Friday 16 April 2010

first day of school

felt so rushed into this actually... but it's amazing how adaptable God has made us to be...

we were all so busy last night... writing their names (in katakana) on all their belongings... packing their bags... gals wrote 5 sentences in english on what they want to say when introducing themselves to the class... hubby did the translation... and then gals memorised their script...

oh... we had to dye their hair black... not that the school insisted... but thought it would be better for the gals not to be so 'special'... we tried our best but felt that the streaks were still faint... but at least they were not that obvious... then gals would have to remove their ear-studs for school...
gals put themselves to bed last night... rachelle did devotion and prayed... i could hear through the thin walls here... =)

it was a wet... cold and windy morning... after breakfast... gals recited wad they memorised... and off to school we went...

the VP received us... and in her office... the gals introduced themselves in japanese... and she clapped and said, 'じょうすです!'... which means 'good!'...

then the P walked me around the school... taking me to the gals' classrooms... both were on level 2... there i witnessed rachelle introduce herself to the class... joanna was seated near the windows...

both gals looked rather apprehensive... but think they should be alright...

before they left with their home room teacher (form teacher) for their classes... i told them this... it's only the first day... expect to understand nothing... jus follow wad your friends do... and go with the flow... if can learn 1 or 2 phrases today... good enough for me... =)

joanna finishes school at 2.30pm... while rachelle at 3.30pm... this is another thing i need to learn... their dismissal timings... different everyday...

but i'm glad that the gals are in a public school... i really like the way they teach responsibility and independence...

there are no cleaners in school... every child cleans everyday... no parents are seen in school... i was the only one today... the children walk to and from school themselves... either alone... or in a group... it is not a frequent sight to see children walking with their parents to school... even less being driven to school... all of them walk to school...

while i am enjoying this new found freedom... i'm already beginning to feel a little bored... better get my hands on some baking recipes... or japanese classes... or ikebana (flower arrangement) classes... i cannot do this (staying at home alone from 8am-3pm) every day... =P

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