Friday 15 January 2010

week two

with routine more or less in place... boredom has oso begun to set in... esp in the mornings... after dropping the gals off to school... it'll be another 2 full weeks before my japanese lessons start...

but this week was rather fruitful too... had quite a number of makan sessions with various groups of friends... those sessions were great catching up with one another... laughing ourselves silly over the silliest things we do... or had done...

had oso very disturbed sleep this week... with the gals down with flu... at least 3 nights were spent watching and monitoring their temperatures throughout... but thank God that they are well and back to their active self again...

was supposed to plan for our going to join hubby... but looks like it jus does not make economic sense to spend thousands... literally... jus to be there a month earlier than planned...

but then again... we come under the economics of God... so... i'm still open to leaving earlier... but jus dunno how it's gonna come about... having said that... i agree with hubby that we should be prudent and that at least the gals get to complete one term of school...

anything can happen still... and i dun wanna stress myself over things of which i have no control over... jus gotta be still and watch how all these will fall into place... =)

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