Friday 11 June 2010

dun complain

learnt a major lesson today...

had been lamenting how restless i have become... about how life is getting boring and monotonous...

this morning... after done with my chores... i settled nicely at my desk... ready to relax in front of my computer...

jus then... my mobile rang... it was a call from the gals' school...i was informed that rachelle is at the sick bay... that she has hurt her hand... and i was to get her to see a doctor...

within 20min... i arrived at the school...

from rachelle... i learnt that she was on the unicycle during free play time... was about to fall off the unicycle... she tried reaching out for a nearby bar... but missed the bar... and her right wrist hit the bar instead...

as i spoke no japanese... i requested for the school to call hubby's liaison personnel for help... and soon after... someone came and accompanied us to the nearby hospital...

the 5min cab fare there was about SGD$12...

at the hospital... x-rays show that rachelle has fractured both bones in her right wrist... she had to be in a sling till monday for the swelling to subside... before putting it in a cast...

today's treatment cost about SGD$450...

the school said that the expenses will be borne by the school as the accident happened in school... i am hoping that this is true... cos there's gonna be more expenses coming... as there will be more trips to the hospital...

we will have to go again tomorrow to check if swelling has subsided... then on monday for the cast... on tuesday for a check... then once a week till the cast is removed...

now with her at home... i face the challenge of keeping her occupied...

when she came home... she played Wii with her left hand... then she was jus watching a movie on my computer... but before she even finished the movie... she got bored... and wanted to do some work in ther assessment book... now she is playing with cards... but i can tell that she will be on to something else really soon...

better dun complain about being bored anymore... =P

'Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, IN EVERYTHING GIVE THANKS; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.'
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

1 comment:

HL said...

may God's healing hands be upon Rachelle so that she has a speedy recovery!

we didn't have to go for weekly checkups in SG when Jo fractured her arm... just put on cast, then one more appointment to take it off... all in a month... Japan so intense in the treatment huh?