Friday 30 April 2010


made sure that there was more than enough rice last night... so that i could pack the leftovers for the bentos this morning... oso made the pasta salad and garden salad last night...

got up at 6.30am to get the bentos ready... hubby waking at 7am... and gals were to wake at 7.10am...

bentos were done in 20mins... well... not the very pretty ones... but thought i had better start by making simple ones... and slowly get more adventurous... =P

guess it must be all the buzz in the kitchen... gals were up around 7am... by themselves... washed up... and rachelle even prepared breakfast for themselves... milk and cereal... =)

they were delighted to see the bentos... joanna will get hers soon... when she goes for her field trip...

hope they will enjoy them too..! =)

chicken hamburger patties

rachelle's bento & hubby's bento
*sprinkles for the rice are in the cute mickey container... salad sauce in the fish-shaped container*

hubby's bento
*using joanna's bento set... so the cute mickey =P*

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