Sunday 28 February 2010


another week has zoomed passed..!

it'll be march tomorrow..!
that marks exactly 18 more days before we leave..!

didnt do any packing last week... all my afternoons were spent seated next to my gals while they revised for the tests this coming week... cant really pack as they would periodically call out for me... asking for my help in their work... then i'd need to correct their assessments... and go through their mistakes with them...

cos i know if i were to begin to pack and they were to come running to me for help... i'd get very 'mang zhang'... so better jus sit with them while they did their work...

coming week would be the same till thursday... guess i can only really begin to pack from fridya onwards... but then again... all my remaining weekends are filled with appointments...

gotta really find the time to pack and organise... =P

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