Saturday 5 June 2010

happier now

after rachelle's manisfestation of school refusal... I met up with her class teacher that very day...

spent more than an hour with her teacher...

everything seemed to be going on fine in school... teacher reported that Rachelle is attentive in class... and will raise her hand to ask question when she is in doubt... and that her classmates are always encouraging her... and involving her in their play time...

we were puzzled as go what then could have caused so much anxiety in her...
then teacher recalled and showed me a stack of test papers that were used in class... even I thot that they were difficult..! it's all in Japanese..!

teacher told me that Rachelle actually cried during one of the tests... it was a kanji test... which she scored zero...

it was only then that I realized that it could be part of the reason for her anxiety...

she has never scored a zero for anything in school... and with her character... I dun think it went down well with her... and I am also guessing that she is becoming more aware if herself... and does not wanna be different from her peers...

understanding that... I asked if the teacher notifies the class of the test... he said no but will do so for the next test... I was glad that he is doing it all gir Rachelle...

so 2 days ago... Rachelle was informed of the kanji test for the following day... that night... she was so diligent... armed with hubby's kanji dictionary n his electronic jap dictionary... she found out ghe meanings of the characters jus do that she doesn't jus learn how to write them... but also know give meaning to what she was learning...

she came back the next day... beaming... she had scored 100% for the kanji test... :)

so very proud of her...

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