Sunday 27 March 2011

we are home

Arrived in Singapore this morning at 6.30am. Didnt really sleep well on the flight. But glad we all managed to catch naps in between the 7-hr flight home. It's amazing how much favour we received at the check-in counter. We had a total of 8 pieces of luggage, 117kg in all. And this is after we have shipped back almost 200kg of stuff! Gals were extremely excited to finally see their new rooms. Hubby and I really wanted to see our house. Initially we were rather overwhelmed by what we saw. A few things required our attention in the house. It was not at it's best condition. But after looking at it again. We thought it was ok, all due to wear and tear. Though I must say that the wear and tear for that 1 year was more visible than our 3 years there. =P It's like starting a new house again. Gotta get toiletries, start up the kitchen and some really major cleaning and packing. After settling our hawker-fare breakfast, gals relaxed at in-laws place while hubby and I began our errands. It took us 5hrs and 3 malls to settle our beddings and mobile phones. I got my iPhone 4! =) Since this blog was created to journal our amazing one year in Japan, so now that we are back, this is the final post of this blog. I pray that this blog has declared the awesomeness, greatness, faithfulness and grace of God. Be blessed. =)

Friday 25 March 2011

last 24hrs in Tokyo

So many thoughts. So many reflections. So many memories. So grateful. So amazing.

Hubby officially graduated today. Too many goodbyes.

Lots more to do. Terminating mobile and internet connection in the morning. Settling and shutting the gas, electricity and water bills. Packing the final 10% of stuff lying all around the house. Dining once more with our host family.

Finally, making sure I have lots of tissue paper with me.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

home soon

I know we will be home on Sunday. We have been packing since last week. Kitchen is even closed today.

But it still grips me momentarily each time I realise how soon that is.

A lunch later today in hubby's college.
Graduation ceremony tomorrow. Followed by a meal with our host family.

Then it's Saturday! The day we close all accounts and make our way to the airport!

Time flies.

kitchen is closed

Yay! Only breakfast is served now. Food that requires the stove will not be served. Only the toaster and microwave are available now. =P

As I was packing today, I am reminded again of God's providence and faithfulness to us. We do not have much in the kitchen. But yet, we were not deprived of any food that we craved for. =)

I am taking this knife home with me. This is my one and only knife for the past 1 year. It has helped me cook numerous meals, more than I could imagine. Helped host on many occasions.

So happy that the kitchen is closed.
I just painted my nails. =)


Calendar says it's spring already. But it definitely does not feel anything like spring. It had been so cold the past 3 days. Temperatures below 10 degrees.

It may not feel like spring but flowers are beginning to bloom. Such a pretty sight.

Spotted these lovely flowers just after church last Sunday.

Spotted a cherry blossom tree while walking to the train station today.

Cant wait for the sakura tree downstairs to be in full bloom! =)

and there was light

Thank God I had waited till today before replying yesterday's email.

The HOD replied and had shed much light on the matter.
It is so crystal now.

Rachelle would still be in 5A and doing HCL. In order to continue HCL in P6 and eventually sitting for the HCL paper in the PSLE, she needs to score an A for her SA2 HCL paper this year.

The assessment that she will be sitting for when she returns, is merely a gauge for the CL to craft her lesson and manage expectations.

I am just thankful that this is all cleared up now. =)

Tuesday 22 March 2011

now then you tell me

Ever since knowing which classes the gals will be attending when back in Singapore, I have been in contact with their Form Teachers. They are the nicest teachers and are great help in emailing me worksheets and even their slides used for classroom teaching.

I have yet to hear from the rest of their subject teachers. I had specifically written to ask about their CL teachers. I really needed the extra help and guidance so that I can better prepare the gals in CL.

A couple of weeks ago, I realised that the Scheme Of Work (SOW) for Rachelle's CL reflected titles that were alien to us! This got us really anxious.

You see, during our transit back in Singapore last Oct, I had bought the Higher Chinese Language (HCL) books by mistake. I didnt realise that there was another textbook for Standard CL.

And so, I asked my dad to airmail the Standard CL textbook and workbook to me once the books were delivered to my in-law's. I had bought the books according to the book list that was given to me by the school. So cannot go wrong right?


Rachelle has since been working on her Standard CL until we notice the different titles in the SOW. Funny thing is, the titles reflected in the SOW were from the Foundation CL books!

Confused yet?

So when we realised that, Rachelle was diligent enough to learn from both books, HCL and Standard CL. So very proud of her. She self-studied all the way, with her laptop and the iPod touch. All 6 units. Means she did 12 units.

Today her CL head decided to email me.

I was told that Rachelle needs to sit for a placement test for CL. If she does not make the mark for HCL, she will be going to another class, no longer 5A as 5A is the only class that does HCL.

That got me really upset.

Not that I was told and did not prepare Rachelle for it. But we were not informed, even having taken the initiative to ask for more info!!

Replied her emailed and clearly stated my unhappiness.

Then she said that the exercise was just a gauge for her CL. And if I so wish for Rachelle to remain in 5A, and if she doesnt perform up to mark by SA2, they will have to suggest that she takes Standard CL instead.

Not that I chose for her to go to 5A at the first place! It was told to me that she will be going to 5A. Didnt they already know that 5A is the only class doing HCL by January?!

Anyways, too tired and angry to reply her now. Will do so tomorrow. And with my email tomorrow, I will attach the SOW that was sent to me in January and my emails to the school asking for assistance in this area. And I will make sure I cc all HODs.

Now knowing who 5A's form teacher is, I really want Rachelle to remain in 5A. Primary 5 and 6 are vital years leading to the PSLE. And a good teacher plays a very important role.

instant curry

We were supposed to host a simple dinner tonight. Just 2 of them. It was to be a really simple dinner of Okonomiyaki (japanese pancake) and Gyoza. Dinner would be served at 7pm.

At about 5pm, I was asked if we have enough for 1 more person. It was really tough to say no when that person was already either here or making his way here.

I had only 500g of chicken (frozen), 1 carrot, 1 onion and some frozen wedges. Had intended to make Japanese curry for tomorrow's dinner.

But decided to use the same ingredients to make a Singaporean curry instead. Defrosting the chicken in this weather was really challenging. Thank God for the defrosting mode in our intelligent microwave. Thank God that I had wedges and not raw potatoes. Raw potatoes would have taken a lot longer to soften.

By 6pm, I was ready to serve the curry chicken. =)

With that meal, I now have only to prepare 1 more lunch tomorrow and I can seriously start to pack the kitchen after that.

Monday 21 March 2011

sakura tree

When we first arrived at the accommodation at Meguro, the one and only sakura tree there was in full bloom. It was a super pretty welcome for us.

I have been observing this tree for the past 2 weeks now. Hoping that it'll bloom for us just before we leave this place.

Green buds are gradually appearing on the branches. As Joanna and I went to the store this morning, we walked passed the tree and noticed that the green buds were on the entire tree already!

We have just about another 4 more days here before we leave for the airport on Saturday evening.

Just as we returned from the store. As we walked pass the tree, I spoke to it.
"Be in full bloom on Saturday morning!"

It has been raining the whole of today. Forecasted rain for tomorrow and cloudy throughout the week. Temperatures well below 12 degrees.

Oh wells. I just feel that we will see it bloom before we leave.
We'll see. =)

Sunday 20 March 2011

6 more sleeps

It is amazing how God has provided for us, how everything is measured perfectly. There is very little wastage when we eventually pack by Thursday.

Kitchen will be closed after Wednesday's dinner. So I have planned out the 9 meals for the next 3 days, using almost everything I have on the fridge. It is amazing.

Even small items like laundry detergent. I am down to the very last spoonful, just nice for 1 final load before we leave. Think we will be left with only 1 new toilet roll too.

Just saw photos of our house from my brother. Thank God for family. He has been looking after our car, and now, our house. Wood work for the gals' rooms are done. Waiting for them to dispose of the rubbish and wash up.

Still having mixed feelings about going home.
But I'm sure it will feel very good to be home.

Friday 18 March 2011

superlative one year

Think we basically experienced all the Japan could offer. Not only that. Each experience was at its extreme degree.

Longest Sakura Blooms
The usual is just 5 days to a week but we had at least 2 weeks of sakura.

Most 美味しいLamb
BBQ Hokkaido lamb. 最高. The best. Literally melts in the mouth. We had it twice. Once in Spring and the other in Winter.

Hottest Summer
Japan recorded the hottest summer in 112 years. We were all pretty dark-skinned during summer. Especially the gals. They have swimming lessons in school during summer.

Most Memorable Riverbed Experience
If you were to ask the gals for their most memorable experience in Yamanashi, they will tell you it's the riverbed experience. We were there in Summer. Water was so crisp and clear that you could actually drink from the stream. We even had a little picnic lunch there. it was also then when we learnt how to remain calm in the presence of bees.

Best Family Holiday EVER
Clubmed Sahoro was it. Though it was also the most tiring and painful holiday for me too. In fact the palm-sized blue-black on the sheen is only beginning to fade. Gals had immense fun and even made a new BFFL. They are still keeping in touch after the holiday, emailing and chatting.

Coldest Winter
Unusual amounts of snowfall was reported. When we were at Ishikawa, it snowed, first time in 5 years. And when we were at Yamanashi, it snowed on the day we arrived. The amount of snowfall that day was equivalent to the amount of snowfall for 5 days in past years.

Most Hospitable Host Family
We have been so blessed by our host family. Invited us 3 times to their Yamanashi house. Always in contact with us. Brought us around. Love the gals like their grandchildren. Taught gals how to play the piano.

Worst Earthquake and Tsunami
M9, one of the biggest earthquake in the world. Japan is so quake-ready that the quake really did minimal damage to the country. It was the tsunami that killed and destroyed. And now, it's the nuclear situation that worries Japan, more so the world.

Strongest and Calmest People
Though the footages of the devastation keeps showing on every possible TV channel, you can hardly find a Japanese wailing uncontrollably for the lost of his family or house. You dont see any looting or chaos when limited food and water are given to those living in temporary shelters.

This has indeed been the most amazing one year that we have had.

Of course there are many others like how God's timing is the best and how He has provided for us.

Indeed. We are so grateful.
Hoping to see sakuras before we leave. =)

final week @ Tokyo

Suddenly everything seems to move fast again. It felt painfully slow last week. Especially after the quake, tsunami and the present nuclear situation.

We have already posted out 30kg x 5 boxes of stuff back home. A 30kg luggage, a 20+kg luggage and a small one filled with souvenirs and gifts.

2 more empty ones for our remaining clothes and stuff.

Looks like we dont have to buy any more groceries. In fact, I have to start packing the kitchen. The house has to be empty when we leave. We have been packing and I think that we are making good progress.

Homeschool will only last for one session instead of 2 for the week. Leaving the afternoon for hubby and I to do more packing and logistics for our return. Gals are making good progress in catching up too. In fact almost all covered. So very proud of them. =)

It has been another peaceful day here.
Oh. And yes. I visited the hairdresser today too. =P

flights changed

HQ contacted hubby this afternoon, asking if he could find an earlier flight home after the graduation ceremony.

Hubby was able to change our flights from 28th to 27th. Although there is a similar flight on 26th, we thought it would be less of a rush for us if we took the 27th flight.

Graduation ceremony is on the 25th. If we had taken the 26th flight, it'll mean that we will have to be at the airport on 25th night to catch the 0030hrs flight. Too tight for our liking.

It's just 24hrs earlier. It seems no difference for us. But as always, believing that God's timing is best and He knows better.

Thursday 17 March 2011

peaceful day

Hardly felt any tremors today.
Except for 2 just before bed time.

A very cold day today. But in order to break the monotony of things, we all went out to Jusco @ Shinagawa. Due to many people stocking up in fear, the bread, rice, eggs, instant noodles and pasta shelves were empty.

Guess the shelves are replenished every day but within 30min soon after the store opens, the shelves are empty again.

Other things were still available. Like meats, veggies and frozen food.

Hardly any news about the nuclear situation @ Fukushima too. Guess no news is good news. =P

Hubby received a couple of emails and calls from Singapore. Basically checking on our status. Think they are concerned if we should go back earlier if there are no pressing reasons to be here.

But who is to decide what is pressing or not?

Hubby's here for a course, so as of now, the course has not ended and the graduation ceremony will be held on the 25th. Ceremony will be attended by quite a number of their big shots. So isnt it rude and insensitive if Singapore were to pull us back when there is really no pressing danger here?

Anyways, we have just about 10 more days here.
頑張ります! =)

Wednesday 16 March 2011

bored to tears

The gals, that is.

With the nuclear situation not improving much,
Gals are not allowed to play outdoors.

With the news appearing on almost every channel,
Gals have got no funny TV programs to watch.

With almost everything packed and shipped out,
Gals are left with 1 laptop and 1 NDS.

With 4 of us at home for almost 24hrs a day,
The constant bickering of the gals can really drive us crazy.

But on the contrary, think I am the busiest person in the family for now.

On a regular day, after preparing breakfast, homeschool starts from 9-11am. Lunch preparation is from 11am-12pm. After lunch, homeschool starts again at about 1.30-3.30pm. Then it's time for me to prepare the ingredients for dinner. Dinner is usually at 6.30pm. Gals' bedtime is at 9.30pm.

Even though there's not much time for the gals to play. They are already getting so bored, especially after dinner.

Guess now I will have to think of something for them to be engaged in from at least 8-9pm. Maybe some craft work, silly games or science experiments.

I need creativity!
Just 11 more days! =)

another M6 quake

There was yet another M6 earthquake @ Chiba Prefecture at 12.52pm just now. By the time Tokyo felt it, it was about M3.

Think it is not usual for that many earthquakes to follow after a huge one.

Japan is continuing her battle in cooling and controlling the nuclear plants in Fukushima. Every morning we wake up. The first thing we check is the news.

I think there should be a change in our routine.
We should wake up and thank God for protecting us through the night!

Received 2 calls this morning. Asking us if we should consider going back sooner than planned. One was from our Singaporean missionary here, the other is from AMD.

Got a feeling that we might really end up leaving Japan earlier than scheduled. Not sure when though. But I'm sure the timing will be perfect, cos God is in control.

Anyways, we will be packing this afternoon. As much as we can. An emergency evacuation bag, and also our luggages.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

another explosion... another quake

Another blast this morning, the 3rd so far. Must be how the media had carried the news, Singapore started calling us to check our status.

Apparently, news reported that radiation levels have risen in Tokyo. Levels had increased in Saitama. But not harmful levels. There is no cause for any panic.

Good news is that the winds are blowing towards the open sea, away from Japan.

At 10.31pm just now, there was a rather strong tremor. Lasted for about 10sec. Thought it was just another aftershock till I tuned to the live streaming from NHK.

It was an M6 earthquake in Shizuoka prefecture. But here in Tokyo, it probably was a M3 by the time it got here.

Gals were woken by the quake and are now sleeping with us in our room.

But all is well now.

Japan is very quake-ready. Buildings are constructed to withstand earthquakes. So even in last Friday's quake, there were no massive damages to buildings, not even in concrete-jungled Tokyo. It was the tsunami that killed people and caused the greatest destruction.

Monday 14 March 2011

doing our small bit for japan

Though we are not affected by the periodic power cuts which started today at other prefectures, we are doing our little bit to help conserve electricity.

Sleeping without the heater.
Gathering in the living room instead of in different bedrooms.
Switching on only one light instead of 2 in the living room.

Not much I guess. But it does make us feel better. =)

we are safe

Not sure how the news of the quake and tsunami is being broad casted back at home. Many of our family members and friends are very worried about our safety.

We are generally safe in Tokyo. Although my sauce rack did topple and the things in the cupboards moved during the quake, there has been no damage to the building which we live in. Only the gas was cut off on Friday but it returned the next morning.

We are also not yet affected by the electricity cuts which started today. We still have our gas, electricity and water.

The grounds are still shaking from time to time. But nothing major. No need to head under the dining table.

We are more than 200km from Fukushima, the nuclear site. So as of now, we are in no danger.

The nearest supermarket and convenient stores around here are generally out of bread and biscuits. Bottled water is also running low.

Even if we do not go out to buy food and groceries for the next 2 weeks, we have enough to eat at home.

Homeschool continues for the gals. We do 2 x 2-hr slots everyday and are very happy that we are actually catching up with the school's syllabus. In fact, the gals are up to date in their Science and Mathematics. Rachelle has 1.5 more chapters for Chinese, while Joanna has another 2 more to go.

As of now, we are still going back as scheduled, nothing earlier. But depending on the developments here, there may be changes. We'll see.

God has indeed been faithful. He has continued to be our Jehovah Jireh. His grace and mercy is more than enough for us. We have never been in lack and never will.

On the one hand we are eager to be back home.
But on the other, we really hate to leave Japan feeling this way.

Sunday 13 March 2011


Dont wanna leave Japan this way. Heart's so heavy. Feeling so small. Sitting in front of the TV. Watching the footages. And there is nothing we can do about it.

Went to church today. Thinking there would be an opportunity to serve the people of Japan through some relief work. But think it is still too early. Plans and teams are not set up yet.

Hubby has to report to college tomorrow for an emergency meeting. We are suspecting that the course will be cut short. Many, if not all, of his classmates have been recalled for relief work.

We may be home sooner. Not sure if there will be any problems with the air tickets.

But really. It is not a nice feeling to be leaving Japan now. Really wishing we could do something for the people of Japan.

Saturday 12 March 2011

relief work

Every channel on the TV is just news and updates of the earthquake. Very depressing actually. To see how destructive the tsunami was, sweeping at least 10km inland. Houses literally floated away. Trains derailed and washed away.

Today there were more interviews of the victims. Even more heart-wrenching. Some water has receded, it is even more clear now how massive is the destruction.

We just have about 2 weeks here. Thinking how we can help Japan. Besides our prayers and monetary donation, we are thinking how we can be doing any relief work.

Instead of sitting around the whole day and feeling aftershock one after another, it would be good if we were able to provide some form of encouragement and comfort somehow, somewhere.

Friday 11 March 2011


Just yesterday, I was counting down to going home. Felt that time was passing way too fast. That we have ONLY 18 more days in Japan.

After experiencing today's quake, I am saying we STILL have 17 more days to go.

Wishing to be home sooner.


Still feeling the after-shocks of the afternoon quake. In fact, another one just passed. It is getting gentler but still makes me nervous each time. Wonder if we should head under the table again.

Since the quake happened, our gas supply has been cut. So I guess no one in this building is gonna bathe nor cook today.

The siren of ambulances, fire engines and helicopters were constantly heard throughout the day. Numerous broadcasts were made but I could understand none. Dont even know if it was telling us to evacuate.

Really praying that the worst is over.

This is the worst for Japan in over 100 years.


Had just completed school with the gals at 2.30pm and was preparing the ingredients for dinner. Gals were playing in their room.

"Stop shaking my bed 姐!" shouted Joanna.

"I'm not!" yelled Rachelle.

"I said STOP shaking my bed!"

I was about to intervene when I realised that the entire house was shaking! Thought it would stop as quickly as it came, as always. But not this one.

Gals and I cuddled under the dining table. Hubby was hanging out the wash at that time. We all started praying hard. I broke out in tongues. Gals kept begging for God to stop the shaking.

It was really quite traumatising.

We are still feeling the tremors now.
Some are still rather strong.

Our eyes are glued to the TV for the latest updates of the quake and tsunami. It wrenches my heart to witness the massive destruction brought about by this disaster.

Decided not to cook dinner tonight. Hubby had just bought bentos home. While hubby was out, the gals and I read Psalm 91 together. Wanted to reassure them of God's promised protection.

Now praying for Japan. The tsunami has swept away many houses, properties and cars. Fires broke out everywhere.

Lord have mercy.

oops... another big tremor...

Thursday 10 March 2011

counting down

Eighteen more days left in Tokyo.

Every meal is spelt out now so that I do not buy too much groceries.
Planning is everything now.

On top of homeschooling the gals, I still have to prepare all 3 meals for the family. I will have to prepare all ingredients for lunch before breakfast is over so that I am focused while I am teaching the gals.

Kitchen will be closed and packed 3 days before departure.

Minor renovation to our house back home started today. Lots of coordination via internet.

So many loose ends to tie.

But it is gonna be a smooth transition back home cos God's in control. =)

As of now, my April and May are almost filled up with work appointments already.

So fast.







the perfect holiday

Really thank God for the most perfect holiday our family has ever had, a ski holiday @ Clubmed Sahoro. I mean He had it all planned out for us, for me. =)

The trip was booked more than a month in advance. We bought our own ski suits. We were really glad that we had gotten them early cos we used them not once, not twice but 3 times!

Used them first at Ishikawa on new year's day. Then @ Yamanashi when we visited our host family. And finally throughout our ski holiday.

As the holiday drew nearer, I realised that I would be having my period right smack on the first day of the holiday. Was super upset. Not that I could not ski with my period, just that it'll be uncomfortable and troublesome.

Just when I was getting myself all upset and bemoaning how troublesome it would be, it came and by the time we left Tokyo, it cleared.

That was the start for me to realise that my God is again, giving me more than I could ever ask or imagine! That was when I knew that the holiday would be the best holiday that we were gonna have. It was gonna be a perfect trip.

And indeed it was.

The weather was great the whole week.
In fact, we did not feel chattering-cold up in Sahoro.

We heard of how other parents' children were falling ill, vomiting all over the place, running high fevers in the night. But the Lord's hand of protection was over the gals all the time.

Even though I fell numerous times. I was never hurt in a serious way. My muscles may ache and a couple of blue-black here and there. But nothing major.

In fact, during the time when I tumbled down the slope and lost one of my skis, I felt a hard knock to the back of my head. But it felt as though I had a helmet on and the hard knock was absorbed by the helmet.

The fact is, I had NO HELMET on.

When we were at the airport waiting for our flight back to Tokyo on Wednesday, hubby received a call from Singapore to ask if we were ok. Apparently there was an earthquake and tsunami warning in Tokyo that morning.

Really felt so blessed. So loved. So favoured.

Each time I went on the chair lift, or the Pommel lift, I would be singing praises, worshipping Him, thanking Him for the holiday and the amazing year that we have had as a family in Japan.

Cant wait to get back home. Wanna be that channel of blessing to others, that's what I sense that the Lord is asking of us when we get back. In as much as we have received, and are going to keep on receiving, we are to bless others as a family.

Dont know what that means exactly. In what way? By what means? Absolutely no idea.

Just know that it's gonna be an even more amazing year for us. =)

*photos of the trip are posted on FB*

Wednesday 9 March 2011

ski diary

Day 1
Went for Club Beginner today. Most tiring. Learnt how to do a 'snow plough' down a tiny gentle slope. Kept getting my skis crossed at their tips. Legs were not parted enough. Went on Chair Lift 1. Terrifying. Legs were begging me to stop skiing. Entire body aching at the end of the day.

Day 2
Got promoted to Club 1 today. Had a Japanese instructor. Didnt really could quite understand what he wants us to do due to some language barrier. Brought us up to Chair Lift 2 in the afternoon. Scared the s**ts out of me. Chair Lift 2 was so steep!

I lost count on the number of times I fell. One of which, I crashed into a tree. Geez. Think I expended most of my energies trying to get up from all my falls.

Super discouraged after today's session. Really wanted to stop skiing. But the thought of how much we have already spent in rental of the boots and skis, I cannot give up.

So I decided to repeat Club 1 tomorrow while hubby promotes to Club 2.

Day 3
Club 1 again today. Got a different instructor today, a Canadian guy. Felt a whole lot more confident today. Could actually say that I enjoyed myself!

Today is the day I rose to 'fame'. I crashed into my instructor. =P
And he went about harping on it the whole day, even at dinner time. But it was ok. Just laughed everything off. It was funny. I like him, his techniques, his straightforward-ness, his wit, his sense of humour.

And he promoted me to Club 2 tomorrow. That means I will be skiing with hubby tomorrow. =)

Day 4
Club 2 and Canadian instructor was brave enough to turn up for class today, despite knowing that I will be there. LOL.

But man, worst ski day ever.

One of the falls were so bad. It was on Chair Lift 2. Think I literally somersaulted down the slope. When I finally came to a stop, I realised that one of my skis was missing and it was about 3m up slope.

It was so painful retrieving that ski. To take off the other ski and climb uphill is not funny. And to put my skis back on on a slope is also not funny.

I really wanted to stop skiing. Body was aching all over. In fact I got a blue-black on my left sheen cos one of the skis struck it during another fall. And most amazing thing is that I got a blue-black on my left buttock too! So fleshy and yet can get blue-black. Unbelievable.

Decided to go back to Club 1 tomorrow.

Day 5
Just before Club 1 started, I ran into the Canadian instructor. He asked me why have I decided to go back to Club 1. I said I dont wanna fall today. And as I explained, I was so close to tears. Really, so discouraged and in pain actually.

Was really glad I went to Club 1 today. Got another Japanese instructor, a more matured one. Think the more matured instructors are better. More relaxing and they take the time to explain stuff.

I fell only once today. But it was among the bamboos. Got a bamboo in between my skis. Struggled to untangle and stand up. Then I heard a familiar voice to take off my skis. It was the Canadian instructor. Argh! It had to be him. And he named me the 'Bamboo Hunter' today. LOL.

But at least I got back my confidence today. I was no longer afraid of Chair Lift 2. And I was ready to go back to Club 2 tomorrow.

Day 6
Back @ Club 2. Guess who was the instructor? Yep, it was the Canadian instructor. Glad it was him actually. This was gonna be my final session as we were planning on a family ski-time after lunch.

Did much better today. Got up with much ease. Must have been all the practice from all the falls. =P

My dear instructor had to tell the class, at the exact spot, how I rose to 'fame'. It was all in good fun.

Family ski-time in the afternoon with the gals was really awesome. The gals are such strong ski-ers! They had wanted to go to Chair Lift 7. Goodness. Even hubby has not been that high. We said no cos we were not able to take care of ourselves, let alone if anything were to happen to the gals.

We went to Chair Lift 2, max. Then the gals wanted to ski down the wave slope. Goodness gracious. As I didnt wanna be a kill-joy, I went ahead. Totally had no idea what I was in for. Never been on that slope. Totally nerve-wrecking. And thank God, I reached the bottom of that wave slope in one piece, not a fall. =)

That's it.
All I can say now is I CAN SKI! =P

i can ski..!

We are back from our ski trip.
So much to blog about.
Really dont know where to begin.
Maybe I should post the 200+ photos on FB first.

All I can say is that skiing is HARD WORK!


and the MOST important thing now is...

I CAN SKI..! =)

Tuesday 1 March 2011

no sweat

No tears, no flaring tempers, no sweat.
Homeschooling was smooth as butter today.

From 9-11am, Joanna did a composition and science. I was really surprised that she loved writing compositions! In fact, she was so enthusiastic about it. Made me so glad. =)

Rachelle covered some chinese and science.

Then I went for a lunch appointment while hubby got themselves a bento each from the nearby supermarket.

After lunch, they continued with 2 papers each.

Hope this continues... =)