Thursday 10 March 2011

the perfect holiday

Really thank God for the most perfect holiday our family has ever had, a ski holiday @ Clubmed Sahoro. I mean He had it all planned out for us, for me. =)

The trip was booked more than a month in advance. We bought our own ski suits. We were really glad that we had gotten them early cos we used them not once, not twice but 3 times!

Used them first at Ishikawa on new year's day. Then @ Yamanashi when we visited our host family. And finally throughout our ski holiday.

As the holiday drew nearer, I realised that I would be having my period right smack on the first day of the holiday. Was super upset. Not that I could not ski with my period, just that it'll be uncomfortable and troublesome.

Just when I was getting myself all upset and bemoaning how troublesome it would be, it came and by the time we left Tokyo, it cleared.

That was the start for me to realise that my God is again, giving me more than I could ever ask or imagine! That was when I knew that the holiday would be the best holiday that we were gonna have. It was gonna be a perfect trip.

And indeed it was.

The weather was great the whole week.
In fact, we did not feel chattering-cold up in Sahoro.

We heard of how other parents' children were falling ill, vomiting all over the place, running high fevers in the night. But the Lord's hand of protection was over the gals all the time.

Even though I fell numerous times. I was never hurt in a serious way. My muscles may ache and a couple of blue-black here and there. But nothing major.

In fact, during the time when I tumbled down the slope and lost one of my skis, I felt a hard knock to the back of my head. But it felt as though I had a helmet on and the hard knock was absorbed by the helmet.

The fact is, I had NO HELMET on.

When we were at the airport waiting for our flight back to Tokyo on Wednesday, hubby received a call from Singapore to ask if we were ok. Apparently there was an earthquake and tsunami warning in Tokyo that morning.

Really felt so blessed. So loved. So favoured.

Each time I went on the chair lift, or the Pommel lift, I would be singing praises, worshipping Him, thanking Him for the holiday and the amazing year that we have had as a family in Japan.

Cant wait to get back home. Wanna be that channel of blessing to others, that's what I sense that the Lord is asking of us when we get back. In as much as we have received, and are going to keep on receiving, we are to bless others as a family.

Dont know what that means exactly. In what way? By what means? Absolutely no idea.

Just know that it's gonna be an even more amazing year for us. =)

*photos of the trip are posted on FB*

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