Thursday 7 October 2010

meeting with Ritchell

one of main reasons why the gals and i made the trip to perth... was really to meet this soon-to-be 15-yr-old girl...

she's visually impaired shortly after she was born... you can read more about her story and be amazed at how God works in and through her life...

she has already 2 albums... and oops is so happy to be involved in her 3rd album...

as we spent time at her house... recording her new songs for the album... so many times... tears would jus well up in my eyes... standing in awe of God... how this girl is able to 'see' what many christians cannot see...

the songs that she writes are so pure and simple... singing of an intimate relationship she has with the Lord...

the stories that her mother shared were nothing short of miracles... how through her... many... including her parents... came to know the Lord... amazing...

cant wait for her album to be produced next year... her story will touch many... i am sure... many will come to know the Lord through her...

she's gonna be in singapore next year... should be around the time i get back too... cant wait to chaperon her... and minister alongside her...

it's gonna be amazing... i jus know it... =)

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