Wednesday 26 January 2011

bicycle 1

Joanna had for the longest time procrastinated learning to ride a bicycle. She said she was afraid of falling. But the funny thing is this gal can already ride a unicycle!

Last Sunday, she suddenly asked me to go down with her cos she wanted to learn how to ride a bicycle. So I did. In the cold winter wind blowing on my face and without my gloves, I was freezing!

Thank God hubby came home soon after and took over the coaching job. =P

Joanna was fast. Hubby did not really hold onto her bike for long periods. She was already balancing herself on the bike, just that she was not able to do the turns just yet.

On Monday, she requested to go practice on the bicycle with a neighbour. After about 15min, she came running through the door, declaring that she can cycle! =)

And since, she has been riding during her free time.

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