Saturday 6 March 2010

4-letter word


really dun like to... i took almost 30min jus to get myself out from my state of 'nuah-ness' to at least attempt to pack... the gals helped a bit... by asking periodically... 'din u say u were gonna pack..?' =P

well... i did... or should i say... attempted to...

after almost 1.5hrs in the heat... and dust... all i did was to take things out from luggage A into luggage B... and then from luggage B to a space bag... then throw out some more stuff that i thought shouldnt be brought over... put all the winter stuff into 1 space bag... decided which luggage was to contain wad items...

i think i left a bigger mess than i first started...

oh wells... i am determined to REALLY pack tomorrow... aim to pack at least the big luggage... let's see how it'll go...
*fingers crossed*

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