Friday 12 February 2010

so close

saw an advert on FB of crazybids... where you bid for something... buy bids @ 50 cents each... each bid will up the bid price by a mere 2 cents... but lengthens the closing time by 15 seconds...

anyways... saw this very nice coach bag that was up for grabs... jus for the fun of it... went to purchase 100 bids... that's $5o... and was really banked on getting it last night... the closing time was 9.35pm...

with mission on hand... dad helped me put the gals to bed while i began to watch the bidding...

it was really addictive... interesting... if no one bids after the closing time... the last bidder wins... but each time it comes to the last 10 seconds... some ppl will bad and bring the price up and time up another 15 seconds to 1 minute... depending on the number of bids...

i watched the bidding go for 3 hrs... my eyes were really getting very tired... i tried to occupy myself by cross-stitching... play bejeweled... walk about in the room... anything... jus to keep me awake...

at 12.35am... i could not stay awake any longer liao... so i decided to activate the 'bid kaki'... where the system will auto bid for me when it's the final 40 seconds from closing time... to do that... i had to set a minimum bid price before it auto bids for me...

at that time... it was $19.48... so thinking that the price will go up some more... i set my minimum bid price for my kaki to start at $40...

and i went to sleep...

checked this morning...

bid closed at 1.02am... bid price... $20.38...


1 comment:

HL said...

ok... that explains all the previous posts on FB... LOL...

Better luck next time!