Monday 26 April 2010

Matthew 25: 21

'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'

this verse stood out the most for me yesterday... it was not expounded on by the pastor... it was jus revelation to me... as i read the scripture text...

so many times we only hear the part about God putting us in charge of many things cos of our faithfulness... and many times... that almost sound like a punishment...

sometimes i get fearful of this verse... cos afraid of the MORE THINGS that will be added to me if i were faithful with the few things...

come share your MASTER'S HAPPINESS...

this is what spoke to me... what is this 'master's happiness' that Jesus is saying..?

applying the rules of the english language and understanding the context and syntax... this simply refers to the part where it says 'in charge of many things'... doesn't it..?

that being put 'in charge of many things'... is actually sharing my master's happiness... that actually He is making me in charge of more of His business... therefore... it should be a happy thing... a joyous celebration... isn't it..?

then why are we so worried of the 'more things' that He will put us in charge of..?

isn't this the fear that the 3rd man has in the parable of the talents..? therefore he hid his talent in the ground..?

i know it all sounds too easy... with the little that we are given... already 'cry father cry mother' liao... how can we even fathom about 'more things'..?

but duno la... it jus brought me joy when i read that last part of the verse... =)

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