Thursday 18 March 2010

last minute rush

though i had a good 3 months to get ready for this trip...
it's still a mad rush..! =P

i had intended for thursday to be free of appointments... so that i could pack and really get ready for our departure on friday...

but now it seems like tmrw's gonna be another packed day for me... gals are going to their friend's place for a little party... and i will be attended 2 wakes in the afternoon... change some more money... run a few more errands like buy locks and DVDs... in the evening... i'll be helping to watch my nephew as SIL goes with dad to one of the wakes...

managed to pack a little jus now... what doesnt seem like a lot of things... filled 95% of the remaining 2 luggage..! and i still have plenty of stuff outside the luggage..!

started to panic... but carmen was assuring... she said no worries... she can squeeze all in by friday... and i really pray that we can... if not... i'll jus have to forgo bringing some stuff...

managed to check us all in already... chosen our seats... and printed our boarding passes...

less than 2 more days... =)

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