Monday 28 February 2011


I wouldnt say that we did homeschooling during this one year here in Japan. It was more like enrichment for the gals after they return each day from a full 6-7hrs in the public school here.

Only about a couple of hours each day, about 4 days a week.

Today's the last day of school for the gals in the public school. That means that we would be homeschooling more till we return home next month.

We are just very glad that we have less than a month of homeschooling to do. In fact, with all the trips and activities planned, we have less than 3 weeks for us to catch up as much as we can.

Glad because both the gals and I do not enjoy homeschooling.

For the gals, homeschooling is not fun. And I can understand why. In school, they have their classmates and friends. They dont need to know the answer to every question that the teacher asks. But back at home, they are the only student, and they had better know the answer to the teacher's questions. =P

I realise that not all the learning comes from the teacher in a school. A lot of peer teaching/learning takes place among the children. When they are at play, or at work.

But back at home, it's just me and them. And as their mother, I do have my expectations of them, to be able to understand quickly, to grasp concepts fast.

For me, I dont think homeschooling is my cup of tea.

I love the classroom but one on one is really not funny. Especially so when it is me versus the 2 of them, different levels some more. And I must confess, I do not have very much patience. At most I will repeat my teaching or instruction twice. And if they still dont get it by then, I lose it very fast. My bad. =(

Tomorrow we will be starting homeschool again.
The gals are anxious, so am I.

I shall be patient.

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