Friday 30 April 2010


made sure that there was more than enough rice last night... so that i could pack the leftovers for the bentos this morning... oso made the pasta salad and garden salad last night...

got up at 6.30am to get the bentos ready... hubby waking at 7am... and gals were to wake at 7.10am...

bentos were done in 20mins... well... not the very pretty ones... but thought i had better start by making simple ones... and slowly get more adventurous... =P

guess it must be all the buzz in the kitchen... gals were up around 7am... by themselves... washed up... and rachelle even prepared breakfast for themselves... milk and cereal... =)

they were delighted to see the bentos... joanna will get hers soon... when she goes for her field trip...

hope they will enjoy them too..! =)

chicken hamburger patties

rachelle's bento & hubby's bento
*sprinkles for the rice are in the cute mickey container... salad sauce in the fish-shaped container*

hubby's bento
*using joanna's bento set... so the cute mickey =P*

Thursday 29 April 2010

first bentos

rachelle's going on her very first field trip tomorrow... and a bento is one of the many things she has to bring...

while planning her bento... i was thinking to myself... since i was already making one bento... and hubby's gonna be at class tomorrow... why dont i jus make him one too..?

and so... i planned to 'surprise' him tmrw...

after returning from his jog... he asked if it was any trouble for me to prepare a bento for him as well...

ha... no longer a surprise... and when he learnt that i already had intentions to make him one... he seemed pleased... =)

gonna wake up in 6hrs to prepare 2 bentos...
wish me luck..! =P

online groceries

jus finished doing my groceries... online... =)

visited the site introduced by the american's wife... it cost 105yen (SGD1.50) to deliver if i order more than 3000yen (SGD45) worth of stuff... and delivery is free if purchases are above 5000yen...

not too bad a deal... especially when i think of buying 5kg rice... milk... and other heavy stuff... this is really good...

so jus to try it out... i made the first purchase tonight... jus over 3000yen... delivery is expected on saturday...

let's see how it goes..!

Wednesday 28 April 2010


after the meeting with our host family... the 3 families were ferried back to our homes... the koreans... the americans... and us...

on the ride home... hubby invited the other 2 families to our house for coffee and tea... then the american's wife turned to me and asked if it was ok... cos she realised hubby hadnt asked me... haha... of course it was ok... thank God i like to entertain... =)

so we had 3 families over at our house... a total of 6 adults... and 6 children... aged 3 months to 10 years...

boy... was i glad i stocked up on cookies... snacks... coffee... tea... even had bak kwa... and chili tapioca crisps to serve..! =)

now my cupboard is almost empty...
time to buy more..! =P

host family

met them this morning... felt that they were really nice people... not as what i had expected them to be... =P

they even invited us over to their 2nd house over next weekend... it's about a 2hr train journey from where we stay... from how the couple had described it... it seems like a very big house... and we are so looking forward to spending a night at their place..!

it was a rather formal first meeting... rather stressed but it was made a lot easier that they speak english... and that hubby and them know a common friend... this friend has helped prepare us for our first meeting... by telling us about his friendship with the host family... and it really did help a lot...

thank God... =)

Tuesday 27 April 2010

dress up

each foreign student has been attached to a host family... usually a retiree... an ex-officer... usually... rather high ranking...

so we're meeting ours tomorrow...

that's the reason why i have been desperately trying to buy a pair of shoes... my nicer shoes are still in the shipment... and the only pair of shoes i have now... is a pair of walking shoes... and i thought that i had better be in a skirt or a dress...

spent some time deciding what to wear jus now... after deciding what to wear... i soon realised that i do not have a nice coat... it's gonna be funny having a casual jacket over my outfit tmrw... oh wells...

got my nails painted as well... figured that they wouldnt last 2 days with all the cleaning and washing and cooking... i got the nail polish from the nearby 100Yen shop... and did my own manicure... not too bad la... =P

anticipating such an event... i oso bought a box of merlion-shaped chocolates and a packet of dried mangoes... as gifts to the host family...

it may be jus a simple meeting... no need for all this fuss... but i believe first impressions are lasting... and they matter... first impressions set the tone... it tells the other party how you would like to be treated... it's respect...

that's why i bother so much...
besides... hubby looks good when i do... =P


maybe cos i'm rather competitive by nature... and some even say a 'perfectionist'... it has helped me enjoy my stay here... or rather... find meaning in the mundane things i do everyday...

i take pride in keeping the house clean and tidy for my gals and hubby... that when they return... they are happy... they are relaxed...

taking care of their dinner has now become my job... not only it's my job... it is my joy... making sure they are satisfied... and that the dinner table is a place where we share the happenings of the day passed... usually filled with laughter... =)

jus tonight... hubby commented...
that of the 3 homes...
he felt that ours is the cleanest and most organised...

i take that as a compliment... =P

korean dinner

3 out of the 4 foreign students' families stay here at meguro-ku... and all 3 families are neighbours... we being sandwiched between them...

before kim-san's (korean) wife and daughters arrived on sunday... we have been inviting him over for meals occasionally... so once his family arrived... they invited us for dinner last night...

dinner was a simple meal of rice cakes in soup... there's a special name but i simply cannot remember la... then there were at least 7 different types of kimchi on the table...

it was quite an experience for me and the gals... but glad they tried to at least finish their bowl of rice cakes... and even had black bean rice... =)

what is more interesting about the dinner was the conversations shared over the table...

here's who at the table...
kim-san... speaks korean and jap... little english...
kim-san's wife... speaks only korean... very little jap and english...
hubby... speaks english and limited jap...
me... speaks only english... very little jap...

hubby was like the official translator... so proud of him...

if kim-san wants to tell me something... he has to tell hubby... and hubby tells me... vice-versa...

what's more interesting... is when kim-san's wife wanna tell me something... she tells kim-san... kim-san then translates to jap to hubby... and then hubby translates to english for me...

then hubby tells kim-san that i could show his wife around... i was like... huh..? how to talk..? so stressful... see how la... =P

but it was an enjoyable night... the gals played well with his gals... =)

Monday 26 April 2010

Matthew 25: 21

'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'

this verse stood out the most for me yesterday... it was not expounded on by the pastor... it was jus revelation to me... as i read the scripture text...

so many times we only hear the part about God putting us in charge of many things cos of our faithfulness... and many times... that almost sound like a punishment...

sometimes i get fearful of this verse... cos afraid of the MORE THINGS that will be added to me if i were faithful with the few things...

come share your MASTER'S HAPPINESS...

this is what spoke to me... what is this 'master's happiness' that Jesus is saying..?

applying the rules of the english language and understanding the context and syntax... this simply refers to the part where it says 'in charge of many things'... doesn't it..?

that being put 'in charge of many things'... is actually sharing my master's happiness... that actually He is making me in charge of more of His business... therefore... it should be a happy thing... a joyous celebration... isn't it..?

then why are we so worried of the 'more things' that He will put us in charge of..?

isn't this the fear that the 3rd man has in the parable of the talents..? therefore he hid his talent in the ground..?

i know it all sounds too easy... with the little that we are given... already 'cry father cry mother' liao... how can we even fathom about 'more things'..?

but duno la... it jus brought me joy when i read that last part of the verse... =)

more spiritual nuggets

yesterday's message was video-taped... the pastor of the church was at the opening service of their new worship site @ misato...

initially... i was skeptical... not live... but video-taped... how much would i listen and learn..?

the message was on the parable of the talents...

i mean... how many times have we read that..? and how many times have we heard of a message from that parable..? how else can you preach that passage..?

anyways... i was amazed... think yesterday's message was clearest and meaningful for me... picked up a few nuggets along the way...

it was interesting that the pastor shared the message differently... it was not your usual message of using your talents well... about not burying your talents... but use it for the Lord and He will multiply what we have...

instead his message was all about 'risks'... about how the 3rd man never knew who Christ really was cos he never took the risk to do so... he was captured by fear...

another nugget was when he shared... 'your faith determines your vision'... at first i was puzzled... but as he taught... i began to see... he said that many ppl plan... have a vision first... then pray for faith to carry out the vision...

he is saying that faith should come first... when we have the willingness to risk by faith opportunities for the gospel... then we see the Kingdom purpose... the vision...

after the sermon... i am really wondering... what can i do at this church that we are attending... dun wanna 'waste' this year jus warming one of the seats there...


after our move to meguro-ku... we have been attending Tokyo Baptist Church @ Shibuya... it's jus a train station and a 5min bus ride away from our place...

we usually attend the 9am service on sunday... which sees about 200 ppl at that service...

having been attending TPMC for the past 24 years... the experience is rather different for me... truly... there's no place like HIS home... =P

being in the worship ministry... my attention was immediately drawn to the instruments and vocalists... was very encouraged by the team... tho the congregation is not big and not young... their team is no smaller than 15... and most importantly... each team member played his part and it was not clashy... or loud...

yesterday... the team was made up of...
1 bassist
2 electric guitarists
1 synthesizer
1 organist
1 drummer
1 percussionist
2 trumpeters
1 violinist
5 singers

though there were many ppl serving on the team... it was not noisy... nor messy... each instrument played their small part at the right time... not anyone instrument was louder than another... nor playing too much...

and when the instrument is not being played... the musician worships... what a lovely sight...

it reminded me that we are firstly made to worship Him... with or without instrument... the talent of being able to play an instrument in worship... is simply to enhance OUR worship to Him... whether we play an instrument or not... it does not add pleasure to HIS enjoyment... if we had worshipped from our hearts...

Saturday 24 April 2010


weekends are here again... as hubby has to catch up on his reading... we have decided to spend only one day out... instead of on both days... so we are home today... and will be out tomorrow... which includes church... and SHOPPING..! =)

usually i plan not to cook on weekends... i need a break too wad hor... =P

anyways... we were all too lazy to go out... though the sun shining really bright today... we are still staying home... after 2 loads of wash... which will definitely dry in the sun by evening... i looked into my fridge and decided to fry soba...

never done it before... so wasnt sure if it'll turn out right...

pictured in my head how a 焼そば is served outside... and started to prepare the ingredients... it began to turn out really well... colour and smell were familiar... =)
joanna decided to take a pix of me while i cooked... as you can see... my kitchen is super small... 2 burners... a very shallow frying pan... in fact... for the 4 of us... i have to fry 2 rounds... cos the pan was jus too small...
the finished product..! not too bad eh..? and it was so easy to do... guess we'd ba having more of this more often... and it costs under Y500 for the 4 of us..!


i love school..!

yes i do..! =)
not that i attend school... but i simply love wad it's doing with my gals..!

lunch is provided for in school... and since day 1... i've been checking with them... what was being served and if they finished their lunch in school...

the first couple of days... they confessed that they have difficulty finishing their food... but since 2-3 days ago... they have been reporting to me that they finished all that was given them..!

joanna said it's cos her friends kept encouraging her by saying 'がんばって!'... and she will try her very best to finish her meal...

to date... they have eaten more veg than they had in months... including raw lettuce... strawberries... onions... strawberry sauce... parsley...

quite impressive eh..? =)

Thursday 22 April 2010


both gals had their own complaints this morning...

rachelle woke up... and jus before she was gonna wash up... she threw up... and complained that there seem to be gas in her tummy... making her feel bloated... and thus does not wish to have any breakfast...

joanna complained that her throat still hurts... coughed a little... sniffled a lot... said that her nose was stuck...

gave rachelle some medicine for the gas in the tummy... and hubby asked both gals if they were ok for school...

both did not say 'no'... but hesitated to say 'yes'... but finally... they mustered enough courage to say that they did not wanna go to school today...

and so... hubby and i agreed... i wud monitor both gals to see what's really the matter...

hubby left for class at 7.30am... and usually gals would leave by 8.10am...

but by 8am... gals were already asking for omelet for their breakfast... one with pork floss... and the other with cheese...

and for the rest of the day... they were perfectly normal... joanna was still coughing and sniffling a little... but other than that... they'd definitely would have survived school...

verdict... NERVES...

as long as they get to school... be amongst their friends... they'd usually come home happy and report that they enjoyed school...

let's see what happens tomorrow...

Wednesday 21 April 2010


was getting really bored yesterday... hubby was in class... gals were in school... and chores were done on monday...

then was jus surfing the net... basically looking for things to do... then some how i thought of bentos... of how japanese women would wake up before anyone else in the family... jus to prepare bentos for everyone...

so i googled 'bento'... and was so inspired by the pretty bentos..!

i thought to myself... if i were to be here for a year... the least i could do is to have at least mastered the art of creating a decent bento..!

that night... joanna came back with a memo saying that she would be going on a field trip on 10 may... and she needs to pack a bento along... how timely... =)

so i decided to start some where... read up a bit about bento... about how there is a ratio to follow... 4:3:2:1... 4 parts carbs... 3 parts protein... 2 parts veg... 1 part dessert...

since carbs take up almost half a bento... i decided to play around with rice... and so decided to make onigiris...

i was really excited... and oso wanted it to cheer the gals up when they get back from school...

the ingredients were really simple... most of which i already have in my kitchen...

the dish of salted water was for my hands... so that the rice would not stick to my hands when i mold it... but later realised that using cling wrap is a better idea...

the containers were bought about 3 weeks ago... at disneyland... they were jus too pretty not to buy... =P

stuffed the onigiris with pork floss... and then rolled them in the rice toppings... we call them 'sprinkles'... cos dun really know how to call those delicious stuff...

it wasnt easy to shape them nicely in triangles... and silly me didnt think of using the containers as molds...
i hid the finished product under a cloth... waiting for the gals to return... they were delighted to see them... and they polished off everything very quickly... asking for more in between bites...

and they kept going 'おいしい!おいしい!'... =)
*oishii: delicious*

this has given me courage to be more adventurous... and to complete a bento..!

rainbow after the 'rain'

rachelle woke up with a tummy ache... in the wee hours of the morning... after breakfast... she puked everything out again...

thought she was gonna fall ill... but i think it's jus nerves... think she was still a little apprehensive after yesterday's incident during sports club...

anyways... off she went to school...

was praying the whole time she was in school...

then waited for the gals return... i could hear them even before the bell rang... smiling faces greeted me as i opened the door...

everything seems to have gone back to normal... and they said that they had enjoyed their day in school today... =)

Tuesday 20 April 2010


gals walked home alone from school today... joanna returned before 3pm... and rachelle was expected to be home by 4pm...

from our balcony... i could spot the gals walking back...

as i opened the door to welcome rachelle... tears started to well in her eyes... i got so worried... wondered what happened...

she said that the last lesson was 'sports club'... much like CCA... she chose to be sports club... and they were all speaking in japanese... and she didnt understand one single bit... she felt left out...

so she asked to be excused... she went to the toilet and sobbed... and when she returned to class... her friends noticed and asked if she was ok... that made her cry some more... then her form teacher called for the english-speaking teacher to talk with her...

the teacher comforted her saying that she doesnt need to understand the language to join sports club... advised her to enjoy being in the club...

when i heard this... my heart broke... even joanna teared... guess she must have felt the same as rachelle in school...

i began to wonder if we are doing the right thing by putting them in a local school... cos this might jus jeopardise their singapore syllabus also... and this is adding stress to the gals... and also to hubby...

every night... hubby needs to read the many memos sent home... and he will spend at least 45min explaining line by line to me after the gals have gone to bed...

and my gals... think they have inherited our characters... they wouldnt jus 'go through' school... they would wanna do their best too... thus adding pressure...

had a chat with hubby with regards to this... and we felt that this is barely the first week... we should carry on... recognising that this builds character and perseverance in our gals...

guess i feel really bad cos... i am the only one that seems to have absolutely nothing to do... no class... no school... jus wash and cook...

but like what hubby said... let's press on... we will see the good in this soon...
yes we will... =)



with all chores done yesterday... i am super bored today... have been sitting in front of the comp since 9am...

thinking of taking up japanese language course...
but it's almost SGD900..!

wanna bake... prepare special meals...
ingredients... how to buy..? all written in japanese..?

hubby says 'go get yourself a pair of shoes'...
but i dun like to shop alone... and when the gals are back... they dun wanna go shopping with me... =(


Monday 19 April 2010

tired but fulfilled

8am - 12.30pm

  • changed beddings
  • put futons out to sun
  • vacuumed the floor
  • 3 loads of laundry

12.30pm - 2.30pm

  • groceries

2.30pm - 5pm

  • gals back from school
  • chinese lesson

5pm - 7.30pm

  • prepared dinner
  • dinner

7.30pm - 9pm

  • taught basic japanese to the gals
  • bed time for the gals

now... tired...
but fulfilled... =)

Friday 16 April 2010

first day of school... the verdict...

the gals loved it..!

they had a blast in school... especially rachelle... she remarked how kind and helpful her classmates were to her... joanna was jus delighted to have a go at unicycle... and loads of play time while waiting for rachelle to be dismissed...

they didnt stop telling me all about school... how they had to brush their teeth after lunch... how lunch was taken in the classroom... it was jus so exciting to hear them...

i'm jus amazed at their ability to adapt and have fun in a totally new environment... structure... and culture...

proud of them... =)

first day of school

felt so rushed into this actually... but it's amazing how adaptable God has made us to be...

we were all so busy last night... writing their names (in katakana) on all their belongings... packing their bags... gals wrote 5 sentences in english on what they want to say when introducing themselves to the class... hubby did the translation... and then gals memorised their script...

oh... we had to dye their hair black... not that the school insisted... but thought it would be better for the gals not to be so 'special'... we tried our best but felt that the streaks were still faint... but at least they were not that obvious... then gals would have to remove their ear-studs for school...
gals put themselves to bed last night... rachelle did devotion and prayed... i could hear through the thin walls here... =)

it was a wet... cold and windy morning... after breakfast... gals recited wad they memorised... and off to school we went...

the VP received us... and in her office... the gals introduced themselves in japanese... and she clapped and said, 'じょうすです!'... which means 'good!'...

then the P walked me around the school... taking me to the gals' classrooms... both were on level 2... there i witnessed rachelle introduce herself to the class... joanna was seated near the windows...

both gals looked rather apprehensive... but think they should be alright...

before they left with their home room teacher (form teacher) for their classes... i told them this... it's only the first day... expect to understand nothing... jus follow wad your friends do... and go with the flow... if can learn 1 or 2 phrases today... good enough for me... =)

joanna finishes school at 2.30pm... while rachelle at 3.30pm... this is another thing i need to learn... their dismissal timings... different everyday...

but i'm glad that the gals are in a public school... i really like the way they teach responsibility and independence...

there are no cleaners in school... every child cleans everyday... no parents are seen in school... i was the only one today... the children walk to and from school themselves... either alone... or in a group... it is not a frequent sight to see children walking with their parents to school... even less being driven to school... all of them walk to school...

while i am enjoying this new found freedom... i'm already beginning to feel a little bored... better get my hands on some baking recipes... or japanese classes... or ikebana (flower arrangement) classes... i cannot do this (staying at home alone from 8am-3pm) every day... =P

Thursday 15 April 2010

school starts tomorrow..!

met with the P and VP this morning...
and we were told that the gals could start school tmrw..!

a bit sudden and not prepared... but gals were game for it... especially rachelle... so excited to go to school...

i'm really proud of the gals... cos before we left singapore... i told them to keep their minds open to many new things... things that are different may not always be worse... or better... jus be open to try new things... gain new experiences... and this was so avidly displayed today...

after the meeting... we rushed off to get their sports wear... there is no school uniform... but there is uniform for sports wear... then we had to get this emergency bag... which actually acts as a helmet in times of emergency... then there was this little red cap they had to get... and they had to get 'inner shoes'... shoes that are to be worn only in the school building...

all these amounted to about SGD400... thank God the textbooks are provided... we dun even know how much school fees we are paying... and then there's an annual fee to be paid to join their Parent Teacher Association (PTA)...

then hubby has to open a local bank account... so that everything can be 'giro-ed'...

i've oso availed myself to the school... when they learnt that i was a primary school teacher... they were delighted... and suggested for me to be their guest teacher... details not available yet...

it's really a great experience for the gals and myself... a totally different culture... language... friends... i'm glad the gals are positive about this... =)

Tuesday 13 April 2010

田道小学校 (Dendo Elementary School)

went to the Meguro Ward Office this morning...
and registered the gals into 田道小学校... jus 10min walk from our place...

this is the first step to get the gals in a local school... then we're gonna meet the principal on thursday...

rachelle's looking forward to going to school... but joanna's not too enthusiastic about it...

the school has a student body of less than 300... with about 25 teachers... school hours are from 8am to almost 4pm... rather long hours... but lunch is catered for... and their local schools here rave about how tasty and nutritious their meals are...

joanna should be attending the Grade 2 class... while rachelle should be going to the Grade 4 class...

many have asked... why a local school..? and not an international one..?

well... first and foremost... international school fees are exorbitant... think the fees are either equivalent or higher than the universities back in singapore...

we have planned for me to let the principal know that i am a qualified teacher... and see if there is any opportunity for me to volunteer to teach english in the school...

think it is good exposure for the gals to attend a local school... they'd probably not able to fully understand all that have been taught in school... that is if they are not employing an english-speaking teacher for the foreign students in their fold...

but we have made our expectations very clear to the gals... that they do not need to top the class... they jus need to go and make friends... and maybe pick up the language... all other learning... will be done at home...

i'm hoping that they start school soon too... more for their benefit... cos if i dun get to volunteer in the school... then i'll have to find things to do to occupy my free time... =P


joanna turns 8 tomorrow... our very first birthday celebration here in Japan... she has been singing her little jingle... 'it's gonna be my birthday..!' since it turned April...=)

it was a quiet affair... cos it was jus the 4 of us... tonight... after a simple meal of jus fried rice and soup... ending nicely with an ice-cream cake from Baskin Robbins...

joanna's really looking forward to tomorrow... they will be enjoying a full 6hrs at Kidzania... after which... if time permits... they get to soak in the tub when we get home...

my baby is turning 8... how time flies...

Saturday 10 April 2010

home schooling

it's been a week since we moved to meguro... and we've had 4 'school days' and 1 'sports day'... as the gals have put it... they declared the day they played at the playground as their 'sports day'...

the 4 'school days' that we had we all different...

on the 1st day... i had both gals with me at the dining table... 3 hours... found that it was not too efficient as both gals may need my attention at the same time... causing me to be rather stressed and 'pek chek'...

so on the 2nd day... we had it slightly differently... both gals started at the same time... but while rachelle was doing the work that i've assigned her... i took joanna with me to the room to cover a chinese comprehension passage... then we switched...

didnt quite feel that it was efficient as well... gals really need a lot of individual attention from me as we are doing topics that they have not learnt in school back home...

then on the 3rd day... i took rachelle first... for 3 hours... joanna was free to do whatever she wanted... as long as she doesnt come and call for my attention... unless it was urgent...

then we did lunch... and it was joanna's turn with me... for 3 hours...

felt that the gals benefited from the personal time with me... but it was difficult to have them spend 3hrs alone... with no playmate... and nothing constructive to do...

so at the end of day 3... i had set 'homework' for rachelle to do the next day... to be done during the time that i am teaching joanna... any left over time would be hers to enjoy... and i would alternate who starts 'school' first... that means each gal would have 'homework' only on every alternate day...

the 4th day... while i was with joanna... rachelle did her 'homework'... realised that 3hrs is too long a period for joanna... so joanna does 2.5hrs of school... and when joanna's done... she will be given 'homework' to be done the next day... when i start with rachelle first...

then immediately after joanna... i carried on with rachelle... while joanna went to bathe and wind down... rachelle is not given any 'homework' as she starts first the following day...

after 'school'... i quickly prepared a quick lunch... and after lunch... the rest of the day was free for all.... we could go shopping... or do other fun things... =)

a little complicated... but still gotta add in fixed days for spelling and 听写...

it's gonna be fun..! =)

Wednesday 7 April 2010

groceries & cooking

one of the many things that i have to learn here very quickly... is to hunt for the most reasonably priced place to get our groceries... and it has to be nearby too... have been doing a lot of budgeting and comparing of prices...

almost everything here costs more than those back home... the normal bread... cheese... ham... eggs and milk... cost twice the regular price in singapore...

gonna see how much we are able to save by eating at home during the weekdays... only dining out during the weekends... right now... i am planning menu everyday... our lunches and dinners... we are only into our 3rd day... and i am running out of ideas for the menus...

have tried to buy in bulk... cos that's how we do it in singapore... that's how the cost will come down... but over here... i dun seem to be able to do that...

i cant seem to find large packets of frozen chicken wings... meat... so that i can apportion them to be used for one meal... things here are packed nicely into small servings... no one seems to buy in bulk... so i am not sure how much we can save by cooking at home...

cant seem to find oyster sauce... dark soy sauce here too... so have asked dad to send some over... =P

let's see how we fare after one month...

international families

there are a total of 54 candidates in the course that hubby is currently attending... 50 japanese... and 4 international ones... of which... 1 korean... 1 indian... 1 american... and of course... hubby from singapore...

strange that the previous candidates from singapore have come alone... cos this year... all the international candidates have come in families...

we met the korean on the day when we first moved in... his wife... and 2 daughters... aged 5 and 3 years... will be joining him this saturday... so far... tonight will be the 2nd time that we are inviting him over for dinner with us...

the indian family... we met last night... wife and son... son is the same age as rachelle... attending the school nearby... we are hoping that our gals will be able to get places in the same school too... wife has a rather outgoing personality and she speaks english..! =) was amazed at her kitchen... and soon found out that she has flown over 200kg worth of stuff for the stay... no wonder she has matching cups and bowls... even her very own special pot...

the only family not staying here... is the american... heard that he is here with his wife and 2 sons... 1.5 years old and 3 month-old... have not met this family yet...

it's really a fun time getting to know one another... guess the most difficult one to have a conversation with will be the koreans... the man speaks fluent japanese and korean... with little english... the wife speaks only korean... that will be a challenge...

looking forward to the international experience here... tasting authentic indian and korean food from their kitchens... in fact... when the gals and i left for our shopping trip yesterday... we could smell the aroma of curry along the corridor... it was nice...

it's gonna be a fun and enriching stay here... i'm sure... =)

Tuesday 6 April 2010

now what?

the start of hubby's course marks the end of our holiday here in tokyo...

it's been 2 days... and things have indeed slowed down for us... maybe not for hubby... but definitely for the gals and i...

it rained the whole of yesterday... making it very cold... did a little of home schooling... not much done... but at least we got started... then i tried using the washing machine... it took almost 5 hours for one load..! can imagine the amount of electricity used...

prepared a simple meal of fried rice for lunch... and then planned to go get groceries for the week... but since it rained... we didnt get any veggies as they were to be bought at a different place... so dinner was jus instant noodles and omelet...

hubby returned home and invited his korean friend to dinner... i almost fainted... we were jus having instant noodles..! but anyway... he came and we ate...

i'm a bit more satisfied with wad we did today...

managed a get home school going for 2 hours... covering at least 2 subjects per gal... prepared lunch... and gals and i headed for the nearby mall... got a bread toaster... 2 cushions for the gals to sit on the cold floor while they watched TV... some more groceries... prepared a bit more dinner... jus in case we had guests... =P

then went over to our neighbours... hubby's Indian course-mate... spent almost 2 hours there...

guess after this week then will i know how to schedule a routine for the gals and myself... i need more structure... if not... i will get bored... =P

there are plans to get the gals into a nearby school... japanese lessons for us... join the Meguro International Family Association... ... ...

Sunday 4 April 2010

so blessed

checked out from the weekly mansion yesterday... wondering when we'll be able to get internet access... wondering if our purchase of bedding will arrive as promised... wondering how long we'd take to settle and unpack...

the bedding arrived promptly... and shortly after... the other 2 boxes and 2 luggage arrived... and we spent the entire afternoon... shifting furniture... unpacking... cleaning... sorting...

gals were amazing... all i did was to place their clothes from the luggage onto their beds... and they did all the sorting out into their wardrobe... we were utterly impressed by them... their wardrobe looks great..!

figured we wouldnt have time to walk out for lunch... so rachelle and i went to the nearby supermarket to buy some stuff... came back and i prepared a simple lunch for us... our very first home-cooked meal at our new place..! =)

by evening... we decided that we should go out and have a good dinner... to celebrate our moving in... and we did... wad a lovely evening we had...

it was a rather chilly night last night... there wasnt a air-conditioner in the gals' room that could warm their room... all we had was a heater that could not be used when sleeping... and it looked dangerous actually...

so we heated up their room with it... and turned it off when the gals slept...

at about 4am... rachelle came over... shivering from the cold... hubby went over with her and turned on the heater again... by then... i couldnt fall back asleep anymore... i was thinking of ways to keep the gals warm at night... we had to do something...

so today... we went hunting for a heater... that was safe for overnight use... and also proper sleep wear for the gals...

after much walking... and comparing... we came back happy with our purchase... a humidifier and a ceramic heater all rolled in one... and it was very reasonably priced too...

another thing we settled today... was to get our internet connection... had wanted to get something to be used in the house... an ADSL line... as compared to a pocket WIFI... though can be brought out of the house to be used... it was pricier... and not as fast as the ADSL...

but we have to wait 3 weeks for it to be connected..! =(

we couldnt wait... 3 weeks is a long time to be disconnected... and hubby would be starting his course tomorrow... and he might need to start doing research...

and so we settled for the pocket WIFI... and it's great..! =)

into our second night at meguro... gals are nice and warm in their room now... fast asleep...

think we are already nicely settled in... =)

we see God in the process... truly without him... how else could it all be possible..?

Friday 2 April 2010

pack and finally... unpacking!

the big move is tomorrow... =)
we have been moving stuff up for the past 2 days...

mainly shopped for bedding today... the most important thing for our first night there... searched the net for the nearest 'home centre'... a place that sells almost everything you'd need in a house... even pets...

when we got there... the first thing we checked was to make sure that they do delivery... cos we're planning to buy lots of things... the sales person told us that delivery takes 3 days... but there was a taxi stand at the foot of the building...

with that... we decided to buy jus the necessary so that we can at least sleep comfortably tmrw night... we bought 4 comforters... 4 pillows... 4 bed sheet sets... and 4 bolsters...

when we saw the amount of stuff we had to carry... we were doubtful if we could all go in 1 taxi... we were prepared to go in 2 taxis...

we asked for directions to the taxi stand... then was told that there was not one nearby... nearest one was near Shibuya station... not funny lor... with all the bedding... and 2 gals... really not funny lor...

then another person came and spoke with us... then realised that they could actually deliver the stuff tmrw..! =)

all was well in the end..!
we were really thankful... cannot imagine how we could have managed on our own...

then we moved on to buy toiletries... followed on to 100 yen shop... there we shopped for a wok.. pot... cutlery... knives... scissors... hot water pot... amongst other smaller stuff...

together with the gals help... we managed to transport all to the new place... by foot..!
the gals were amazing...

at our bedtime prayer tonight... led them to see how God has looked upon us with favour... even as we move to our new place... =)

gonna view sakuras over the weekend... do groceries shopping for the week... prepare hubby's uniform... then finally gotta settle down...

oh... gotta get our own internet connection for the new place too... duno when can get online again... hope it'll be soon... really feel so handicapped without it... =P

Thursday 1 April 2010


really very proud of the gals... we have been walking quite a bit in the last 13 days here...

right from day one... we travelled... with a full backpack each... from narita airport to the weekly mansion... by train... took us more than an hour... gals whimpered a little... but even i was tired from the flight and walking...

everyday we have been taking trains and walking... sight-seeing... all on foot...

today we went to our new place... each gal had their share of stuff to carry in their backpacks... hubby and i pulled a luggage each... each weighing more than 20kg...

we travelled by train... gotta change trains... and there are plenty of stairs here in their stations... and to transfer from one line to another... is not as easy as crossing a platform... had to walk at least 300m to the next line...

when we reached ebisu station... had to walk at least 15min to our new place... and it was not easy to walk... up slopes with the luggage... gals were walking not as quickly as us... thus the weight of the luggage seems heavier...

but when we finally got to the new place... we forgot how tired we were... it was so nice... so much space... =)

it was about noon when we got there... we bought a few rice triangular thingy to fill our stomachs... then we began cleaning... unpacking wad we brought... and wad we 'inherited'... and by 4pm... we were all very hungry... that's when we left and headed back to the weekly mansion...

gotta go shopping for the house tmrw..!
so fun..! =P