Monday 29 November 2010

日記 {nikki}

rachelle is required to write her 日記for the weekends every week... due every monday when she reaches the classroom...

in the beginning of the school year... she would write what she had wanted to say in english... then hubby would translate for her... then she would copy it into her 日記... and as she was copying... hubby would read to her what she was writing... and explain to her... sentence by sentence...

this went on for a while... it got a little stressful especially during the times when hubby was oso hard pressed for time... to complete his paper... in well...

but i believe hubby's efforts had paid off... it was all worth the while...

for the past month... or even longer... she has not been asking hubby to help her with her日記... and last night... i saw her writing her own 日記..!

though written in simple japanese... i was so amazed... and to me... it's really quite an achievement..!

gals are really speaking quite a lot of japanese these days... especially when playing with their korean neighbours... cos japanese is their only common language... =)

busy week ahead


~groceries @ jusco with hubby~

~dinner with friends @ gogyo ramen~

~disneyland with 2 other families~

~party where we need to provide 50 ppl with a taste of singapore~

~international potluck party~

~meeting my principal~

so busy... but i like this kind of busy-ness... =P

friends and weekend

what a tiring weekend it was... but so much fun..! especially for the gals...

went to tokyo dome on saturday... kids just went on rides after rides... at the amusement park... it was there that rachelle told me how much fun she was having... and that she can hardly wait for thursday to come... cos she figured that it would be a whole lot more fun with another family..!

then we did dinner at a tonkatsu restaurant... and i asked the gals if they would want to join the family again the next day... and they eagerly said yes...

hubby had some work to do... so the gals and i headed off to meet them first...

we had a picnic out in a park... at tokyo midtown in roppongi... we always love to go there... very relaxed environment... and it was a nice weather to have a picnic...

so we headed to the supermarket to buy our food and drinks first...mainly sushi... yummy..!

then the kids ran off ahead of us to lay the picnic mat... and like most singaporeans... they chose a shady spot... aiyo... so cold... so we shifted right under the sun... and it was nice... actually it was a little hot... but only for a short while...

when the sun hid behind the buildings... it felt cold very quickly... but the kids did not feel cold at all... they were too busy running all around the park... playing games... and simply enjoying themselves...

hubby joined us after he had completed his stuff... and we headed to get hakone tickets for the family... and then to the arcade for the kids to enjoy themselves...

the day ended nicely with dinner... and ice cream... ice cream was fun... cos we bought from cold stones creamery... and the staff sang for tips... we just wanted them to sing... so i put in some money into the tip box... and they started singing..! with so much enthusiasm too..! it was all so cute and amusing to watch...

it was so nice catching up with someone from church... to hear a little about how church is like these days... just nice to be connected again...

lucky me has today to rest... while the gals and hubby are back at school... =P

cant wait for thursday to come..!

Friday 26 November 2010


the 4 foreign students are hosting a party for their japanese course-mates... so a piece of paper was circulated... to see how many would be turning up for the party...

lo and behold... 45 people indicated that they would be coming... *stress*

though the 4 families are not required to prepare all the food by ourselves... we could order... or buy... but each family is to prepare at least something... a local dish from where we come from...

hubby and i discussed long and hard...

what should we bring to the table..? we only have one 16cm pot... a 26cm shallow pan... a 26cm sukiyaki pan... and that's it..! how to prepare..?

thought of making bak-kut-teh... but my 16cm pot can at most... cook 500g of pork ribs at any one time... how many times do i have to cook..?!?!

party's next friday... so anyone of you have any bright ideas... please... let me know... =P

CG gathering

2 families from our CG back home would be visiting tokyo... 1 family's arriving today... and the other tomorrow... so fun..!

they didnt plan their holidays together... and since we had wanted to catch up with the families who are coming... i asked for their itineraries... and noticed that they would be visiting disneyland during the same period next week..!

and so... since hubby is still on 'leave' next week... i suggested for us to take the gals... and arranged to meet them at disneyland...

and yes..! we are meeting..! YAY..!

think it'll be so much fun for the kids... all 8 of them... =)

this would be our 3rd time there... but i believe will be the most memorable one... i mean each time we went... it was just the 4 of us... the gals would sometimes go on rides without hubby and i... no matter how fun... it was just the 4 of us...

but this time... they'd be riding with friends... how cool..!

it's forecasted to rain on that day... so gotta get all 8 kiddos to pray really hard..! =P

talking to strangers

being here in japan... had given us plenty of opportunity to meet new people... and make new friends...

and also the opportunity... to meet friends from home... whom we have not met for a very long time...

as the year end holidays are here... we have been having a constant flow of friends visiting tokyo... and so... lots of catching up... nice.. =)

we just caught up with hubby's secondary school pal and his wife... just 2 days ago... spent the day with them at asakusa... akihabara... and then decided to do dinner as well... so hubby and i headed off home to pick the gals up...

and at the dinner table... and esp at the dessert place... i noticed that the gals were able to carry themselves very much..!

they were sharing their experiences in the local school here... about the recent school play that they had... then rachelle went on to share more about her camp... about how they are allowed to use dangerous tools on their own...

looking at them converse... i couldnt help but swell with pride... the gals have not met the couple before... maybe once... along the streets back home...

i remembered how shy the gals used to be... especially in front of strangers... when introduced... they usually would shy away... and even if they spoke... there would be minimal eye contact... and with a very soft and weak voice...

guess this one-year exposure has made them more open... and also the short trip to perth... all these experiences have enriched them... i believe... =)

Saturday 20 November 2010

学芸会 {gaku-gei-gai}

the gals' school puts up a school play once every 2 years... and how fortunate they are to have this opportunity to be involved..!

each grade (aka level) puts up a short play... about 20min... and everyone is involved... that's what i especially like about the japanese culture... even the foreign students... they are each given a line... or sometimes more to say on stage...

the gals have been practising a lot at home... they seem to be able to recite the whole play..! it's amazing how much japanese they are spurting now... hubby and i are just so glad that we have placed them in a local public school...

parents were invited to watch the play today... and so... hubby and i went to give them the support...

when i was there... i absolutely understood nothing..! but i learnt a lot... as i observed how the whole play was put together... i cant help but feel that our kids in singapore are just so sheltered... maybe too privileged... to the extent they do not learn other life skills... =P

it was not as organised as the school play that my school put up last year... not so 'kilat'... not so pro... parents did not sit through the 6 plays... they would come jsut before their kid's play... and leave after the curtains close for the play...

even though there were no ushers... everyone seemed to know what to do... parents were telephoned the previous night (via a phone chain)... informing us that photography and video can only be taken at the designated area... marked out right at the back of the hall...

and really... no one... absolutely no one was seen taking a picture... nor videoing in their seats...

oh... did i mention that there were no mics..? yep... even with all the moving about of the parents... we could hear what was going on on stage... not only the children performing knew how to project their voices... discipline off-stage was also amazing...

and as i observed... there was no teacher around to do stuff for the children...

the props were rolled on and off stage... by students... even the spotlights were controlled by the students..! they took turns... if it was not their turn to appear on stage during their play... they would be manning the light...

back at home... we'd probably see the teachers scurrying from place to place to make sure that everything was in order... from ushering to technical stuff...

oh... no projector... nor laptop too... they used mahjong paper... to show what the title of the next play would be...

another amazing thing that struck me was when rachelle's class started to sing the final song... there were abt... maybe 50 children on stage... and they were LOUD..! no mics..! so lively... so happy...

i whispered to hubby... if there were just as many singapore kids up there... you wouldnt hear a thing without a mic...

among other observations... i can see how the students really own the play... how much pride they have... to do their part well... sometimes it's even not their job... they take it upon themselves to ensure that the play goes on smoothly...

so our education system... one of the best in the world..?
well... academically... maybe...

wholistically..? creatively..? life-skills..?
maybe still a long way to go...

Thursday 18 November 2010

desperately in need of a strategy..!

opened my email... and i think i stopped breathing for a while... received an email from my principal..?!?! and she's coming to japan..!?!? *panics*

she is asking for a favour with one of her luggage... which is no problem at all...


what if...

she asks...

'when are you coming back to school?'...

what am i going to say..? i have not told her my plans for next year... and i dun think that it's a good idea to do it face to face... i can almost imagine what she might say...


so should i submit my resignation letter first..? then reply her email to say that i can help her with the luggage..?


help her first... then when we meet... prays that she does not ask me..? *i dun think so*


dun help at all... say not free... *but means i'll be lying*


pray that i'll not be free during that time..?

or what..???


maybe... i'll just help... if she asks... tell it to her straight... and face the music... cos nothing's gonna change right..?

ah... duno la... will not respond to the email first... let me think and sleep over it...

Wednesday 17 November 2010

can't wait till you're 13..?

on and off... i have been receiving requests on FB... requesting me to add them as my friends... many of which were students from the school that i teach in... a few others form church...

and at home... my 10-yr-old has been badgering me for a FB account since dunno when... citing that all her friends have an account except her... blah blah blah... why so-and-so has an account... and why cant she... why so-and-so's mommy allows... but i do not...

hubby and i have chosen to stand firm on this...

according to FB's terms... users have to be at least 13 years old... so in order to create an account for her... i will have to not reveal her real age... in plain words... i will have to lie... ouch... sounds so hard and sinful... but what other way is there to say it..?

anyways... i explained to the gals that besides the 'rule' set by FB... i felt that they are not ready for this... it's too massive... to public... and God knows what their friends... of their friends... of their friends... are sharing on the internet...

but that i'm sure we can train... train them how to be smart on the internet... educating them on the dangers of the internet... and making friends on the internet...

guess the biggest factor is the '13-yr-old' rule... and when she compares herself to her other friend's parents... hubby and i will have to tell it to her nicely... that every family has different rules and priorities... and in OUR family... we recognise that rules are placed in order... sometimes to protect the user...

guess our stand is this... if we 'helped' them get their FB accounts now... by not revealing their real age... we have actually demonstrated to them that rules can be broken... 'exceptions' can be made... all things are permissible...

we hate to think the day they turn 18... and lie to the bouncer at the pub about their age... just to be able to get in... to join their other friends... who had done the same thing...

or lie about their age to get a ticket to watch an adult-rated movie...

the list is endless...

we just wanna teach the gals to respect authority... and submit to what that is laid down... we may look and sound like party-poopers... but it's ok... =P

bro henson talks about this issue: Children on Facebook... on his blog too... and he says it so much better than me..! =)

Tuesday 16 November 2010

minor reno

we've started to think about our journey home... in just another 5 months... we should be home...

discussions with our interior designer has already started... gals wanna have their own bedrooms when they get back... so we're planning to convert the study room into rachelle's bedroom... which needs a bed... study table... and a wardrobe... then new blinds for the whole house... and also a fresh coat of paint...

God's timing is just so good...

just last month... our tenants asked if they could continue to rent our house till june next year... but we couldnt... and we could only have them rent till 28 feb... means that they will have to move out by 1 march...

we were just thinking that we needed some time to clean up the house a little...

then we started toying with the idea of getting a minor reno done... while we are away... just before our return... and since we trusted our ID so much... we decided to drop her an email... basically just to check if she is still with the same company...

to our pleasant surprise... she is still with the same company... and best... she still has our floor plans... which means she could start work immediately if she wants to..!

then we told her what we would like to do... she gave us a time line... said she could start work on site on 1 march... yay..!

which means... when we return... we dun have to experience the agony of looking at the state of our house... just after the tenants move out..! =P

eager to see the plans from our ID..! =)

visitors galore..!

to date...

meeting up with 4 different families... over the next 2 weeks..!

i like... =)

japanese tables

since we started 'home-schooling'... i have been trying... for the longest time... to get joanna to memorise her times table...

each time she comes to a multiplication sum... she'd take a long time to figure out the answer... have tried getting her to sing her tables... which i feel... took her too long... for example... 3 x 7... she'd have to sing from 3... 6... 9... too long...

then just 2 days' ago... i noticed that she was doing her jap school's math homework... and it was on multiplication...

the first sum was... 4 x 7 =... and almost immediately... she wrote 28... i was amazed..! and i asked her how she got her answer...

then she went...
shi-shi-chi... ni-ju-ha... (4...7...28...)

my jaw dropped...

then she took out her chart from school... she has been getting her stickers for being able to get her tables right..!

and she does it all in japanese..!

oh wells... it least it's a faster method..! =P

Monday 15 November 2010

SMS (Part 2)

looks like it's clearing up liao


*jaw dropped*

SMS (Part 1)

looks like it may rain too

oh no... gals got no umbrella

let's pray

found it amusing... so unlike him... =P

a regular weekend

last week's weather was simply fantastic..! cool... breezy... sunshine... you could walk for miles... in your cashmere pullover... high boots... a scarf... and not have a bead of perspiration develop on your face..!

met up with hubby's friend and family on saturday... tsukiji market was uber crowded... challenging... especially moving in a group of 8... which included 2 toddlers under 4yrs...

so we went to roppongi... the kids had loads of fun at the playground... did dinner... 焦がしらめん again..! =P

sunday... overslept and missed church... felt so bad...

so we headed for a buffet lunch at Shakey's Pizza... think we wont eat another pizza... nor pasta... for the next 2 weeks..!

did a little shopping... jeans-hunting for rachelle... is like boots-hunting for me... too difficult... but thank God... when we were about to give up... we found... at Gap... and there was a sale..! 20% plus 15%... another testimony about how our God provides... =)

made chicken curry for dinner... didnt expect it to turn out so spicy... but thankfully i always have 'instant' food in the fridge... so the gals had other stuff... while hubby and i enjoyed the curry...

another week begins...

gotta get the gals back on track for their singapore school's syllabus... have not been actively doing since dad and gang were here... that's a month already..! too long...

gals have been rehearsing their school's play... think they can narrate the entire play already... it's amazing how fluent they are..! cant wait to see them in action this saturday... so proud of them... =)

also looking forward to meet a family from singapore over the weekend... have not met them for years... the last time we met was when rachelle was about 5..!

Friday 12 November 2010

ふぐ (fu-gu)

that's puffer fish...

and we had that for dinner last night... dinner was with our host family... and a couple from singapore... close friends of host family...

gals had sushi... while the adults had a ふぐ dinner... =)

we were first served with a ball of fatty tuna...
and ふぐsashimi... the sashimi was served with some thin spring onions... it tasted a little rubbery... much like eating squid sashimi...

then we had a small plate of sushi each... then a few pieces of cold crab...
followed by ふぐ鍋(fu-gu-na-be)... much like our steamboat...

while we were having the ふぐ鍋... someone mentioned that it was said that eating ふぐ will leave a mild tingling sensation on your tongue... which i felt when i was having the sashimi..! and i thought it was because of the spring onions..! =P

when all the contents in the pot have been eaten... some rice and a beaten egg was added to the soup... to make porridge..! the gals had some... in fact... they had a lot..! haha... they loved it... it was so yummy... not a single drop of soup was wasted..!

then the gals said they'd like to sing a japanese song for all of us... and hubby and i were just so proud of them... where did they find the courage to..? but they did so well... =)

then there was still space for desserts..! ice-cream... and a couple of beers...

glad to have had the opportunity to eat ふぐ... dont think we know how to order... or rather... dared to try eating ふぐon our own... =P

Wednesday 10 November 2010


the gals have been getting out of the house... a few days a week... in the evenings... to play with their friends...

and very often... one of them would return home... with either a skinned knee... or a cut somewhere... they are so used to it now that they can clean their wounds themselves...

in fact... when i was reluctant to grant them permission to play this evening... joanna told me that the teacher said that today's weather was great... and encouraged the children to be playing outdoors... oh wells...

the more i watch them play... the more grateful i am...

this is their childhood... my gals have a childhood... at least one memorable year of it... =P

they remind me of my own childhood... of just playing and hanging around with friends at the void deck... marbles... playground... playing police and thief... hide and seek... cycling... =)


rachelle's back..! and her toe is looking good..! thank God... =)

as soon as she got through the door... she couldnt stop telling joanna and i... all the experiences that she had the past 3 days... showing off the craft she did...

she collected seashells by the shore... and one of the activities was to create a necklace using the shells that she has picked... together with some other materials which she has found... and i thought her pendant was really nice..! a small piece of wood... covered with shells on both sides...

she even picked shells for joanna and myself... i apparently got the nicer ones... =P

then she showed us the pair of chopsticks that she made... on the final day of camp... they were all given bentos... but without chopsticks... so they had to make a pair for themselves... from bamboo... and she went on to describe how she made it...

and she shared that her favourite experience was to be seated... facing a natural waterfall... and having her bento today...

as she looked through her school's webpage... she was able to tell us more about her camp from the photos posted online... yes... her school is very efficient in this area... their webpage is very updated... i know what joanna had for lunch even before she gets home each day... =P

then she went on to share her bedtime experiences... many other experiences... clearly... she had enjoyed herself tremendously...

as i thought about her camp... and all the stuff that she had done... it seemed like our camps of old..! so much fun... so much nature... so little technology involved...

i cannot imagine a camp... in spore... without the use of a laptop... to say the least...

so glad that she has this opportunity... she would definitely not have such an experience in spore..!


he is just so cute... too cute..! =)

just skyped with him... poor kid's running a fever... and so... is at my dad's place... instead of the childcare centre...

he was so talkative..! kept talking and talking... not that i understood all that he had said... but regardless... he is just so adorable...

when i held up my camera phone... and as i told him that i was gonna take a photo of him... he immediately put up a 'peace' sign next to his face..! so kawaii..!

then when i asked him... 'where is 弟弟..?'
he replied... 'ek home'... *impressed*

i asked him... 'where is 婆婆..?'
he replied... 'ek home'... *very impressed*

then i asked him... 'where is daddy..?'
yep... he replied... 'ek home'... *LOL*

everyone is at home to him..!

super cute la he... he is one person... who is making me look forward... to going home in 5 months' time...

stay cute till i come back..! =)

Tuesday 9 November 2010

year-end parties

how i miss throwing parties... especially during this time of year... lots of parties to do... and lots of parties to attend too...

many friends are year-end babies... if you work backwards... it's no wonder... cos these babies would be 'made' around february... the month where love fills the air... =P

anyways... just heard that a friend's throwing a party for their 2 children... asking for magician's contact... then my nephews birthdays are too around the corner...

besides birthdays... there are christmas parties that hubby and i love to host... so much fun... sure it's tiring to host a party... especially when we do not have a helper in the house... imagine the clean-up... but hubby and i were pretty much used to it...

really miss parties... big time...

guess gotta wait another 5 months... joanna's 9th birthday will be our very first party back..! =)

Monday 8 November 2010

mother-daughter time

she is asleep now... looking at her face... i know that she has totally enjoyed her day with me... =P
she has been looking forward to this time... when it's just she and i...

didnt see her get angry today... nor irritated... just very pleasant... even when she wanted to go out to play with her friends... she asked for permission so sweetly... and even with a hug... promising to be home by 6pm...

dinner with her was delightful... she kept on re-telling her day to me... about what happened in school... and she ate so much..! in between mouthfuls... she commented that dinner without 姐姐was so different... the dinner table was quiet...

guess she misses her sister too...

played a couple of marble games with her after dinner... much laughter and silliness... it was all good...

another thing that she was looking forward to... was to be able to sleep with me while hubby and rachelle were away... she went to bed without any complains... and fell asleep rather quickly too...

i love it when i am able to spend one-on-one time with the gals... they are so precious... building memories for them to keep... =)


rachelle was so anxious about her camp... that she was not able to sleep well last night... she came over to my room at about 2am... and tossed and turned in bed till past 3am... glad that she managed to fall back asleep...

woke up before her alarm rang... came and hug me... and greeted me good morning... =)

she has been looking forward to this camp since the day it was announced to them... but just last friday... she skinned her left big toe... and the bleeding was not easy to stop... really prayed very hard for a speedy recovery... cos she had much walking and hiking to do during the camp...

so packed her 2 haversacks... and was ready to go off this morning...

looking at her leave me... for just 3D 2N... i felt a tinge of reluctance within me... as i saw her off at the lift... i thought to myself... my little gal has grown up... she looks so mature... tall... and much slimmer now...

it's the first time she is away from home... not just for 1 night... but 2 nights... how i miss her now...

the house is so much quieter without her singing... dancing... she is seldom quiet for long periods of time...

even joanna commented during dinner... that she felt strange... that dinner is so quiet... just she and i...

praying that rachelle is enjoying her camp much... and for protection too...

thank God with us

me being me... i love to share of our family adventures... and even plans... our ups and downs... and so... even our holidays plans are 'announced' on my blog... =P

it's a struggle some times... whether to share of how God has blessed us openly... or to be discreet about it... and maybe share with only my inner circle of family and friends...

but every time... i will choose to shout it out..! =P

and of course i will get comments... on FB... and blogs... from friends... about how envious they are of us... that we seem to be on this perpetual holiday...

whenever i get such feedback... i go into reflection... have my sharings been boastful..? have my shout-outs been jarring..?

my intent is really to tell the world how much God has given to us... how forever grateful we are... especially on this journey... when it all started with hubby and i not agreeing to bring the whole family along... worrying about finances... anxious about how long we'd have to be living apart...

to now... how God has indeed been faithful... and how He is a more-than-enough God for us...

thank God with us ya..? =)

おひさしぶり (o-hi-sa-shi-bu-ri)

that means long time no see...

ever since my korean neighbour found out that she was pregnant... that's in july... she was not able to hold any food intake... she was constantly nauseous... and puking...

so... our english lessons on thursdays... grocery shopping @ costco... lunching and coffees... together with another korean neighbour... has ceased...

today... we're meeting again..! =)

dunno where we'd be going... but it's just good to be able to see them... and go out with them again... especially now when both rachelle and hubby are not around...

it's been a long 3 months... looking forward..! =P

Friday 5 November 2010

looking forward

hubby returned from school today... and told me which are the days that he is not required to be in school...

and that's like more than a month in all..! =)

so exciting... making our holiday plans now... gonna be spending new year's day out of tokyo... staying over at a jap friend's house... experience first hand how the japs celebrate new year...

4 days prior to that trip... we should be in osaka...

then clubmed sohoro in march... just before we go back to singapore...

in the meantime... looking for short getaways too..! =P

Thursday 4 November 2010

boots and bag

after trying... or should i say... forcing my feet into jap-sized boots... for so many days... i finally was able to put on... not one... but 2 pairs of boots today..!

was looking for a pair of brown ones... cos i have a brown bag... but the brown pair did not look as good as the black pair... the black pair looks more sleek and neat... but i dun have a black bag to match it with... =(

so reluctantly... we walked out of the shop... as we were walking... i was thinking to myself... it's really so difficult for me just to fit into a nice pair of boots here... wad if there were really no other boots that will fit me..? just buy the black one first la... then can go buy a black bag later... =P

and so we did... bought the black pair of boots... happy... =)

then was looking around for a nice black bag... couldnt see anything i like at the mall in roppongi... decided to head home... to another mall near our place... and there i saw what i wanted..! and at the price that i was willing to pay for...

cant wait to wear the boots... and carry the bag on saturday... for an outing..! =P

back to normal

after dad and gang left on sat... hubby's been 'on leave' since... today's the last day before he goes back to school tmrw... =)

it has been just great... spending more time with him... just us... doing lunch... talking walks... shopping... that's his way of appreciating all that i had done for the past 2 weeks...

we've been hunting high and low... for another pair of boots for me... wanting to get a taller leather pair... but it has been just so difficult...

either i have very large feet... or the japs have very little feet...

shoe sizes come in S... M... L... or at some shops... LL... their L is 24.5... and depending on the design and cutting of the shoe... i am at least a 25.5... =(

but it has been fun... trying to squeeze my feet into their boots... feel like cinderella... LOL... =P

at home... the house is put back to normal... bed sheets are now matching... and the dining table back to it's normal position...

hubby's gonna be away at kyoto... from sunday to thursday...
rachelle's gonna be away at camp... from monday to wednesday...

means it'll just be joanna and me... from monday to wednesday...

2 weeks ago... so busy and the house was bustling with activities...
next week... so quiet...

well... not gonna be boring... cos i have got scrapbooking to do..! that reminds me... gotta pick photos to print... =P

then also getting excited to meet up with 3 families from singapore... so nice...

but for now... still busy uploading photos... just 3 more albums to go..! =)

Monday 1 November 2010


for the past 2 weeks... the house was crowded... happy noises were often heard... there were times i wished i had some time to myself...


the gals are asleep... hubby's out for a function...

i've been alone for the past 30mins...
it's more than enough liao... =P


now that the gang is safely back home... i begin my re-adjustments... back to routine...

still in the midst of washing all the bedlinen... returned 2 beds... another sofa bed to return tmrw...

now that the weather's turning cold rather quickly... gotta take out the winter clothes and begin packing the summer clothes...

just when i thought it was time to take it slow... after a full month of activities... i found out that there will be 3 families visiting tokyo in november..! so fun..! =)

planning 3 family trips for our final 5 months here... and also starting the gals on next year's syllabus... cos dun think there's much time for me to teach them once our holidays start...

then gotta start making plans for our return... our house... car... and then packing...

though there seem so much to do... but right now... i really dun feel like doing anything... feel that i totally deserve to 'nuah' a little bit more... =P