Monday 31 January 2011

last day of january

Time flies. It'll be February tomorrow. That means we'd be home in just about 2 months.

So are we excited?

Well, kinda.

Family and church make me wanna be home.

I miss the boys. I miss watching them grow up, learn new stuff. I miss going out after church with family. I miss celebrating all their birthdays. I miss extended mealtimes with family, especially now that CNY is just around the corner.

I miss my church. Attending church here is just different. Yes, same God, but the church is different. We literally have to drag ourselves to church every Sunday. And if we succeed in dragging ourselves there, we're off once the service is over. No connection. No friends.

The Singapore education system is the only thing we are not looking forward to going back to. The stress levels. The expectations. The exams, spellings, tests and projects.

It seems like just yesterday we unpacked our boxes. And it's just about time for us to be packing our boxes again.

I know these 8 weeks are just gone zoom by. But we are definitely gonna make the best of whatever days left here.

Another thing I know is that I may not have that much time to cook and bake when I get back. That's why I have been baking and knitting/crocheting so much lately.

It's gonna be an awesome 2 months! =)

Sunday 30 January 2011


After much anticipation, it finally snowed this afternoon!

It was very cold the day before, thought that it would snow. But the sun came out just before noon, and no signs of snow.

Continued to be chilly today.

Gals and I went out for a short while and were back about 2pm. Then gals decided to play outside while I vacuumed the floor.

While vacuuming, I faintly heard some shouting. Switched off the machine and realised that Rachelle was yelling for me from downstairs.

When I reached the veranda, she was no longer there. Then I noticed some stuff floating in the air. Reminded me of 7th month festivities, the ashes flying everywhere. So I quickly entered the house and shut the windows, worried that they will fly into the house and dirty my newly vacuumed floors.

Then I thought to myself, no burning of incense here what? How can that be ashes? Then it dawned upon me that it was actually snow!

I went out again, and yes, indeed it was snowing! =)

Quickly went downstairs to join the gals. It was freezing, but it was so fun standing in the snow.

It snowed for just about an hour before the sun shone through the clouds again, and melted whatever little snowfall there was.

A pretty sight! =)

Friday 28 January 2011

pineapple tarts

Browsing foodblogs is my latest hobby for now. So as I was browsing last night, I remembered I had once tagged a recipe for pineapple tarts as one of my favourite webpages.

The more I compared that recipe with a few others, the one I had really looked easy and do-able. But still, dared not try as I have heard how tedious it is to make pineapple tarts from scratch.

This morning, I found the passion to want to bake them! I mean, already there is no CNY mood here, let's make some pineapple tarts! What is CNY without them! And I love those with the filling on the iside ones, rather than those sitting on the pastry type.

So I layered myself up (yes, it was a really cold day today, 3 layers at least), and marched to the nearest supermarket. Actually not too sure if I was able to find the ingredients that the recipe calls for.

I was most happy to find all that I needed at the supermarket. Even though a usual can of pineapples would cost a third of the price back home.

As I walked home, I was already thinking how I should be blogging about this. i was really so excited about this. I was so determined to make this work. =P

Borrowed a food processor from my neighbour and bravely, I started baking!

Actually, the most daunting part of making these tarts is preparing the pineapple filling. These are readily available in Singapore. The recipe cheated, and used canned pineapples instead of fresh ones for the filling. And it was super easy! Just canned pineapples and sugar! Not only did it turn out perfect, it tasted great too!

While I let the filling cool, I started to make the pastry dough. I was surprised how easy and nice the dough turned out to be. Very mellable and yet did not stick to the hand.

The recipe states that it would yield 24 tarts. But I thought it was too big and I wanted more tarts so that I dont have to do this again. So, with Joanna's help, we divided the dough and filling into 30 portions.

Joanna was quite good at shaping the tarts and she managed to do 7. Not too bad I thought. And she helped glaze the tarts with egg yolk just before we put them into the oven.

Really had no idea how the tarts were gonna turn out.

After about 30min, the house was smelling so nice and it was time to take them out from the oven.

I was so impressed with how they looked, nice and lightly browned. =)

Then there was the taste test. Joanna and I shared one, and it was awesome! Wished we could eat more but too precious. After tasting one, that means we only have 29 left. And we have another 6 more days to CNY. =P

The pastry was so crumbly, firm enough to be held. Once in the mouth, it seems to melt! Even hubby said it is nice, and he is not a fan of pineapple tarts.

Happy. =)

Wednesday 26 January 2011

bicycle 2

Rachelle learnt to ride a bicycle about 2 years ago. She can now handle an adult's bicycle. I find it amazing cos the bicycle is definitely too big and tall for her. The way she mounts and demounts, is like how the old uncles do. One foot on pedal, push bike forward and mount. Coming off the bike is also in a similar fashion.

She has been asking for permission to run errands for us using the bike. But because I was still not willing to let go, she has not done so, till today.

We were out of milk and the supermarket is about 10min walk from where we stay. She begged for a chance to prove to me that she can handle the bike and get the milk.

I granted her permission.

The whole time she was gone, I think I never stopped praying. Wondering if she knows how to watch for traffic since she would be cycling on the road. Wondering if she knew the route there and back.

She was back very soon and looking very confident and proud of herself.

I was happy and proud of her too.
That means she can help me run more errands! =)

bicycle 1

Joanna had for the longest time procrastinated learning to ride a bicycle. She said she was afraid of falling. But the funny thing is this gal can already ride a unicycle!

Last Sunday, she suddenly asked me to go down with her cos she wanted to learn how to ride a bicycle. So I did. In the cold winter wind blowing on my face and without my gloves, I was freezing!

Thank God hubby came home soon after and took over the coaching job. =P

Joanna was fast. Hubby did not really hold onto her bike for long periods. She was already balancing herself on the bike, just that she was not able to do the turns just yet.

On Monday, she requested to go practice on the bicycle with a neighbour. After about 15min, she came running through the door, declaring that she can cycle! =)

And since, she has been riding during her free time.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

manage expectations

We have trying to help the gals manage their expectations when it comes to school back in Singapore. Telling them that they are most likely to be placed in an average class and may not be in the same class as their friends.

Since the beginning of the school year, I thought that it might be good to find out what classes the gals are going to and also to get the Scheme of Work (SOW) for their subjects.

Gals will miss the whole of term 1 and 1st week of term 2.

After writing about 4 emails to the gals' school in Singapore, I finally got a reply from them. (That's because I cc-ed all HODs on the last email.)

Rachelle's going to 5A and Joanna to 3A.

When I told this to them, their responses were so different. Rachelle was elated to be in the same class again with most of her P4 classmates. While Joanna remarked, 'Huh?! Means must study very hard leh!'

Both classes are top classes in the respective levels.

Frankly, I am worried, especially for their Chinese Language and composition writing. And after looking at their SOWs to see what we need to catch up for this year, I am even more anxious.

Gals are returning in term 2 week 2.
Topical Assessments and Oral Exams start in week 4.
Semestral Assessment 1 starts in week 8.

Told hubby that we too, need to manage our expectations. We know that our gals will work hard even if we dont tell them to. But we need to prepare them mentally that their SA1 results may not be what they used to get in previous years.

Really hope that they do not put too much pressure on themselves to excel, but to take time to get re-adjusted back to the Singapore school system.

Besides managing the gals' and our own expectations, we need to also manage that of the teachers'. Gonna write them an email soon.

We'll just have to do what we can here and not be anxious.
Pray with us. =)


I said that I will not start another knitwork.

So I started to crochet. And I love it! =)

This is done in 3 days.

Now I am on to yet another corchet project.

Just bought 10 balls of yarn and already I have used up 4! =P

Saturday 22 January 2011

reality check

Tonight's devotion was about how we should always be followers of God, not 'everyone'. What everyone does is not always the right things to do.

At the end of the devotion, Joanna commented that she knows whose examples she is not going to follow.

'Who?' I asked.

'Mommy and daddy's,' was her reply.
*heart skipped a beat*

'Why?' I probed.

'Mommy says we shouldnt use bad words like 'shit' but she sometimes uses them. And daddy does not allow us to watch TV during meal times but at the breakfast table, he is using his iPod touch.'

Wow. I was dumbfounded for a while. There was nothing wrong with what she has just said.

Trying to salvage whatever pride left in me, I asked another question.

'Is there nothing from us that you would want to follow?' I asked.

'Have la. But very little,' she said matter-of-factly.

I then apologised for not being a good example to them and sought for their understanding that mommy and daddy are not perfect, we still make mistakes like everyone else.

Tonight's was a good reality check for hubby and I.

Our children are sometimes our best mirrors.
Do we like what we see?

Thursday 20 January 2011


Received a message from an ex-colleague on FB. She has also resigned as a teacher and is currently working with an educational publishing company.

The company is looking for voices to record their listening texts. She was so excited about the project that she told her project leader that she has a friend who has a DJ voice.

So flattered ah.

Of course I jumped at the opportunity to try this out. I have to record me reading a comprehension text and email her. She will then give it to her boss to see if i make the cut.

Then there was this other issue about timing. It all happens so nicely that if I made it, recordings will only happen end March! That's when we return to Singapore! =)

She asked to quote them a price, a payment, per hour.

I absolutely have no clue. So that was what I told her. Then she asked me to take as a gauge, the company is paying someone, with experience, $200/hr.


Let's see how it goes la. See if I am what they are looking for first, before we talk money. =P

I am so looking forward to this.
This is so fun!


Hubby was at a 宴会{enkai} tonight. On usual nights, he would join his friends for a 2nd party. That means more drinks after the 宴会. But tonight, he had already promised that he would not be going for the 2nd party.

So hubby was back before 8.30pm. =)

As he was telling the gals and I how fun the 宴会was, I asked if he was the only one not going for the 2nd party. To which his reply was 'yes'.

I noticed Rachelle's facial expression. It was a delicate mix of surprised and touched. And immediately, she rose from her seat, got out a bowl from the cupboard and started to scoop rice for hubby.

I quickly told hubby what I witnessed and Rachelle was so shy. She kept denying and said that I have misinterpreted her facial expression and her actions. *yah rite*

It's just so nice to see how different the relationship between them is right now. It has been a 180 degrees turn from before we left Singapore.

Grateful. =)

Wednesday 19 January 2011


Completed the 4th and final ball of yarn today! And my new muffler scarf is all ready to be used! =)

This is the first time that I have knitted anything in my life. Even if I had started a project in the past, I dont remember completing it.

I am so proud of this. Though it was just a very simple project, no fancy needlework, it was still very rewarding. But I dont think I'll ever embark on anther knitting project.

There is just not enough reason to start one.

It is time-consuming.

There is no winter in Singapore.

And it's just too warm to be wearing anything knitted.

So there, my first and (probably) last knitwork. =)

Tuesday 18 January 2011


In just about 15 hours, I will be having lunch with hubby. =)

food-ful morning

Made a new batch of glutinous rice and 2 mini butter cakes.

Time really flies when you are having fun! =)

Saturday 15 January 2011


I love sales! =)

Especially those at H&M. Never knew of such a brand till I came to Japan. Some how the cutting and the fit are just right for me. Sometimes it makes me feel that they have made their clothes just to fit me! =P

Today, after a satisfying buffet lunch with the gals, we headed to H&M. Big red signs that spell SALES were all over their shop window. Maybe it was a little cold to be outdoors, there werent too many people in the store though it is a Saturday.

Pants and jeans were going for as low as 1000yen, with translates to less than SGD16 per pair!The best part of it all, because Japanese ladies are just so petite, the sizes that were left behind were mostly mine!

Undies were like just 100yen for 3 pairs! That's about 50 cents per pair!

So, after about an hour in the store, I left with 2 pairs of pants, 1 pair of jeans and a decent number of intimate wear. All that for less than 3500yen! That's under SGD55!

So happy! =))

Friday 14 January 2011

getting paid

The gals have been lamenting how they are not given any pocket money here in Japan.

Well, lunch is prepared for by the school every day and there is neither a bookshop nor a canteen in the school. So why should they be given pocket money?

But they have been murmuring how if they had money, they would be able to save some and buy something when they had enough saved up.

And so, Rachelle suggested that she could do chores in the house and earn some money.

Initially hubby was agreeable to the idea, but I had my reservations.

Why should there be a price tagged to chores? Shouldnt it be done out of love? Out of care for the family? And not done because I am getting paid for it?

I know many parents who are doing this: rewarding their children in monetary form. It can be for an array of reasons, like getting good grades, washing the car, helping out at home, running errands, being obedient, and the list goes on.

But what everyone is doing does not make it the right thing to do, does it?

Personally, I feel that if I were to pay my kids for helping out in the house, that sounds so wrong. The subliminal message sent across is that I must get paid for doing something, even helping another. There is this mentality taught subconsciously: What am I getting in return?

So hubby and I talked over it. We then agreed that the gals should not be paid if they were to help out in the house, nor do anything for us, for money.

Then we explained our rationale to the gals and I am so glad that they understood where we are coming from.

Rachelle understood it so well that she made a Chores Coupon booklet for us. On each coupon, is written a chore that she is able to do, like make everyone's bed. And when we use the coupon, she will do it for free!

This system still has it's flaws. Like they only do or help out in the house only when asked.

But still, I think it is a much better system than getting paid for doing so!

Told the gals that money will be given them when they need it. Or when they wanna buy certain things, depending on its value and purpose, we will get it for them.

When we return to Singapore, they will get their pocket money because it is then necessary to have when in school.

There shouldnt be a price tag for love shown.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

mommy and the gals

It's just gonna be the gals and i for the next 7 days. Hubby's away to Okinawa and some other islands with the college. So in order to save some electricity, the gals are gonna be sleeping with me, so that we have to use only one heater in the night.

As it is not too cold today, lots of sun and all, the gals have gone out to play. And so the house is so quiet now. It has not been this quiet for a very long time. Feels kinda funny.

Think the most difficult would be the weekends. Wondering what the gals and i are gonna do. Maybe we could bake? Go out for a nice buffet lunch? That's about all i could think of right now. Cos it's getting to cold to be outdoors for long periods of time, so we cant do stuff like a picnic.

Back to 6 hours of me-time for the next 7 days. Since hubby had been out of college for more than a month, i kinda have forgotten how it was like already to have all 6 hours/day all to myself. Seems like a lots of time to me. Yikes! =(

Think i should start packing too.
It's just 2.5 more months here.

Monday 10 January 2011


in another 2 hours... i will be officially unemployed...

tendered my resignation this afternoon... and within 30 minutes... my principal gave me her blessings... and MOE replied that my last day of service would be today...

thank God... everything was so smooth... so quick... so pleasant... =)

Saturday 8 January 2011


2 of their closer korean friends had started knitting some time ago... and while joanna was at their house playing... she tried to knit... and she loved it..!

over the new year... they each received an 'ang pow' from the parents of our host when we were ar Ishikawa-ken... so joanna decided to start knitting with the money she had...

upon her request... brought her to Daiso at Harajuku... where she bought her yarn and knitting needles... rachelle too decided that she would start knitting too...

but on the way home... joanna dropped her knitting needles and had to go to another mall to get them.... 5 times the cost of that at Daiso... so reluctantly... she parted with her money to buy another pair of knitting needles...

and so... the gals started knitting... joanna is really into it... and she is good at it too... she observed how i started the project for her... and how i remedied some of their mistakes... and very soon... she was on auto-pilot...

i cant say the same for rachelle though... tried as hard as she could... she kept making mistakes in her knit-work... and kept calling me for help like every other 2 minutes... which frustrated me much too...

but we soon realise that knitting is really not her thing... she is good at other stuff... like drawing... creating stuff from scrap... singing... dancing... studies... but just not knitting... and she has learnt to accept it...

and guess who inherited her yarn and needles..? =P

Wednesday 5 January 2011

still entertaining

we had a japanese couple over for dinner tonight... they have plans to visit singapore some time this year...

as we would mot probably be putting them up at our place during their holiday... the husband suggested for the wives to get to know each other better... and so we hosted them tonight...

we had chicken rice... bak kut teh... stir-fry shrimp with broccoli... and as for desserts... strawberries with condensed milk... and home-baked cornflake cookies... we were drinking beer... wine... coffee...

cooking started as early as 2pm... with joanna going around to help me borrow a stock pot... large enough to fully submerge a 1.5kg chicken in it... =P

think i caught the flu bug or something... my nose was stuffy the whole day... yet runny... causing my eyes to be watery at times... so i was not really confident of the outcome of the dishes...

but thank God... it was all well... from the guests... hubby and gals... dinner was delish..! =)

i was exceptionally pleased with how the gals carried themselves... they were able to hold their own conversations with the guests... sat at the table throughout dinner... no need for any electronic 'distractions'...

the best part was when the guests had left... rachelle helped clear the table... wiped the table... then the gals did their online devotion... and then said their own prayers... and tucked themselves to bed... and very soon were fast asleep...

more to come... =)

Tuesday 4 January 2011

first day of school

reading the updates on FB made me see how different singaporean parents are... as compared to japanese ones...

in singapore... the first day of school is always very chaotic... for every P1 pupil you see... there are at least 2 adults... some more... plus maid... plus grandparents... plus siblings...

the canteen and front porch are swarmed with anxious caregivers... armed with cameras... and video cameras... waving frantically... trying to catch the attention of the already overwhelmed kid...

and this scene... depending on schools... lasts about 3 days to a week...

here in japan... it is a totally different story...

all pupils walk to school... children are enrolled into schools based on where they live... so that there is no need for public transportation...

P1 pupils gather together... usually from the same living compound... then an older pupil will lead them to school... no parent tags along... no cars jamming the roads in front of the school...

and after school... they walk back home... in the same group...

personally... i prefer the japanese way... before i came to japan... i thought that my gals were independent... but after being here... i realise that japanese kids are far more independent... and less sheltered too...

gonna be back in the singapore system in less than 3 months... praying that the gals will adapt back smoothly... and quickly...

cook for me

as i was cooking dinner just now... the fragrance of the garlic browning in the pan filled the house... and joanna came out from her room... sniffing in hard... enjoying the aroma...

and she asked...
'will mommy continue to cook for me when we get back to singapore?'...

then i had to remind her that i will be going to work when we get back... and her face fell... and then asked again...

'can you then cook for me when you are on leave... or not working?'...

of course i can... i'd love to..! =)

it just felt so good to hear her ask me those questions... really feel so appreciated... i dun think my cooking is fantastic at all... but i guess this gal likes the idea of having mommy stay home... and doing mommy-stuff... basically just be around for her...

i'd love to... once in a while... but i dun think i can handle being a SAHM forever... =P

Monday 3 January 2011

snowy new year..!

new year... new experiences..!

was away at hubby's buddy's hometown over the new year... another prefecture... up north... near the japan sea... checked the weather forecast before we left... and it showed snow..!

of course we were thrilled... but not too sure if we gonna like it... cos have never experienced snow before... not too sure how much to wear... or what to wear to keep warm...

but our anxieties were all washed away on our train ride there... it began to snow halfway... and looking at the snowy white landscapes... made us wanna get out there to touch and experience the snow..!

the gals just couldnt stop going 'wow' in the train... just so thrilled to see snow... for real... falling from the sky... we were told that it had not snowed in that particular prefecture for the past 5 years... God made it snow for us..! =P

so many new experiences... crossing into 2011 the japanese way... having slept in a japanese-styled house... in our futons on a winter's night... with electric blankets... touched snow... made snowman... snowball fights... snow angels... best sashimi... snow crab... so many..!

it was indeed a very memorable new year's day for us... what a great way to kick start 2011..! the beginning of many new experiences for us... as individuals... and as a family...