Friday 20 August 2010

10 more days

that's exactly how much time i have to come to a decision...

have been struggling a bit... yet at the same time... standing in awe of what He has provided... humanly... i am struggling with a lot of 'what if'... the unforeseen... things of which i have completely no control over...

when i asked the gals for their opinion... if i should take it up... rachelle asked me back... why are you not accepting the offer..?

though a very simple and innocent question... it has set me thinking... really... what's holding me from making that decision..?

is it cos i am still thinking of going back to the team at my home church..?

or am i afraid to quit teaching... for the second time... and most probably my final time to do so...

what if i dont like doing what i am to do..? what if i am not up to it..?

then it is at this point that i find myself reminding myself that it is not about what i can or cannot do... but what God has designed me for... so if i were designed for this... He will enable me...

so then... is this what i am designed to do..? =P

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