Monday 25 October 2010

day ten

it's amazing how time can fly... it's day 10 already..!

and it is not as bad as i had imagined it to be... everyone knew how to stagger their shower times and toilet breaks... no major waiting... =)

i must say that it has been tiring... for me at least... =P

but it has been fun for me too... i feel like a tourist... and spending like one too..! *oops*

timing is not the best for hubby though... he was free the week before the group arrived... then these 2 weeks have been totally busy for him... then after the group leaves... he has a week free again... so he only gets to spend the weekends with everyone...

maybe timing is good for me... cos when hubby's busy... i have another 4 persons to keep me company..! LOL...

thank God i did my planning of itinerary... meals... gals' schedule... and all... way ahead... so that i can simply execute the plans... without much thought...

and because we're family... they too help out with the chores... like vacuuming... and washing after meals... in fact... they are already so used to how things are done in this house... that they are preparing their own coffee... tea... breakfast too..! =)

another 4 more days of sight-seeing to go... then i need to recuperate..! haha... =P

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