Thursday 16 September 2010

so loved... so blessed...

wondered if i should blog this... of fear that others may read it as pride... or even boastful...

but really... i wanna boast... of how the Lord has shown his love for us... and how he has blessed us with family and friends...

being superbly excited over our 1 day stay over before heading to perth... i shouted it out to the world (aka FB)... of our return to sunny island...

in order to get the most out of our 24hr stop over... i needed an itinerary... yes... that's me... i needed a run sheet... a schedule... =P

as i was planning the itinerary... which is already very packed with lots of errands... like visit to the hairdresser's... supermarket... clothes... shoes... pick up laptop... requests to meet up kept popping in...

asking for coffee together... dinner... lunch... one even offered to cook us chicken curry... and when i told him that we were on a very tight schedule... he said 'jus come and pick up'... *melt*

but one by one i had to turn down... if i had the luxury of time... i would gladly meet all of them... really... i miss them so much...

then jus last week... my aunts and grandma said they want to meet up for dinner... i have time only 2 dinners in spore... and i have already made plans where to eat and what to eat for the 2 dinners...

but you cant say 'no' to your grandma rite... so we are having dinner together... at a seafood restaurant... really wasnt keen on having a restaurant dinner... had wanted stuff like zhi char... or hawker centre kind... but cant do that... cos there will be 20 of us at the dinner... =P

my in-laws have been asking when is our return... wad flight... wad time flight... i have the idea that they wanna come receive us... but that would mean more logistics we planned that we'll visit the next day at their house instead... but had requested that they dun cook... as we needed to run some more errands after the visitation...

but i believe they will make something for us... especially for the gals... you jus cant stop them from loving us... =)

many others have asked to meet up... to catch up... but really... i am already planning to the minutes...

the most touching of all... was that i jus learnt from dad that bro and sis-in-law will be taking leave jus to be with us... and when i asked about SIL's 3 month probation at new job..? dad told me that she said 'the most take no pay leave lor'...

wah... that really swept me off my feet...

feeling immensely loved... and so blessed... =)

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