Wednesday 9 March 2011

ski diary

Day 1
Went for Club Beginner today. Most tiring. Learnt how to do a 'snow plough' down a tiny gentle slope. Kept getting my skis crossed at their tips. Legs were not parted enough. Went on Chair Lift 1. Terrifying. Legs were begging me to stop skiing. Entire body aching at the end of the day.

Day 2
Got promoted to Club 1 today. Had a Japanese instructor. Didnt really could quite understand what he wants us to do due to some language barrier. Brought us up to Chair Lift 2 in the afternoon. Scared the s**ts out of me. Chair Lift 2 was so steep!

I lost count on the number of times I fell. One of which, I crashed into a tree. Geez. Think I expended most of my energies trying to get up from all my falls.

Super discouraged after today's session. Really wanted to stop skiing. But the thought of how much we have already spent in rental of the boots and skis, I cannot give up.

So I decided to repeat Club 1 tomorrow while hubby promotes to Club 2.

Day 3
Club 1 again today. Got a different instructor today, a Canadian guy. Felt a whole lot more confident today. Could actually say that I enjoyed myself!

Today is the day I rose to 'fame'. I crashed into my instructor. =P
And he went about harping on it the whole day, even at dinner time. But it was ok. Just laughed everything off. It was funny. I like him, his techniques, his straightforward-ness, his wit, his sense of humour.

And he promoted me to Club 2 tomorrow. That means I will be skiing with hubby tomorrow. =)

Day 4
Club 2 and Canadian instructor was brave enough to turn up for class today, despite knowing that I will be there. LOL.

But man, worst ski day ever.

One of the falls were so bad. It was on Chair Lift 2. Think I literally somersaulted down the slope. When I finally came to a stop, I realised that one of my skis was missing and it was about 3m up slope.

It was so painful retrieving that ski. To take off the other ski and climb uphill is not funny. And to put my skis back on on a slope is also not funny.

I really wanted to stop skiing. Body was aching all over. In fact I got a blue-black on my left sheen cos one of the skis struck it during another fall. And most amazing thing is that I got a blue-black on my left buttock too! So fleshy and yet can get blue-black. Unbelievable.

Decided to go back to Club 1 tomorrow.

Day 5
Just before Club 1 started, I ran into the Canadian instructor. He asked me why have I decided to go back to Club 1. I said I dont wanna fall today. And as I explained, I was so close to tears. Really, so discouraged and in pain actually.

Was really glad I went to Club 1 today. Got another Japanese instructor, a more matured one. Think the more matured instructors are better. More relaxing and they take the time to explain stuff.

I fell only once today. But it was among the bamboos. Got a bamboo in between my skis. Struggled to untangle and stand up. Then I heard a familiar voice to take off my skis. It was the Canadian instructor. Argh! It had to be him. And he named me the 'Bamboo Hunter' today. LOL.

But at least I got back my confidence today. I was no longer afraid of Chair Lift 2. And I was ready to go back to Club 2 tomorrow.

Day 6
Back @ Club 2. Guess who was the instructor? Yep, it was the Canadian instructor. Glad it was him actually. This was gonna be my final session as we were planning on a family ski-time after lunch.

Did much better today. Got up with much ease. Must have been all the practice from all the falls. =P

My dear instructor had to tell the class, at the exact spot, how I rose to 'fame'. It was all in good fun.

Family ski-time in the afternoon with the gals was really awesome. The gals are such strong ski-ers! They had wanted to go to Chair Lift 7. Goodness. Even hubby has not been that high. We said no cos we were not able to take care of ourselves, let alone if anything were to happen to the gals.

We went to Chair Lift 2, max. Then the gals wanted to ski down the wave slope. Goodness gracious. As I didnt wanna be a kill-joy, I went ahead. Totally had no idea what I was in for. Never been on that slope. Totally nerve-wrecking. And thank God, I reached the bottom of that wave slope in one piece, not a fall. =)

That's it.
All I can say now is I CAN SKI! =P

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