Friday 8 January 2010

the journey begins...

pondered if i should start a new blog jus to journal this very exciting phase in our lives... pondered hard as i was too lazy to start... the choices of templates... the settings... the fonts... the colours... the choices are jus too many..!

but finally i still decided to start one... to tell and testify of God's love and faithfulness...

this journey started in april 2009 when hubby first received 'wind' that he might get an overseas posting... of about a year...

since then... we were engaged in many discussions... initially there was no plans to move as a family... but after much prayer and discussions... we felt that we should uproot... even if it's for a year... after all... the gals are still in primary school... and i could home-school them...

that's when the Lord began to open our eyes to see His hand in our lives... as we yielded to His timing and voice... our faith began to rise as we see our simplest of prayers answered...

i pray that through this blog... you may be blessed... by the journaling of our struggles... and our victories in God...

be blessed... =)

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