Sunday 31 January 2010


i used to love CNY...

the buying of new year goodies... the queuing for bak kwa... the shopping for new clothes... new shoes... new PJs for the gals... new bed linen for all... decorating the house for the mood... folding new crisp bank notes and slotting them into red packets... visiting friends... reunion dinners... yusheng...

oh... the list would go on...

but this year... i am so not looking forward to it... not when i am here with my gals only... but without my hubby... and house...

have not bought a single item for CNY... no new clothes... no bed to change new bed linen... dun even feel like buying new clothes... but think will still get the gals something new for the new year...

cannot imagine visiting hubby's relatives without him... and probably answering the same few questions form them... over and over again... or probably jus sitting there and get mouldy... or worse... they'll try their very best to make me comfortable... by being overly nice and trying to accommodate me... making me even more uncomfortable...

oh wells... but with the CNY coming to pass... it'll jus only means that we have a month more to go... and then... JAPAN..! =)

first february

i am so looking forward to tmrw..!

firstly... i'll be starting my japanese language form 10am -noon... that means out of wasting 5 hrs each morning... i'll be spending at least 2 hrs fruitfully learning a new language..!

tmrw also marks one month after our tenants have moved in... that means they'll have to settle any small issues with the house themselves... and dun have to call me to get it fixed... so far... i've jus bought a door knob and changed the kitchen tap...

it also marks the end of january... some how it jus feels closer to march... feels closer to our day of departure..!

Saturday 30 January 2010

vaccinations... check..!

with the gals receiving their H1N1 shots this morning...
and me... my 2nd jab for Hep A and B... and oso a flu jab...

we're all ready to go..! =)

Sunday 24 January 2010

house warming

so i bought her a necklace as a birthday gift... but could not think of anything to buy for my house... =P

when we arrived... there were already some guests in the house...

what do you do before you step foot into a house..?
take off your shoes right..?

well... we were told that it's ok to keep our shoes on... the gals looked at me unsure... but i told them to jus follow... and i noticed that everyone in the house had their shoes on...

the first few steps into the house felt really awkward... we had NEVER set foot in our house with our shoes on... in fact the gals would get a scolding if they were to do that..!

but we received first class treatment from then on... we were first to eat... first to get our drinks... we used proper plates and spoons and forks... while the rest used paper plates and plastic spoons and forks...

the spread was really interesting... thought they catered... but actually... they all came from my kitchen..! didnt know so much could be done in my kitchen..! hahaha...

all filipino food... all unfamiliar to me... looked different... tasted rather good though... they all prepared the meal themselves... and mainly the men did the cooking... even my gals loved the food...

it was a rather enriching experience for us... though i still dunno wad the dishes are called... they were all in tagalog...

then after the meal... i realised that the container that they had used to hold the spaghetti sauce... was the basin i used to rinse my dirty cloth after cleaning all the surface tops..! and the gals loved the spaghetti the best..! hahaha...

left about 30mins later... cos felt bad that the birthday gal was with us all the time... and her guests were left on their own...

besides the weird feeling of wearing shoes in my house... the experience was really a rather nice one... =)

Wednesday 20 January 2010

blessed assurance

again... He has shown that He is all-knowing... and He is still watching over us...

before hubby left... he had linked me up via email... with the lady who would be helping us get our air tickets... and since that email... there was no response from her... till today...

i was so amazed at the timing...

why not earlier..? why now..? how does she know that we have a fixed date to go already..? it was jus yesterday that hubby and i had agreed on the date to meet... and today i get this email from her...

to me... this is yet another way that God is telling me that He is still in control... and He knows what He is doing... =)


after a few emails today... the accommodation has been confirmed..!

it was yet another faith building episode once again for me... the accommodation is the only ONE left available for us... and it was available to us for the dates that we requested for... =)

a date

finally... a date to look forward to...
after much waiting... speculation... discussions... planning...

it is decided that gals and i will meet hubby on 20 march... we're planning to take the night flight on 19 march...

when we made the decision on the date to go... i tried to get us an accommodation that was made available to us when we had initially wanted to be there for a month... when i went to their online booking... it was reflected that none was available...

i had since written in and sought assistance...

really praying that we can get the accommodation for that 2 weeks that we are there... march is peak in japan... being time to see sakura... after which... we should be able to move into the 2BR apt before hubby begins his course...

think the timing would be jus right... after hubby ends his language classes... we have 12 days before the course starts... thought it'll be a good time for us to take a little 'holiday'... settle in nicely... and then be able to oso start home-school in april...

at least now with a date in mind... i can begin to work backwards and prepare for the trip... time all other immunizations to be done... other health checks... packing... when to begin the process of getting ourselves air tickets... so on and so forth...

now to get an accommodation...
20 march - 3 april... 14 nights... =)

Tuesday 19 January 2010


i jus got invited to my own house's house warming party..!

tenant jus sms me this morning to report a leakage in the kitchen sink... so arranged for dad and i to go over tonight to fix it... if not for dad... i'd straight away call for the plumber... hopefully it's no major job... will be able to get it fixed tonight...

then another sms came... invited me to house warming party... and oso celebrating her birthday... this sunday...

couldn't help but found it so funny and weird... that i burst out laughing... LOL

hmmm... wad should i get MY place..? ha ha ha...

but nonetheless... i will attend... think it's wise to maintain a good relationship with them... then they will take care of MY house mah hor... =)

Monday 18 January 2010


so... wad's my daily routine now..?

wake @ 6am to prepare breakfast...
ready the gals for school...
drive them to school...
space from 7am to 12pm... *this is the most difficult part of the day*
pick gals up and lunch...
back home to supervise homework...
prepare dinner... *starting only today*
skype with hubby @ 8pm...
gals bedtime @ 9pm...
my bedtime @ 12am...

gosh... i really cant wait for 1st feb to be here... at least 10am-12pm i'll have class to attend...

i miss going out... shopping... but then again... i've nuah-ed for so long... that i've even become lazy to go out... this is terrible...

today... i'll be getting myself started on a cross-stitch project... it's been a long time since i cross-stitched... this is one thing that i can do from morning to night without stopping... it's therapy to me... =)

Friday 15 January 2010

week two

with routine more or less in place... boredom has oso begun to set in... esp in the mornings... after dropping the gals off to school... it'll be another 2 full weeks before my japanese lessons start...

but this week was rather fruitful too... had quite a number of makan sessions with various groups of friends... those sessions were great catching up with one another... laughing ourselves silly over the silliest things we do... or had done...

had oso very disturbed sleep this week... with the gals down with flu... at least 3 nights were spent watching and monitoring their temperatures throughout... but thank God that they are well and back to their active self again...

was supposed to plan for our going to join hubby... but looks like it jus does not make economic sense to spend thousands... literally... jus to be there a month earlier than planned...

but then again... we come under the economics of God... so... i'm still open to leaving earlier... but jus dunno how it's gonna come about... having said that... i agree with hubby that we should be prudent and that at least the gals get to complete one term of school...

anything can happen still... and i dun wanna stress myself over things of which i have no control over... jus gotta be still and watch how all these will fall into place... =)

Wednesday 13 January 2010

when..? when..? when..?

hubby's last day at male dormitory is 24 march... not sure when the 2BR accommodation is available... his 1-yr course begins 6 april... that's 12 days without accommodation as of now...

so when should the gals and i go..?
where should we locate temporarily..?
for how long..?

after making a few calls... and researching on the internet... it's exorbitantly expensive..!
it's like SGD170/room/night... and that's special rates... imagine we want a month's stay..?!?!

wad's the best time to go..? if we get an accommodation for the 12 days before he starts his course... then wad happens when notice comes to say that the 2BR is available... then how..? waste money right..?

it's so difficult to get an accommodation now... already when dad called today... most of the accommodation in tokyo has been fully booked liao... march is peak season for them... time to see cherry blossoms and sakura...

i wanna be there ASAP...
going there almost the end of march... IS NOT ASAP...

oh wells... i've been taught... to have faith... and look at the bigger picture....
wad does that mean for me..? let me see...

the gals get to complete one full term of school... yay...
i get to complete elementary-1 of japanese lessons... yoohoo...
we dun need to spend extra by going later... yippee...
i get more time to pack... wow...

okies... i've tried my best to be positive...
those of you who spotted the fake 'yay' right from the start... oh... you know me so well...
hahaha... =P

keep praying with us yah..?"

Monday 11 January 2010

chinese lesson

had a trial chinese lesson this morning with the gals... since both were on MC... decided that they do not waste their time on the NDS or the laptop...

armed with my laptop... chinese-english dicitonary web page... chinese assessment books... we got started...

it was not too bad i must say... i could roughly guess the sounding of the words... typed in the hanyu pinyin and search for the words and their meanings in english...

will try more tmrw... since they are gonna spend another day at home... =)

when are you leaving..?

i've been asked this question so many times... too many... and to answer that question... i need to give a brief... cos it's not a 2-mark kind of question... but an open-ended 5-mark question... at least...

hubby's in a male dormitory @ edogawa-ku till mid-march... this is for his japanese language course... in shinjuku-ku...

then around end mar... he'll be relocated to meguro-ku... where he will begin his one year staff course... that's where we will have a 2BR accommodation... that's when the family can live together comfortably... i think...

so if the gals and i wanna join hubby any earlier than when he gets his 2 BR accommodation... we'd have to source for our own accommodation...

so... when are we leaving..?
i really dunno...

1st visit to the docs

made the first visit of the year... to the docs this morning... both gals are down with some viral thing... throat inflammed... running nose... cough... and rachelle's got fever...

got themselves 2 days of MC and a week off from PE lessons...

this is oso the first time that rachelle is swallowing pills... not too bad for the first time... no gagging... =)

told the gals that when we are over in japan... we'd not be visiting the docs on the slightest symptoms of an illness... we'd be self-medicating most of the time... and loads of prayers..!

Sunday 10 January 2010

change template

hubby said previous template was too pink... heh heh...

one week

it's been a week since hubby left for japan...

honestly... and gratefully... this week has passed very quickly... did not expect it to be such... but i believe staying with my dad really helped a lot... i never had a moment feeling lonely... bored maybe... but never lonely...

there are bound to be little differences between how we do certain things... like how we hang out our laundry to dry... how we keep the floors clean... but at the end of the day... these are but small things we can live with...

dad and i have to plan our daily schedule more at the end of each day... cos hubby had rented out our car... and we try as much as possible to accommodate each other's schedule and use of the car...

bottom line is... i am very thankful to be here at AMK...

next week... to really start planning when we should join hubby... getting accommodation... getting quotations for freighting of books and stuff... and really... maybe a timeline for myself to put everything in order... =)

Saturday 9 January 2010

jap class

by the 3rd day after hubby's departure... i began to feel bored... especially in the mornings when both gals are in school... i am super free from 7am till the time they are dismissed from school at 1pm...

so i thought if there were morning classes for me... that'll be great... and there was... and the class is in hougang... so convenient...

starting 1 feb... every mon... tue... thur... and fri... from 10am to noon... i'll be having jap classes..! until when... i really duno... the course is about 1.5 months... if we can leave earlier... then i guess i'll have to stop and go over... =P

Friday 8 January 2010

play catch up

starting tmrw... a line up of meet-ups... catch-ups... celebrations... and kopi have been arranged...

carousel dinner with colleagues tmrw night...
randall's baby shower on sunday...
hokkaido steamboat dinner with guitar classmates on monday... *this one most difficult to arrange one*
another steamboat dinner with family on wednesday...
breakfast with PDL on thursday...
randall's 1st month dinner on thursday...
tea with colleague on friday...
house blessing on sunday...

so blessed... God knows i'm a people person... and i'm jus so thankful for the people He has placed in my life... =)


i am holding 3 sets of house keys with me... my own house... my in-laws... and my dad's... and it can get a little confusing as to which place i am returning to...

it's been like jus 4 days since hubby left for japan...

jus the other day... as i had to bring verine and randall to the clinic... i left the gals at my in-laws... so after bringing verine and randall back home... i was to pick the gals before heading back to AMK...

but i duno why... as i drove... i was thinking how to get to AMK from her place... and when i finally realised how to get there... and was already on the expressway... i realised that my gals were still at my in-laws...

so had to turn back and get them...

then jus yesterday... i had to attend a wake... gals stayed at AMK... wake was in serangoon... after the wake... i drove back... entered the car park... only to realise that i was at my hougang car park... i should be back at AMK...

and i have to consciously tell myself to drive to AMK every time i drop the gals off at school each morning...


once again... God showed me who's BOSS...

hubby advised for us to call the tenant and asked if they are able to live with jus the handheld shower... if not... we'd replace it with the cheapest system there is in the market...

honestly... i was not too confident that the tenants would live with it... but i tried anyway... i called... but no one answered... so i sms...

hi J, sorry for the inconveniences caused. i have spoken with my husband and we are wondering if you are ok to use the shower as it is now. as the fault cannot be repaired,we wud have to change the entire shower system. however if u want it fixed, we wud need more time to go back to the shop where we bought it and look for the same model. kindly advise.thanks.

good evening. no problem at all :) we may use it as it is and we understand. thanks.

thanks a million! you dun know how grateful i am to you! God bless your heart... yours and you husband's... good night... =)

ohhhh! thanks for the nice words. you may have many more blessings to come.

amen to that... and i receive..!
told you that 2010 would be a year full of God's blessings..! =)

the journey begins...

pondered if i should start a new blog jus to journal this very exciting phase in our lives... pondered hard as i was too lazy to start... the choices of templates... the settings... the fonts... the colours... the choices are jus too many..!

but finally i still decided to start one... to tell and testify of God's love and faithfulness...

this journey started in april 2009 when hubby first received 'wind' that he might get an overseas posting... of about a year...

since then... we were engaged in many discussions... initially there was no plans to move as a family... but after much prayer and discussions... we felt that we should uproot... even if it's for a year... after all... the gals are still in primary school... and i could home-school them...

that's when the Lord began to open our eyes to see His hand in our lives... as we yielded to His timing and voice... our faith began to rise as we see our simplest of prayers answered...

i pray that through this blog... you may be blessed... by the journaling of our struggles... and our victories in God...

be blessed... =)