Saturday 10 April 2010

home schooling

it's been a week since we moved to meguro... and we've had 4 'school days' and 1 'sports day'... as the gals have put it... they declared the day they played at the playground as their 'sports day'...

the 4 'school days' that we had we all different...

on the 1st day... i had both gals with me at the dining table... 3 hours... found that it was not too efficient as both gals may need my attention at the same time... causing me to be rather stressed and 'pek chek'...

so on the 2nd day... we had it slightly differently... both gals started at the same time... but while rachelle was doing the work that i've assigned her... i took joanna with me to the room to cover a chinese comprehension passage... then we switched...

didnt quite feel that it was efficient as well... gals really need a lot of individual attention from me as we are doing topics that they have not learnt in school back home...

then on the 3rd day... i took rachelle first... for 3 hours... joanna was free to do whatever she wanted... as long as she doesnt come and call for my attention... unless it was urgent...

then we did lunch... and it was joanna's turn with me... for 3 hours...

felt that the gals benefited from the personal time with me... but it was difficult to have them spend 3hrs alone... with no playmate... and nothing constructive to do...

so at the end of day 3... i had set 'homework' for rachelle to do the next day... to be done during the time that i am teaching joanna... any left over time would be hers to enjoy... and i would alternate who starts 'school' first... that means each gal would have 'homework' only on every alternate day...

the 4th day... while i was with joanna... rachelle did her 'homework'... realised that 3hrs is too long a period for joanna... so joanna does 2.5hrs of school... and when joanna's done... she will be given 'homework' to be done the next day... when i start with rachelle first...

then immediately after joanna... i carried on with rachelle... while joanna went to bathe and wind down... rachelle is not given any 'homework' as she starts first the following day...

after 'school'... i quickly prepared a quick lunch... and after lunch... the rest of the day was free for all.... we could go shopping... or do other fun things... =)

a little complicated... but still gotta add in fixed days for spelling and 听写...

it's gonna be fun..! =)

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