Saturday 21 August 2010

onsen 温泉

whenever others know that i am in japan... one of the very first remark or question is... have a tried the 温泉..?

i have been very reluctant to visit one... even my korean neighbours have suggested that we went together some day... i usually will be the one that is not too keen...

reason is simple... i dun like the idea of being naked in public..!

but it seems that for the japanese and koreans alike... 温泉is very much of their culture... family bath-times were normal...

i told myself that before i leave the land of the rising sun... i would have visited an 温泉at least once...

well... i did... with the gals... while on our trip to hokkaido...

guess it was easier to go with the gals... they kinda give me courage to go... at least if we did something different from the others... there will be at least 3 of us...=P

the gals were... like me... hesitant initially... but went with me anyhow...

the first was at the hotel in niseko... dressed in our yukatas... we bravely marched to the 温泉... before getting there... there were jus so many questions in our minds... wad if we embarrassed ourselves..? the gals jus squirmed at the idea of seeing other naked bodies...

anyways... we went... and actually found the whole experience rather enjoyable... nobody really cared how you looked... in fact... no one was looking at no one... everyone was jus doing their own stuff... showering... soaking... simply enjoying themselves...

before we dipped into the 温泉... we had to shower first... there were many showers... each station had a stool and a basin... shampoo... conditioner and body foam were also provided... we were to sit on the stool and shower...

as we were showering... it was common to see women scrubbing each other's back...

after the shower... we dipped in the 温泉... joanna found it too hot... and took a long time to get in... but she didnt stay in there long... rachelle could almost instantly submerge her whole body into the pool... i found it most relaxing... shiok..! =)

people usually dun soak for hours in there... 10min at most... then a quick rinse... and out they'd go... and so did we...

it was such a good experience that rachelle and i went again at the hotel in furano... joanna did not join us as she skinned her knee jus moments before we went to the 温泉... rachelle and i went to the one that was outdoors... so cool i tell you...

what an experience we had...

looking forward to more 温泉experiences here..! =)

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