Wednesday 17 November 2010

can't wait till you're 13..?

on and off... i have been receiving requests on FB... requesting me to add them as my friends... many of which were students from the school that i teach in... a few others form church...

and at home... my 10-yr-old has been badgering me for a FB account since dunno when... citing that all her friends have an account except her... blah blah blah... why so-and-so has an account... and why cant she... why so-and-so's mommy allows... but i do not...

hubby and i have chosen to stand firm on this...

according to FB's terms... users have to be at least 13 years old... so in order to create an account for her... i will have to not reveal her real age... in plain words... i will have to lie... ouch... sounds so hard and sinful... but what other way is there to say it..?

anyways... i explained to the gals that besides the 'rule' set by FB... i felt that they are not ready for this... it's too massive... to public... and God knows what their friends... of their friends... of their friends... are sharing on the internet...

but that i'm sure we can train... train them how to be smart on the internet... educating them on the dangers of the internet... and making friends on the internet...

guess the biggest factor is the '13-yr-old' rule... and when she compares herself to her other friend's parents... hubby and i will have to tell it to her nicely... that every family has different rules and priorities... and in OUR family... we recognise that rules are placed in order... sometimes to protect the user...

guess our stand is this... if we 'helped' them get their FB accounts now... by not revealing their real age... we have actually demonstrated to them that rules can be broken... 'exceptions' can be made... all things are permissible...

we hate to think the day they turn 18... and lie to the bouncer at the pub about their age... just to be able to get in... to join their other friends... who had done the same thing...

or lie about their age to get a ticket to watch an adult-rated movie...

the list is endless...

we just wanna teach the gals to respect authority... and submit to what that is laid down... we may look and sound like party-poopers... but it's ok... =P

bro henson talks about this issue: Children on Facebook... on his blog too... and he says it so much better than me..! =)

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