Monday 14 February 2011

a memorable weekend

Our host family invited us to their 2nd house in Yamanashi-ken over the last weekend. It was a long weekend as Friday was a public holiday here in Japan.

And what a memorable weekend we had.

As we left Tokyo, it started to snow a little in the early morning. When we arrived in Yamanashi, it was already snowing lots! We were told that it snows an average of 4-5 days in Yamanashi during winter. The day we arrived at Yamanashi was the first day it snowed this winter.

The amount of snowfall for that day was reported to be equivalent to the 4-5 days of snow in the past years!

It began to lighten up on the 2nd day. Clear blue skies with the sun peeping through in the mid-afternoon.

Then it was all clear on the 3rd day. Lots of sun melting the almost 30cm deep snow on the ground and rooftops.

Weather was simply great for us to make our way home with our bags and luggage.

Ice Skating
We went ice skating for 3 consecutive days!

I have never succeeded learning to roller blade, let alone skate! It was my first time and boy was I nervous. But I must say that I pretty much surprised myself with my progress. =)

On the first day, I was super slow, inching my way on the 400m skating track. Fell less times than I had expected myself to fall. And all the time, I was alone. Not that no one wanted to skate beside me, but I cannot have anyone beside me. It was too stressful. I needed to learn on my own.

I was a little more confident on the 2nd day. Gliding a little more on the ice. It was a little too sunny for me and found that the snow was just too glaring.

Armed with a pair of sunglasses, we hit the ice again. I managed to skate one round in 5mins. There was once when I felt that I was doing so well, actually was enjoying skating, with the cold breeze in my face. Then I fell. LOL.

Gals totally loved being outdoors in the snow. They really enjoyed skating. =)

We went to the onsen on the first night, after dinner. That night was super cold, icicles were forming even on the cars!

But this onsen was superb. There was an outdoor onsen. It was beautiful.

Made a dash from the door to the pool. Too cold. Then shiok-ness!! -3 degrees from neck up, about 43 degrees from neck down. AWESOME! =)

Our bodies were so warmed up that we actually perspired on a very cold winter night.

We are really blessed to have such a good host family. Their hospitality is truly impeccable.

At least 3 more appointments have been arranged with them. Including a thank-you outing with them. Planning to take them for another Cirque du Soliel show, followed by dinner at Disneysea and ending the night with the fireworks display at Disneysea.

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