Tuesday 16 November 2010

japanese tables

since we started 'home-schooling'... i have been trying... for the longest time... to get joanna to memorise her times table...

each time she comes to a multiplication sum... she'd take a long time to figure out the answer... have tried getting her to sing her tables... which i feel... took her too long... for example... 3 x 7... she'd have to sing from 3... 6... 9... too long...

then just 2 days' ago... i noticed that she was doing her jap school's math homework... and it was on multiplication...

the first sum was... 4 x 7 =... and almost immediately... she wrote 28... i was amazed..! and i asked her how she got her answer...

then she went...
shi-shi-chi... ni-ju-ha... (4...7...28...)

my jaw dropped...

then she took out her chart from school... she has been getting her stickers for being able to get her tables right..!

and she does it all in japanese..!

oh wells... it least it's a faster method..! =P

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