Friday 18 March 2011

superlative one year

Think we basically experienced all the Japan could offer. Not only that. Each experience was at its extreme degree.

Longest Sakura Blooms
The usual is just 5 days to a week but we had at least 2 weeks of sakura.

Most 美味しいLamb
BBQ Hokkaido lamb. 最高. The best. Literally melts in the mouth. We had it twice. Once in Spring and the other in Winter.

Hottest Summer
Japan recorded the hottest summer in 112 years. We were all pretty dark-skinned during summer. Especially the gals. They have swimming lessons in school during summer.

Most Memorable Riverbed Experience
If you were to ask the gals for their most memorable experience in Yamanashi, they will tell you it's the riverbed experience. We were there in Summer. Water was so crisp and clear that you could actually drink from the stream. We even had a little picnic lunch there. it was also then when we learnt how to remain calm in the presence of bees.

Best Family Holiday EVER
Clubmed Sahoro was it. Though it was also the most tiring and painful holiday for me too. In fact the palm-sized blue-black on the sheen is only beginning to fade. Gals had immense fun and even made a new BFFL. They are still keeping in touch after the holiday, emailing and chatting.

Coldest Winter
Unusual amounts of snowfall was reported. When we were at Ishikawa, it snowed, first time in 5 years. And when we were at Yamanashi, it snowed on the day we arrived. The amount of snowfall that day was equivalent to the amount of snowfall for 5 days in past years.

Most Hospitable Host Family
We have been so blessed by our host family. Invited us 3 times to their Yamanashi house. Always in contact with us. Brought us around. Love the gals like their grandchildren. Taught gals how to play the piano.

Worst Earthquake and Tsunami
M9, one of the biggest earthquake in the world. Japan is so quake-ready that the quake really did minimal damage to the country. It was the tsunami that killed and destroyed. And now, it's the nuclear situation that worries Japan, more so the world.

Strongest and Calmest People
Though the footages of the devastation keeps showing on every possible TV channel, you can hardly find a Japanese wailing uncontrollably for the lost of his family or house. You dont see any looting or chaos when limited food and water are given to those living in temporary shelters.

This has indeed been the most amazing one year that we have had.

Of course there are many others like how God's timing is the best and how He has provided for us.

Indeed. We are so grateful.
Hoping to see sakuras before we leave. =)

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