Friday 28 January 2011

pineapple tarts

Browsing foodblogs is my latest hobby for now. So as I was browsing last night, I remembered I had once tagged a recipe for pineapple tarts as one of my favourite webpages.

The more I compared that recipe with a few others, the one I had really looked easy and do-able. But still, dared not try as I have heard how tedious it is to make pineapple tarts from scratch.

This morning, I found the passion to want to bake them! I mean, already there is no CNY mood here, let's make some pineapple tarts! What is CNY without them! And I love those with the filling on the iside ones, rather than those sitting on the pastry type.

So I layered myself up (yes, it was a really cold day today, 3 layers at least), and marched to the nearest supermarket. Actually not too sure if I was able to find the ingredients that the recipe calls for.

I was most happy to find all that I needed at the supermarket. Even though a usual can of pineapples would cost a third of the price back home.

As I walked home, I was already thinking how I should be blogging about this. i was really so excited about this. I was so determined to make this work. =P

Borrowed a food processor from my neighbour and bravely, I started baking!

Actually, the most daunting part of making these tarts is preparing the pineapple filling. These are readily available in Singapore. The recipe cheated, and used canned pineapples instead of fresh ones for the filling. And it was super easy! Just canned pineapples and sugar! Not only did it turn out perfect, it tasted great too!

While I let the filling cool, I started to make the pastry dough. I was surprised how easy and nice the dough turned out to be. Very mellable and yet did not stick to the hand.

The recipe states that it would yield 24 tarts. But I thought it was too big and I wanted more tarts so that I dont have to do this again. So, with Joanna's help, we divided the dough and filling into 30 portions.

Joanna was quite good at shaping the tarts and she managed to do 7. Not too bad I thought. And she helped glaze the tarts with egg yolk just before we put them into the oven.

Really had no idea how the tarts were gonna turn out.

After about 30min, the house was smelling so nice and it was time to take them out from the oven.

I was so impressed with how they looked, nice and lightly browned. =)

Then there was the taste test. Joanna and I shared one, and it was awesome! Wished we could eat more but too precious. After tasting one, that means we only have 29 left. And we have another 6 more days to CNY. =P

The pastry was so crumbly, firm enough to be held. Once in the mouth, it seems to melt! Even hubby said it is nice, and he is not a fan of pineapple tarts.

Happy. =)

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