Wednesday 8 September 2010


1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter: friends of the Boston Symphony.
3. a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile.
4. a member of the same nation, party, etc.

was jus thinking about the topic... being away from home... your family is all you have physically... makes me realise... not that i did not know already... but come to a realisation... that there are in fact many different types of acquaintances... but all commonly know as 'friends'...

since today is rainy... after so long... i'll jus use the seasons to describe some of the people who are in my life right now...

like spring flowers... they cheer when they are in bloom... people actually yearn for spring to come... especially in the cold of winter... but these flowers will soon wither when the heat of summer begins to be felt...

these people are like the spring flowers... colourful... cheerful... by jus being with them... makes you happy already... you look forward to meeting them when you feel lousy... or jus need someone to talk to...

but the down side of this is... they are rather temperamental... their cheerfulness does not last long... so you gotta know when to approach them... and when to stay away...

hot... hot... hot..! an occasional rain is always appreciated in summer... but when it comes to doing the laundry... i jus love summer... the clothes dry to a crisp quickly... and you can do more than 2 loads in a day..!

passionate people fall into this category... they seem to have boundless energy... everything they do is always exciting... and it gets the people around them all motivated to jump onto the band-wagon too...

when i am feeling lethargic... i love being near these people... they jus seem to have the power to energise you... jus seem to be able to rub off that extra zest onto you...

but summer burns too...

sometimes a period of time away from them is appreciated... to recuperate... cos you simply cannot catch up with them...

ah... autumn... something i am so looking froward to now...

this season seems the most calming... when leaves turn orange... and the weather's cool... not too warm... and not cold yet... jus right... a time when long walks are really pleasant... outdoors are great...

calm is the greatest characteristic of such people... the world may be in a rush... but these people take everything in their own stride... they are not frazzled with unforeseen circumstances...

i love sharing my problems with such people... they make you feel that the problem can be solved... it can be conquered... it's no the end of the world yet... there is hope... jus relax...

but sometimes... they can make your problem look so small... that you feel plain silly worrying over it... and that it's like they dun understand what you are going through... every problem to them is small...

and it's more frustrating when they bring 'God' into the conversation... not that it is no good... jus that it's not the right time... of course God knows all... and all things will be made beautiful in his time... we know that... but at the moment... a quiet listening ear gives more comfort than words...

a season that almost everyone would like to least once... the beauty of snow... the pretty clothes... the boots...

people here are like celebs... i have friends who are famous in their own rights... would really love to spend some time with them... that is if they have the time for you in their busy schedule...

and if you are able to meet that person... more time naturally would be spent on deciding what to wear... knowing that you dun get to do this much... so had better leave a pleasant impression...

then when you really do meet... conversations are superficial... nothing deep... nothing close to the heart... maybe jus reminiscing the past shared together... a good laugh over ourselves... and that's about it... till the next time you meet again...

only have a couple of friends who are like this... and i count myself privileged... =)

besides my family... these are the people in my life that matters the most... we are not in contact all the time... not even on a regular basis... but you jus know that they are there for you all the time... regardless of time... regardless of weather...

when you run to them... either to share good news... or bad... they are always there to share your joys... half your sorrows... and make your load feel a little lighter...

i feel secure with these people... cos i know they love me for who i am... they dun judge me... they jus love me...

these people know how to give space too... they dun intrude... when you are not ready to share... they jus wait patiently for you... standing by...

these are also the ones who will tell you exactly what they think of you... not what you want to hear them say of you... they are not afraid to tell you when you are wrong...

the relationship i share with such people is almost magical... a tad bit scary sometimes... cos we seem to be able to tell what each other will say next... even before the other party speaks... it's like telepathy...

so many different types... jus so that life is that much more interesting... and exciting... =)

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