Tuesday 25 January 2011

manage expectations

We have trying to help the gals manage their expectations when it comes to school back in Singapore. Telling them that they are most likely to be placed in an average class and may not be in the same class as their friends.

Since the beginning of the school year, I thought that it might be good to find out what classes the gals are going to and also to get the Scheme of Work (SOW) for their subjects.

Gals will miss the whole of term 1 and 1st week of term 2.

After writing about 4 emails to the gals' school in Singapore, I finally got a reply from them. (That's because I cc-ed all HODs on the last email.)

Rachelle's going to 5A and Joanna to 3A.

When I told this to them, their responses were so different. Rachelle was elated to be in the same class again with most of her P4 classmates. While Joanna remarked, 'Huh?! Means must study very hard leh!'

Both classes are top classes in the respective levels.

Frankly, I am worried, especially for their Chinese Language and composition writing. And after looking at their SOWs to see what we need to catch up for this year, I am even more anxious.

Gals are returning in term 2 week 2.
Topical Assessments and Oral Exams start in week 4.
Semestral Assessment 1 starts in week 8.

Told hubby that we too, need to manage our expectations. We know that our gals will work hard even if we dont tell them to. But we need to prepare them mentally that their SA1 results may not be what they used to get in previous years.

Really hope that they do not put too much pressure on themselves to excel, but to take time to get re-adjusted back to the Singapore school system.

Besides managing the gals' and our own expectations, we need to also manage that of the teachers'. Gonna write them an email soon.

We'll just have to do what we can here and not be anxious.
Pray with us. =)

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