Monday 18 January 2010


so... wad's my daily routine now..?

wake @ 6am to prepare breakfast...
ready the gals for school...
drive them to school...
space from 7am to 12pm... *this is the most difficult part of the day*
pick gals up and lunch...
back home to supervise homework...
prepare dinner... *starting only today*
skype with hubby @ 8pm...
gals bedtime @ 9pm...
my bedtime @ 12am...

gosh... i really cant wait for 1st feb to be here... at least 10am-12pm i'll have class to attend...

i miss going out... shopping... but then again... i've nuah-ed for so long... that i've even become lazy to go out... this is terrible...

today... i'll be getting myself started on a cross-stitch project... it's been a long time since i cross-stitched... this is one thing that i can do from morning to night without stopping... it's therapy to me... =)

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