Sunday 10 October 2010

blessed... to be a blessing...

was a little apprehensive initially... wondering if the gals would be bored... if they would be taken care of... in fact... there were suggestions for me to leave them in singapore while i went to perth with the team...

am really glad that the gals went to perth with me... =)

being as independent as they are... they were really no trouble at all... no complains from them... even when the team had long dinners and lunches... they were able to sit nicely and not show any sign of being bored...

on the contrary... they were so interested in the stories and testimony shared by the other team members... i believe the gals were blessed by their stories too...

gals were with me even when we were ministering... and praying for others...

this made the gals very interested in the gift of tongues... especially rachelle... asking lots of questions about the gift...

during one of the prayer sessions... i asked the gals to pray together with us for a lady... gals laid their hands and prayed... joanna didnt really know wad to do... but rachelle really prayed... after the session i asked her... what did she pray for..? she said... 'i oso dunno... just asked God to heal her of any sickness that she has in her body'... =)

then during one of the dinners... one of our team member shared her testimony and her debut CD... sale of CDs would go into helping in the finances for her mom's treatment... there was no table set up for the sale of the CDs... those who wanted to purchase the CD would have to approach us...

when rachelle had finished her dinner... she asked if she could take the CDs... go table to table to sell them... i was so moved by her gesture... and so... together with joanna... they went round and sold quite a number of CDs that evening..!

think the gals were really moved by the testimony behind the CD... and really wanted to do their part to help... so proud of them..!

i believe that by just travelling around with the gals... we were already a testimony... that ministry can carry on even when the children come...

i am just so proud of the gals... many have praised them for their good behaviour and asked me for parenting secrets... haha... where got secrets... in fact... many ppl think that hubby and i are just too strict some times... oh well... each family is different... depends on what each family's priorities are...

all in all... i think the gals have been blessed much... and also they have been a blessing to some... =)

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