Monday 20 September 2010

new song

during church service last sunday... i felt inspired to write a new song... a song that tells God's faithfulness... to our family... in this one year... here in japan...

we actually have an amazing story to tell... from how we couldnt agree on bringing the entire family here... to agreeing... to renting out our place... to uprooting the family to be away from home... into a year of rest... a year of blessings...

then i thought to myself... actually... there is already a song that speaks of how i am feeling... it's 'more than' by hillsong... but i wasnt satisfied... cos it isnt MY song...

i have never written a song... poems maybe... but not a song...

the more i thought... the more daunting the task seemed to be... i do not play any instrument... except the tambourine... so getting the melody is gonna be a huge task...of course i could jus sing it into a recorder... but then... i'd need someone to translate it into a score sheet for me...

guess like wad a friend said... i jus need to take the first step... guess i had better begin to worship a song out from me... out from the gratitude of my heart... let my soul sing..! =)

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