Tuesday 1 June 2010


one of my friends asked me yesterday...

'hey... not many posts from you lately on FB... what have you been up to.. ?'

well... life can get a little boring here... especially when the hubby has assignment after assignment to do... i actually jus live for the weekend here... so if he needs to do his work... saturdays and sundays are jus another day spent at home...

yea... i could bring the gals out... but the gals dun like to shop... so i gotta get creative... maybe a picnic at the nearby park... but then... i get lazy get thinking of organising it...

spending monday mornings alone after all have gone to school... is something that i look forward now... maybe it's cos after the weekend with the family... i really want to spend some time being alone... jus doing the things that i like... like FB-ing... blogging...

then the rest of the week... is now very much a routine... i spend the mornings tidying up... washing and cleaning... laundry and ironing... then during lunch... the dinner menu will be planned and prepared... cutting the ingredients...

when the gals come home in the afternoon... it'll be their homework... and then homeschool... followed by cooking dinner... usually by 6pm... dinner will be ready...

then after dinner is when the family bonds... with conversations over the dinner table... over desserts... notes from school for hubby to read... then Wii game... or any board games that we have brought along...

very soon after... it's bedtime for the gals at 9pm...

life is simple... it's different... it's relaxing...
it's something that we would never had the chance to experience... if not for this opportunity... and i am grateful for this... =)

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