Thursday 4 November 2010

boots and bag

after trying... or should i say... forcing my feet into jap-sized boots... for so many days... i finally was able to put on... not one... but 2 pairs of boots today..!

was looking for a pair of brown ones... cos i have a brown bag... but the brown pair did not look as good as the black pair... the black pair looks more sleek and neat... but i dun have a black bag to match it with... =(

so reluctantly... we walked out of the shop... as we were walking... i was thinking to myself... it's really so difficult for me just to fit into a nice pair of boots here... wad if there were really no other boots that will fit me..? just buy the black one first la... then can go buy a black bag later... =P

and so we did... bought the black pair of boots... happy... =)

then was looking around for a nice black bag... couldnt see anything i like at the mall in roppongi... decided to head home... to another mall near our place... and there i saw what i wanted..! and at the price that i was willing to pay for...

cant wait to wear the boots... and carry the bag on saturday... for an outing..! =P

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