Thursday 20 January 2011


Received a message from an ex-colleague on FB. She has also resigned as a teacher and is currently working with an educational publishing company.

The company is looking for voices to record their listening texts. She was so excited about the project that she told her project leader that she has a friend who has a DJ voice.

So flattered ah.

Of course I jumped at the opportunity to try this out. I have to record me reading a comprehension text and email her. She will then give it to her boss to see if i make the cut.

Then there was this other issue about timing. It all happens so nicely that if I made it, recordings will only happen end March! That's when we return to Singapore! =)

She asked to quote them a price, a payment, per hour.

I absolutely have no clue. So that was what I told her. Then she asked me to take as a gauge, the company is paying someone, with experience, $200/hr.


Let's see how it goes la. See if I am what they are looking for first, before we talk money. =P

I am so looking forward to this.
This is so fun!

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