Friday 8 January 2010

play catch up

starting tmrw... a line up of meet-ups... catch-ups... celebrations... and kopi have been arranged...

carousel dinner with colleagues tmrw night...
randall's baby shower on sunday...
hokkaido steamboat dinner with guitar classmates on monday... *this one most difficult to arrange one*
another steamboat dinner with family on wednesday...
breakfast with PDL on thursday...
randall's 1st month dinner on thursday...
tea with colleague on friday...
house blessing on sunday...

so blessed... God knows i'm a people person... and i'm jus so thankful for the people He has placed in my life... =)


spongebob said...

steamboat dinner :D yes it took a lot of arrangement :P starvingggg for steamboat!


LOUD thots said...

me too..! cant wait..! =)

ria said...

booking is confirmed @7pm for 6pax under "victoria yap".
come with empty stomach- the portions are HUGE! btw me took leave on Mon liao

spongebob said...

wow why you take leave? wanna send ros and her kids to school too? haha! or attend lecture with me from 12-3 at NUS *hints*?


LOUD thots said...

heh... i am on leave from now till 2011... hiaks... =P