Tuesday 29 June 2010

activity-filled days... =)

thought that i would be super bored... and grouchy while hubby is away...

today is day one... and i really had no time to be bored...
not when you have such spontaneous neighbours..! =)

it all started out in the morning... i had wanted to walk over to invite my immediate neighbour over for dinner... it's really no fun cooking for jus 2 children and an adult... and it's really easier to cook more... rather than less... for me la...

as i was about to ring her doorbell... i met my other korean neighbour... jus 2 doors away... she said that she was out of toilet rolls and asked if i'd like to go with her to the nearby store to do groceries... i agreed...

and so the 3 of us met jus an hour later to do groceries together... we landed up in shinjuku... they brought me to a korean supermarket... and i found it most interesting... refreshing... and i actually found a frozen whole chicken there..! and it was very reasonable priced too...

then we went to another store... a huge store... much like our mustafa... a little cluttered... but stuff there is really reasonable... so nobody is really bothered by all the clutter... =P

after shopping... we did lunch at a authentic korean restaurant... we all had 炸酱面... nice..! =)

upon reaching home... immediate neighbour invited us over for coffee... and we all chatted till the gals returned from school...

then i had to take rachelle for her check-up... got back in time to prepare dinner...

in the end... my other neighbour dropped by as well... and dinner lasted till 8pm... and during dinner... we made more plans for tomorrow... thursday... and even friday..!

my other neighbour has 2 teenage daughters... and they are going to help look after the 4 younger gals... while the 3 mommies go for a nice dinner together...

so looking forward..!

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