjoy..! =P

all i can hear in this house now... is the sound of ppl all fast asleep... snoring away... LOL

looking forward to tsukiji fish market... and ginza tmrw... followed by a claypot dinner at home... =)

Saturday 16 October 2010

day one

and so they arrived..! yay..! no problem at the customs at all... thank God... i was really worried as they were carrying loads of food for us... =P

and really... the amount of stuff they bought was amazing...

think we have enough supplies to feed not one... but TWO armies..! had to really create space to store all they had brought... all you see is not all there is... there are other plastic bags of bak kwa... and other packets of spices... like bak kut teh... powdered coconut milk...

think my neighbours will love me... i have so much singapore food to share with them..! =)

after they have rested for a while and settled a little... the gals brought them to the nearby Ebisu Garden Place for a walk... so proud of them... they showed them the place... even brought them to the supermarket there too..!

hubby had some time to do his paper... while i took my time to prepare dinner for us...

with only 4 chairs... 1 sofa... 1 swivel chair... and a humble dinning table... we had our first meal together... sukiyaki..!

it was a little squeezy... but it was a good family bonding time together... we talked and ate... and laughed... it was all good...

looking forward to day two... yokohama..!! =)

2 weeks

all set for the coming 2 weeks... it has been fun preparing for their arrival...

house is all prepared...
included 4 extra pillows which i created using towels and winter wear...

groceries all bought...
gonna be preparing all their breakfasts... and 7 dinners...

itinerary finalised...
after several changes... and inclusions... it is ready to be executed...

now hubby's waiting for them at the airport... ingredients for dinner is ready... weather's just great today...

now to pray that we would be able to manage everyone's expectations during these 2 weeks... requires a lot of chin chye-ness from everyone to make this an enjoyable trip for all...

we should do alright... =)

Wednesday 13 October 2010

mini spring cleaning

actually thankful to be hosting in the coming 2 weeks... it's stuff like this that makes me do a little cleaning up just before the guests arrive on saturday...

that is also why we like entertaining when we were back home... it kinda keep us on our toes... that the house is always ready to receive guests...

just nice... after 6 months here... a little cleaning up is needful... not that i have not been cleaning the past 6 months... just that the little corners and shelves... the forgotten spaces... also gets cleaned up... =P

managed to clean the bathtub... shower area... toilets... stove top... the walls surrounding the stove top...

feels good to know that these areas are ready to receive our guests..! =)

groceries and dinners

just did first round of groceries today... hubby's coming along for round 2 tmrw at another supermarket... need manpower... =P

feel so domesticated... i actually enjoy grocery shopping... and going to 3 different marts to get all my stuff... may be tedious to some... but totally fun for me..!

just did a inventory check... and firmed up the dinners for the next 2 weeks...

pasta... claypot rice... yakisoba... oyakodon... katsudon... fried rice... curry rice...

7 dinners in 2 weeks... quite ok la... but the amount of food i have in my fridge just to prepare these 7 dinners... is amazing... think i need another fridge..!

getting very excited... =)

Tuesday 12 October 2010


dad and gang gonna be here in 4 days' time..! so exciting..!

2 BR apartment... 1 toilet... 1 shower... 1 wash basin... 8 persons...
it's gonna be interesting..! as long as everyone knows what to expect... i'm sure it's gonna be a very memorable 2 weeks here..!

after going out with ribena and kayabun... then my cousin and aunt... i'm a little more confident to take the 4 of them out... all by myself..! those of you who know how 'good' i am with directions will be so proud of me..! =P

the 14-day itinerary has been revised... yet again... to include a couple of cool spots and dinning experiences... initially the itinerary had 2 days of free and easy... now they're all filled up... and i have one more spot to squeeze in..!

it's gonna be fun...

i am oso trying to cook dinner for the 8 of us in our humble kitchen... nothing fancy... just simple all-in-one-bowl kind of meals... cos there is just no room for all of us to sit nicely at a table to eat... =P

gonna start grocery shopping tmrw... i already have a long list of things to buy... and then nicely highlighted in 3 different colours... cos i'd be going to 3 different places to get all my groceries..!

since each store sells different things at different prices... i must visit all 3 to get the best buys... so singaporean hor... =P

first stop tmrw... matsuzakaya... just 10-min walk from my place... wednesdays are their discount days... here's where i find cheap chicken meat and veggies... not planning to buy anything heavy here... cos have to carry and walk up a hill...

then off to jusco on thursday... pork and beef are cheaper here... and noodles and some other stuff...

on friday... i'll be doing online shopping... for the bulky and heavy items... like fruit juices... milk... eggs... rice...

delivery will be on saturday... hopefully by the time dad and gang arrive... the stuff would have arrived liao...

i'm all set..!
bring it on..! =)

Sunday 10 October 2010

blessed... to be a blessing...

was a little apprehensive initially... wondering if the gals would be bored... if they would be taken care of... in fact... there were suggestions for me to leave them in singapore while i went to perth with the team...

am really glad that the gals went to perth with me... =)

being as independent as they are... they were really no trouble at all... no complains from them... even when the team had long dinners and lunches... they were able to sit nicely and not show any sign of being bored...

on the contrary... they were so interested in the stories and testimony shared by the other team members... i believe the gals were blessed by their stories too...

gals were with me even when we were ministering... and praying for others...

this made the gals very interested in the gift of tongues... especially rachelle... asking lots of questions about the gift...

during one of the prayer sessions... i asked the gals to pray together with us for a lady... gals laid their hands and prayed... joanna didnt really know wad to do... but rachelle really prayed... after the session i asked her... what did she pray for..? she said... 'i oso dunno... just asked God to heal her of any sickness that she has in her body'... =)

then during one of the dinners... one of our team member shared her testimony and her debut CD... sale of CDs would go into helping in the finances for her mom's treatment... there was no table set up for the sale of the CDs... those who wanted to purchase the CD would have to approach us...

when rachelle had finished her dinner... she asked if she could take the CDs... go table to table to sell them... i was so moved by her gesture... and so... together with joanna... they went round and sold quite a number of CDs that evening..!

think the gals were really moved by the testimony behind the CD... and really wanted to do their part to help... so proud of them..!

i believe that by just travelling around with the gals... we were already a testimony... that ministry can carry on even when the children come...

i am just so proud of the gals... many have praised them for their good behaviour and asked me for parenting secrets... haha... where got secrets... in fact... many ppl think that hubby and i are just too strict some times... oh well... each family is different... depends on what each family's priorities are...

all in all... i think the gals have been blessed much... and also they have been a blessing to some... =)

Thursday 7 October 2010


there were 8 of us in the team... meeting boss at the airport was jus the 2nd time meeting him in person... the first was last sept... all others... just the first time meeting them...

besides boss... gals and myself... we had a oops staff... who looked into the operations of the trip...

then there was boss' sister... whose life inspires me so much... a missionary now in spain...

then we have a gifted worship leader... songwriter... singer... who has jus released her first album... her testimony is so inspiring...

finally joining us at perth... a gifted musician... arranger who helped release the album last month... when i first heard him play on the guitar... my jaw dropped... he is so gifted... the way he plays... i've never seen such talent... so much heart...

many who met us... had the impression that we were a family... maybe cos of the 2 gals...

and really... we felt like a family... the gals hit off so well with musician and songwriter...

it was really fun moving around in a 8-seater car... really felt like family... =)

dinner @ GCC

went to an AOG church for their worker's night... never had that in our church... so was curious what a worker's night was all about...

as we arrived... we thought a wedding was in progress... banquet was all laid out... workers preparing the food... and then i soon learnt that it was in preparation for the worker's night..!

woah... so posh... then we entered the hall... wah... machiam like ballroom...tables were all set... 8 to a table... stage... lights... really like a royal banquet lor...

we led a couple of songs... and dinner commenced... helped ourselves to the spread... gorgeous... and they are all prepared by their own church people..! not catered like back in singapore... they have a F&B ministry... and they were so pro i tell you...

so a worker's night is for the pastors to appreciate their co-labourers... half way through the senior pastor preached a bit... encouraging them to serve... spurring them on... fanning the fire... if i were staff... i'd be so on fire to wanna serve alongside him too..!

it was a lovely evening... didnt feel like ministry at all...

i like going on such ministry trips... when work does not feel like work..! =)

sharing @ FCC

right after our meeting with ritchell... we headed to Faith Community Church... to conduct a worship workshop... i was tasked to share about the character of a worshiper...

though i prepared by reading through the notes... and other books and resources... i was still super nervous...

have not stood in front of a crowd for a very long time...

but thank God... that once i started to share from the heart... it jus came... though nervous... i gave it my all... and the best part of it all... they were all so young... it was like back at home again... with the youths... and jus bearing my heart to them... on worship...

so grateful for the 2 who wrote to me via FB... to say that they were encouraged... and inspired to make their seen and unseen lives the same... thank God...

they are jus a bunch of great people... young... full of potential... love them... =)

meeting with Ritchell

one of main reasons why the gals and i made the trip to perth... was really to meet this soon-to-be 15-yr-old girl...

she's visually impaired shortly after she was born... you can read more about her story and be amazed at how God works in and through her life...

she has already 2 albums... and oops is so happy to be involved in her 3rd album...

as we spent time at her house... recording her new songs for the album... so many times... tears would jus well up in my eyes... standing in awe of God... how this girl is able to 'see' what many christians cannot see...

the songs that she writes are so pure and simple... singing of an intimate relationship she has with the Lord...

the stories that her mother shared were nothing short of miracles... how through her... many... including her parents... came to know the Lord... amazing...

cant wait for her album to be produced next year... her story will touch many... i am sure... many will come to know the Lord through her...

she's gonna be in singapore next year... should be around the time i get back too... cant wait to chaperon her... and minister alongside her...

it's gonna be amazing... i jus know it... =)

glorious food

we ate like every 2 hrs...
here is our food dairy...

first stop after we landed... headed for a seafood dinner at long beach @ kallang... 2 tables... about 20 of us... 9-course set meal... think my cousin and i ordered too much... there were so much left overs..! =p

next morning breakfast... my very first sip of kopi siew dai..! indescribable..!

gals had morning fried noodles with luncheon meat... egg... taiwan sausage... dad and i had mee siam and mee rebus... then rachelle continued to have an egg prata...

lunch was at bishan... jus 2 hours later... haha...

we had chicken rice... added some duck meat... shio bak... char siew... chicken feet... innards... dark soy sauce... chilli sauce... the works..!
visited my in-laws... just 2 hrs after lunch... had mooncakes... gals had their favourite indomie... mee goreng with egg... just how they like it to be done by 爷爷... we also had lotus soup... ooohh... how i miss double-boiled soups...

oh... did i mention... in between... we had macdonald's nuggets and fries too..? =P

ending the day with dinner at humble coffee shop... actually... that's the best place to eat..! had fish head curry... prok rib king... sambal tapioca leaves... yumz to the max..! =P

then gals and i headed for perth...

summary of all the good food we had there... hor fun... hokkien mee... salted fish fried rice... posh dinner at frasers... where we had steaks and seafood... amazing banquet dinner at a church... followed by world's best fish and chips... clam chowder... nasi lemak... malaysia fried kway teow...
then in that short 8hrs back in singapore...

we had duck rice... black and white carrot cake... minced pork mee pok with lots of vinegar... more kopi siew dai... then breakfast at killiney... nasi lemak... wanton noodle... kaya toast... half boiled eggs...

BURP..! =P

Tuesday 28 September 2010


in less than 18hrs... gals and i will be back..!

cant wait..! =)

Monday 27 September 2010

latch-key for a day

will be going to the gotemba premium outlets with wen and mark tmrw... both hubby and i will be leaving the house before the gals do...

they will lock up and go to school together... and come back together... when back... they are to call me using the guard's phone to let me know that they are home...

when home... they have a schedule to follow... when to bathe... homework and stuff...

dinner has been prepared... taught hubby how to warm up the curry... while the rice will be timed to be ready at 6pm for them...

praying protection over them... =)

packing day

i am to pack today... it's almost 4pm... and my luggage is still in the store room... =P

but... i have been busy... busy food planning...

as i will be going shopping with wen and mark tmrw... i need to think of the gals' and hubby's dinner... and also that i will not be home to cook for hubby for the next 5 days... i prepared one batch of 糯米饭 to be stored in the fridge... so that he can warm it up for breakfast... or anytime he is hungry... especially in the nights...

right now... i am steaming the 糯米饭... then i'll prepare tonight's dinner... after dinner... i can start cooking tmrw night's dinner for the 3 of them...

planned to cook curry rice... put in the fridge... single serve... gals are capable of warming up food... so they can help themselves to dinner when they are hungry...

so before i leave tmrw morning... i'll start the rice cooker... set it to complete cooking rice at 6pm... so clever is my rice cooker... =)

think i'll finally get to pack when hubby is at home... he is the packer... i need him to be around... i will just take out what we need... and let the expert place everything nicely into the luggages... =P

Weekend With Wen

we finally met in tokyo..! =)

met up at roppongi... and decided to go with her planner's recommendation of black ramen... it was not easy locating the shop... but we found it... and it was worth it..!

it's actually the last shop at the end of the street... we were about to turn back... and probably thinking of what to have for dinner... but when we double checked the address... we realised that we were standing right in front of the shop..!

the adults ordered their famous 'black ramen'... which actually is called Kogashi Ramen... you could choose a shoyu (soy sauce) or a miso soup base... amongst the 4 of us... we had both types...

when our food came... it didnt look at all appetising... it smelt only of shoyu... a little apprehensive to take the first sip actually...

but when we did... woah... it was so good..! so yummy..! so fragrant..! actually... indescribable..!

we finished every single drop of soup in our bowls... *slurp*

then we headed for a nearby park... happy to note that oktoberfest was still going on there... and we had a great time jus talking... eating and drinking... and taking in the great weather that night...

we had the next day all planned out... starting with a visit to the hair salon...

wen had loved how my hair looked... and we made an appointment jus before we had our black ramen... =P

at the hair salon... she was extremely pleased and happy with the services rendered her... and of course... how her hair was cut... jus the way she wanted it to be...

then from harajuku... we headed to omotesando... and had ramen again..! =P

this time... ramen served in a hot stone bowl... great in such a cool weather..! it was delicious... rachelle just couldnt telling us how good the ramen was...

we just did a lot of walking yesterday... from harajuku... to omotesando... to shibuya... then a train to shinjuku to buy some bus and train tickets... then ending the day at tsukishima...

went to have monjayaki again... gals totally enjoyed the dinner... especially when they were given the responsibility to cook one of the dishes of us... though wen and i had the most horrid drink... dinner was fun and good...

after dinner... we wanted to look for some confectionery that sold some buns... which looked like large por lor bun... earlier... a few gals walked past us and were each carrying a green bag with the bun in it... raving how good it was...

the shop was just a couple of shops away...

didnt think too much of it initially... so we just bought one to try... and we ended up buying another 4 more..! =P

it's called a melon bun... crispy and sweet on the outside... moist and fluffy on the inside... yumz..! it was really sooo gooood..!

happy and satisfied... we all got home... really tired from the 12hrs out... but i must say one thing about my gals... they were FANTASTIC too... not a single whine from them... =)

going with wen and mark tmrw to some premium outlets... means shopping..!
looking forward...! =)

Friday 24 September 2010

new colour

when i said that i was nervous about today's visit to the hair salon... i really meant it...

for almost 18yrs... other than my hair stylist... no one else had laid their hands on my hair... either to cut... or colour... so being here... and not speaking the language... is really scary...

thank God i had my host with me... so i explained to her how i would like my hair done... keeping the length cos i wanted to wear my hair long... dun like that it is so messy and thick... wanted it layered... thinned... and i oso wanted to colour my hair... not one colour... but highlights in my hair...

but by looking at her facial expression... i knew that she didnt understand me 100%...

anyways... she then told the hair stylist wad i had wanted... and all i could do was to trust that my hair will turn out ok... *fingers crossed*

first step was to choose a colour for my hair... after spending some time understanding each other... about base colour and highlight colour... instead of the usual browns and reds... she suggested something different for me... a colour from the green family... =P

it looked ok on the sample... and so i said ok...

unlike the process in spore... where they jus apply the cream... wait 20min... wash... and there... done...

here... it took a total of 3 persons... using more than twice the amount of cream compared to spore... over 2hrs... being left alone for 5min at most... using at least 2 machines... the colouring was finally completed...

by then... i needed the loo urgently...

as i entered the loo... and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror... i liked wad i saw... the colour was nice..! =)

wad followed after was the trimming part... almost similar techniques were used...

but the end result was great..! i loved the way my hair looked... definitely much neater than before... my host said i looked younger too..! =P

and cos my host and the hair stylist's parents are friends... we enjoyed a 50% discount...! which meant that i had saved a lot more money by doing my hair here..!

made me happy the whole of today... =)

Thursday 23 September 2010


doing my hair tmrw... going out with ribena and kayabun sat and sun... then doing my nails on monday... go outlet shopping on tues with ribena and kayabun...

and off we fly to spore... then to perth...

many friends would think that i am dolling myself up for the return trip and perth... actually... it's all jus good timing... =)

i had planned to do something about this untidy mop of hair when i am back in spore... but then... my host family had asked if she and i could go to a hair salon together... she'd take me... maybe my hair so in such a terrible state that she had to ask..! =P

anyways... i agreed... esp when japan seemed to be so advance in this field... have heard ppl rave about how good the cut is in japan... and also that a japanese is taking me... and shop belongs to her friend's daughter... why not..? =)

as for the nails... have always liked painted nails... if not for the fact that i have to cook and wash everyday here... i'd be spotted with different coloured nails each week..!

so having the luxury of not having to cook and wash for a whole week... i decided that i should pamper myself to a manicure...

dun think that i only prepare physically and logistically for the trip... i oso prepare spiritually and mentally hor...

actually that's the most exciting part... =)

initially was required to share my sermon that i used 2 years back on worship... and oso at a women's cell... then it changed to sharing about how a worship team should work together...

i got really excited to do the 'team' sharing... cos i had so much to share... and it was a practical topic... and it was about dealing with people... my favourite topic to talk about...

then 2 days ago... some changes in the plan... now i have to talk about the heart of worship... the character of a worshiper... and wad was so amazing was... i had earlier started out reading a new book by Andy Park... on cultivating the heart of a worship leader...

so when i received the topic... i was thrilled..! not only do i have notes... now i have a book to glean from..! how good is God..?!?! =)

really looking forward to teaching... sharing and leading again... it's been a long while... but i thank God that He has initially put this desire of wanting to learn more in me since a few months back... that's when i embarked on an online worship conference...

and all that i have learnt from the conference... kept me passionate about worship... and now this... i am jus amazed at how God works...

cant wait to meet the team from Oops... and minister together with them..! =)


just yesterday... we were complaining how hot it was... had to switch on the air-conditioning in the house... and we had ざるそば... cold soba...

yesterday's high was 32deg... low was maybe 26deg...

then weather forecast revealed that today would be a high of 26deg... no one believed... not even i... how possible..? a drop of 6deg..? ridiculous... shouldnt it go down gradually..?

and the weather forecast was correct... we woke up feeling the chills...

for the rest of today... the highest temp recorded was 23deg... that's a drop of 9deg from yesterday's highest..!

it's 18deg now... raining... and the real feel is 13deg...

now i truly understand the phrase... as unpredictable as the weather...

but i am enjoying the cooler weather now... =)

Monday 20 September 2010

new song

during church service last sunday... i felt inspired to write a new song... a song that tells God's faithfulness... to our family... in this one year... here in japan...

we actually have an amazing story to tell... from how we couldnt agree on bringing the entire family here... to agreeing... to renting out our place... to uprooting the family to be away from home... into a year of rest... a year of blessings...

then i thought to myself... actually... there is already a song that speaks of how i am feeling... it's 'more than' by hillsong... but i wasnt satisfied... cos it isnt MY song...

i have never written a song... poems maybe... but not a song...

the more i thought... the more daunting the task seemed to be... i do not play any instrument... except the tambourine... so getting the melody is gonna be a huge task...of course i could jus sing it into a recorder... but then... i'd need someone to translate it into a score sheet for me...

guess like wad a friend said... i jus need to take the first step... guess i had better begin to worship a song out from me... out from the gratitude of my heart... let my soul sing..! =)

Thursday 16 September 2010

so loved... so blessed...

wondered if i should blog this... of fear that others may read it as pride... or even boastful...

but really... i wanna boast... of how the Lord has shown his love for us... and how he has blessed us with family and friends...

being superbly excited over our 1 day stay over before heading to perth... i shouted it out to the world (aka FB)... of our return to sunny island...

in order to get the most out of our 24hr stop over... i needed an itinerary... yes... that's me... i needed a run sheet... a schedule... =P

as i was planning the itinerary... which is already very packed with lots of errands... like visit to the hairdresser's... supermarket... clothes... shoes... pick up laptop... requests to meet up kept popping in...

asking for coffee together... dinner... lunch... one even offered to cook us chicken curry... and when i told him that we were on a very tight schedule... he said 'jus come and pick up'... *melt*

but one by one i had to turn down... if i had the luxury of time... i would gladly meet all of them... really... i miss them so much...

then jus last week... my aunts and grandma said they want to meet up for dinner... i have time only 2 dinners in spore... and i have already made plans where to eat and what to eat for the 2 dinners...

but you cant say 'no' to your grandma rite... so we are having dinner together... at a seafood restaurant... really wasnt keen on having a restaurant dinner... had wanted stuff like zhi char... or hawker centre kind... but cant do that... cos there will be 20 of us at the dinner... =P

my in-laws have been asking when is our return... wad flight... wad time flight... i have the idea that they wanna come receive us... but that would mean more logistics we planned that we'll visit the next day at their house instead... but had requested that they dun cook... as we needed to run some more errands after the visitation...

but i believe they will make something for us... especially for the gals... you jus cant stop them from loving us... =)

many others have asked to meet up... to catch up... but really... i am already planning to the minutes...

the most touching of all... was that i jus learnt from dad that bro and sis-in-law will be taking leave jus to be with us... and when i asked about SIL's 3 month probation at new job..? dad told me that she said 'the most take no pay leave lor'...

wah... that really swept me off my feet...

feeling immensely loved... and so blessed... =)