Sunday 4 April 2010

so blessed

checked out from the weekly mansion yesterday... wondering when we'll be able to get internet access... wondering if our purchase of bedding will arrive as promised... wondering how long we'd take to settle and unpack...

the bedding arrived promptly... and shortly after... the other 2 boxes and 2 luggage arrived... and we spent the entire afternoon... shifting furniture... unpacking... cleaning... sorting...

gals were amazing... all i did was to place their clothes from the luggage onto their beds... and they did all the sorting out into their wardrobe... we were utterly impressed by them... their wardrobe looks great..!

figured we wouldnt have time to walk out for lunch... so rachelle and i went to the nearby supermarket to buy some stuff... came back and i prepared a simple lunch for us... our very first home-cooked meal at our new place..! =)

by evening... we decided that we should go out and have a good dinner... to celebrate our moving in... and we did... wad a lovely evening we had...

it was a rather chilly night last night... there wasnt a air-conditioner in the gals' room that could warm their room... all we had was a heater that could not be used when sleeping... and it looked dangerous actually...

so we heated up their room with it... and turned it off when the gals slept...

at about 4am... rachelle came over... shivering from the cold... hubby went over with her and turned on the heater again... by then... i couldnt fall back asleep anymore... i was thinking of ways to keep the gals warm at night... we had to do something...

so today... we went hunting for a heater... that was safe for overnight use... and also proper sleep wear for the gals...

after much walking... and comparing... we came back happy with our purchase... a humidifier and a ceramic heater all rolled in one... and it was very reasonably priced too...

another thing we settled today... was to get our internet connection... had wanted to get something to be used in the house... an ADSL line... as compared to a pocket WIFI... though can be brought out of the house to be used... it was pricier... and not as fast as the ADSL...

but we have to wait 3 weeks for it to be connected..! =(

we couldnt wait... 3 weeks is a long time to be disconnected... and hubby would be starting his course tomorrow... and he might need to start doing research...

and so we settled for the pocket WIFI... and it's great..! =)

into our second night at meguro... gals are nice and warm in their room now... fast asleep...

think we are already nicely settled in... =)

we see God in the process... truly without him... how else could it all be possible..?

1 comment:

bHappi said...

Wow... so much done in a day :)