Friday 29 October 2010

final night

tonight's the final night that i'll be sleeping on half a single-sized bed... i've been sharing the bed with joanna... and i miss being able to stretch out when i sleep... =P

for the past 14 days... tha gals... hubby and i had been trying to hang our jeans and clothes... on anything that looks like a hook... and a few pieces of garments on one hook...

but it has been fun... really... i'm not saying this cos my dad reads my blog... but really... it has been fun... and i can only hope that they had enjoyed themselves here too...

may not have been the most comfortable 14 nights... but we all adapted very quickly to the small space... and managed well... =)

it has been tiring... i believe for them too...

on a normal day... we spend about 7hrs walking... and sight-seeing... there are days when we were out before the gals went to school... and back only after dinner...

but one thing's for sure... no one has any problem sleeping at night... absolutely no one... =P

it has been a very busy one month for me... very eventful... fruitful... fun..!

for the past 2 weeks... my house was so crowded and busy... but next week... the total opposite...

hubby would be away for a few days in kyoto... and rachelle will be at a 2-night camp with the school... which means that there are 2 nights when it's just joanna and i...

good oso la... i need the time to clean up the house... lots of washing to do... bedlinen... clothes... and then there are 14 days worth of photos to upload...

preparing one final meal for them before they leave tmrw... yakisoba... ingredients all cut and ready to be used...

looking forward to meeting 2 families end of next month..! =)

Monday 25 October 2010

day ten

it's amazing how time can fly... it's day 10 already..!

and it is not as bad as i had imagined it to be... everyone knew how to stagger their shower times and toilet breaks... no major waiting... =)

i must say that it has been tiring... for me at least... =P

but it has been fun for me too... i feel like a tourist... and spending like one too..! *oops*

timing is not the best for hubby though... he was free the week before the group arrived... then these 2 weeks have been totally busy for him... then after the group leaves... he has a week free again... so he only gets to spend the weekends with everyone...

maybe timing is good for me... cos when hubby's busy... i have another 4 persons to keep me company..! LOL...

thank God i did my planning of itinerary... meals... gals' schedule... and all... way ahead... so that i can simply execute the plans... without much thought...

and because we're family... they too help out with the chores... like vacuuming... and washing after meals... in fact... they are already so used to how things are done in this house... that they are preparing their own coffee... tea... breakfast too..! =)

another 4 more days of sight-seeing to go... then i need to recuperate..! haha... =P

Sunday 17 October 2010

day two

by 6am this morning... 6 out of the 8 of us were awake... even before any alarm clock... reason given was that it gets bright very early in the morning... which is so true... by 5am... it is almost looking like 8am in the morning in singapore...

we planned to leave the house at about 9.30am... but since everyone was ready by 8am... we headed out for yokohama earlier...

first stop was chinatown... besides stalls and stalls selling bak pau... there was this interesting 3D theater that looked rather appealing... and so we went for it... and it was so much fun..! especailly for the gals...

there were 3 floors of art to look at... all very interesting...

there isnt really a hole in the ground... it's just a painted picture... but i simply love their facial expressions...

this one is just an optical illusion... it was so cool..! gals had heaps of fun in there...

then we spent the rest of the afternoon... just walking... shopping... sight-seeing in yokohama... and there was an international fair happening there today... so we had lots of food too..! =P

gals had their share of fun too at cosmo world... where they went of rides...

the day ended at the ramen museum in shin-yokohama... which was quite a let down actually... ramen was so-so... nothing fantastic...

but even so... dad and carmen really enjoyed it..! i am so glad cos that... if they enjoyed this so-so ramen tonight... it means that the other 2 places which i will be taking them to... they will definitely enjoy..! =P

all i can hear in this house now... is the sound of ppl all fast asleep... snoring away... LOL

looking forward to tsukiji fish market... and ginza tmrw... followed by a claypot dinner at home... =)

Saturday 16 October 2010

day one

and so they arrived..! yay..! no problem at the customs at all... thank God... i was really worried as they were carrying loads of food for us... =P

and really... the amount of stuff they bought was amazing...

think we have enough supplies to feed not one... but TWO armies..! had to really create space to store all they had brought... all you see is not all there is... there are other plastic bags of bak kwa... and other packets of spices... like bak kut teh... powdered coconut milk...

think my neighbours will love me... i have so much singapore food to share with them..! =)

after they have rested for a while and settled a little... the gals brought them to the nearby Ebisu Garden Place for a walk... so proud of them... they showed them the place... even brought them to the supermarket there too..!

hubby had some time to do his paper... while i took my time to prepare dinner for us...

with only 4 chairs... 1 sofa... 1 swivel chair... and a humble dinning table... we had our first meal together... sukiyaki..!

it was a little squeezy... but it was a good family bonding time together... we talked and ate... and laughed... it was all good...

looking forward to day two... yokohama..!! =)

2 weeks

all set for the coming 2 weeks... it has been fun preparing for their arrival...

house is all prepared...
included 4 extra pillows which i created using towels and winter wear...

groceries all bought...
gonna be preparing all their breakfasts... and 7 dinners...

itinerary finalised...
after several changes... and inclusions... it is ready to be executed...

now hubby's waiting for them at the airport... ingredients for dinner is ready... weather's just great today...

now to pray that we would be able to manage everyone's expectations during these 2 weeks... requires a lot of chin chye-ness from everyone to make this an enjoyable trip for all...

we should do alright... =)

Wednesday 13 October 2010

mini spring cleaning

actually thankful to be hosting in the coming 2 weeks... it's stuff like this that makes me do a little cleaning up just before the guests arrive on saturday...

that is also why we like entertaining when we were back home... it kinda keep us on our toes... that the house is always ready to receive guests...

just nice... after 6 months here... a little cleaning up is needful... not that i have not been cleaning the past 6 months... just that the little corners and shelves... the forgotten spaces... also gets cleaned up... =P

managed to clean the bathtub... shower area... toilets... stove top... the walls surrounding the stove top...

feels good to know that these areas are ready to receive our guests..! =)

groceries and dinners

just did first round of groceries today... hubby's coming along for round 2 tmrw at another supermarket... need manpower... =P

feel so domesticated... i actually enjoy grocery shopping... and going to 3 different marts to get all my stuff... may be tedious to some... but totally fun for me..!

just did a inventory check... and firmed up the dinners for the next 2 weeks...

pasta... claypot rice... yakisoba... oyakodon... katsudon... fried rice... curry rice...

7 dinners in 2 weeks... quite ok la... but the amount of food i have in my fridge just to prepare these 7 dinners... is amazing... think i need another fridge..!

getting very excited... =)

Tuesday 12 October 2010


dad and gang gonna be here in 4 days' time..! so exciting..!

2 BR apartment... 1 toilet... 1 shower... 1 wash basin... 8 persons...
it's gonna be interesting..! as long as everyone knows what to expect... i'm sure it's gonna be a very memorable 2 weeks here..!

after going out with ribena and kayabun... then my cousin and aunt... i'm a little more confident to take the 4 of them out... all by myself..! those of you who know how 'good' i am with directions will be so proud of me..! =P

the 14-day itinerary has been revised... yet again... to include a couple of cool spots and dinning experiences... initially the itinerary had 2 days of free and easy... now they're all filled up... and i have one more spot to squeeze in..!

it's gonna be fun...

i am oso trying to cook dinner for the 8 of us in our humble kitchen... nothing fancy... just simple all-in-one-bowl kind of meals... cos there is just no room for all of us to sit nicely at a table to eat... =P

gonna start grocery shopping tmrw... i already have a long list of things to buy... and then nicely highlighted in 3 different colours... cos i'd be going to 3 different places to get all my groceries..!

since each store sells different things at different prices... i must visit all 3 to get the best buys... so singaporean hor... =P

first stop tmrw... matsuzakaya... just 10-min walk from my place... wednesdays are their discount days... here's where i find cheap chicken meat and veggies... not planning to buy anything heavy here... cos have to carry and walk up a hill...

then off to jusco on thursday... pork and beef are cheaper here... and noodles and some other stuff...

on friday... i'll be doing online shopping... for the bulky and heavy items... like fruit juices... milk... eggs... rice...

delivery will be on saturday... hopefully by the time dad and gang arrive... the stuff would have arrived liao...

i'm all set..!
bring it on..! =)

Sunday 10 October 2010

blessed... to be a blessing...

was a little apprehensive initially... wondering if the gals would be bored... if they would be taken care of... in fact... there were suggestions for me to leave them in singapore while i went to perth with the team...

am really glad that the gals went to perth with me... =)

being as independent as they are... they were really no trouble at all... no complains from them... even when the team had long dinners and lunches... they were able to sit nicely and not show any sign of being bored...

on the contrary... they were so interested in the stories and testimony shared by the other team members... i believe the gals were blessed by their stories too...

gals were with me even when we were ministering... and praying for others...

this made the gals very interested in the gift of tongues... especially rachelle... asking lots of questions about the gift...

during one of the prayer sessions... i asked the gals to pray together with us for a lady... gals laid their hands and prayed... joanna didnt really know wad to do... but rachelle really prayed... after the session i asked her... what did she pray for..? she said... 'i oso dunno... just asked God to heal her of any sickness that she has in her body'... =)

then during one of the dinners... one of our team member shared her testimony and her debut CD... sale of CDs would go into helping in the finances for her mom's treatment... there was no table set up for the sale of the CDs... those who wanted to purchase the CD would have to approach us...

when rachelle had finished her dinner... she asked if she could take the CDs... go table to table to sell them... i was so moved by her gesture... and so... together with joanna... they went round and sold quite a number of CDs that evening..!

think the gals were really moved by the testimony behind the CD... and really wanted to do their part to help... so proud of them..!

i believe that by just travelling around with the gals... we were already a testimony... that ministry can carry on even when the children come...

i am just so proud of the gals... many have praised them for their good behaviour and asked me for parenting secrets... haha... where got secrets... in fact... many ppl think that hubby and i are just too strict some times... oh well... each family is different... depends on what each family's priorities are...

all in all... i think the gals have been blessed much... and also they have been a blessing to some... =)

Thursday 7 October 2010


there were 8 of us in the team... meeting boss at the airport was jus the 2nd time meeting him in person... the first was last sept... all others... just the first time meeting them...

besides boss... gals and myself... we had a oops staff... who looked into the operations of the trip...

then there was boss' sister... whose life inspires me so much... a missionary now in spain...

then we have a gifted worship leader... songwriter... singer... who has jus released her first album... her testimony is so inspiring...

finally joining us at perth... a gifted musician... arranger who helped release the album last month... when i first heard him play on the guitar... my jaw dropped... he is so gifted... the way he plays... i've never seen such talent... so much heart...

many who met us... had the impression that we were a family... maybe cos of the 2 gals...

and really... we felt like a family... the gals hit off so well with musician and songwriter...

it was really fun moving around in a 8-seater car... really felt like family... =)

dinner @ GCC

went to an AOG church for their worker's night... never had that in our church... so was curious what a worker's night was all about...

as we arrived... we thought a wedding was in progress... banquet was all laid out... workers preparing the food... and then i soon learnt that it was in preparation for the worker's night..!

woah... so posh... then we entered the hall... wah... machiam like ballroom...tables were all set... 8 to a table... stage... lights... really like a royal banquet lor...

we led a couple of songs... and dinner commenced... helped ourselves to the spread... gorgeous... and they are all prepared by their own church people..! not catered like back in singapore... they have a F&B ministry... and they were so pro i tell you...

so a worker's night is for the pastors to appreciate their co-labourers... half way through the senior pastor preached a bit... encouraging them to serve... spurring them on... fanning the fire... if i were staff... i'd be so on fire to wanna serve alongside him too..!

it was a lovely evening... didnt feel like ministry at all...

i like going on such ministry trips... when work does not feel like work..! =)

sharing @ FCC

right after our meeting with ritchell... we headed to Faith Community Church... to conduct a worship workshop... i was tasked to share about the character of a worshiper...

though i prepared by reading through the notes... and other books and resources... i was still super nervous...

have not stood in front of a crowd for a very long time...

but thank God... that once i started to share from the heart... it jus came... though nervous... i gave it my all... and the best part of it all... they were all so young... it was like back at home again... with the youths... and jus bearing my heart to them... on worship...

so grateful for the 2 who wrote to me via FB... to say that they were encouraged... and inspired to make their seen and unseen lives the same... thank God...

they are jus a bunch of great people... young... full of potential... love them... =)

meeting with Ritchell

one of main reasons why the gals and i made the trip to perth... was really to meet this soon-to-be 15-yr-old girl...

she's visually impaired shortly after she was born... you can read more about her story and be amazed at how God works in and through her life...

she has already 2 albums... and oops is so happy to be involved in her 3rd album...

as we spent time at her house... recording her new songs for the album... so many times... tears would jus well up in my eyes... standing in awe of God... how this girl is able to 'see' what many christians cannot see...

the songs that she writes are so pure and simple... singing of an intimate relationship she has with the Lord...

the stories that her mother shared were nothing short of miracles... how through her... many... including her parents... came to know the Lord... amazing...

cant wait for her album to be produced next year... her story will touch many... i am sure... many will come to know the Lord through her...

she's gonna be in singapore next year... should be around the time i get back too... cant wait to chaperon her... and minister alongside her...

it's gonna be amazing... i jus know it... =)

glorious food

we ate like every 2 hrs...
here is our food dairy...

first stop after we landed... headed for a seafood dinner at long beach @ kallang... 2 tables... about 20 of us... 9-course set meal... think my cousin and i ordered too much... there were so much left overs..! =p

next morning breakfast... my very first sip of kopi siew dai..! indescribable..!

gals had morning fried noodles with luncheon meat... egg... taiwan sausage... dad and i had mee siam and mee rebus... then rachelle continued to have an egg prata...

lunch was at bishan... jus 2 hours later... haha...

we had chicken rice... added some duck meat... shio bak... char siew... chicken feet... innards... dark soy sauce... chilli sauce... the works..!
visited my in-laws... just 2 hrs after lunch... had mooncakes... gals had their favourite indomie... mee goreng with egg... just how they like it to be done by 爷爷... we also had lotus soup... ooohh... how i miss double-boiled soups...

oh... did i mention... in between... we had macdonald's nuggets and fries too..? =P

ending the day with dinner at humble coffee shop... actually... that's the best place to eat..! had fish head curry... prok rib king... sambal tapioca leaves... yumz to the max..! =P

then gals and i headed for perth...

summary of all the good food we had there... hor fun... hokkien mee... salted fish fried rice... posh dinner at frasers... where we had steaks and seafood... amazing banquet dinner at a church... followed by world's best fish and chips... clam chowder... nasi lemak... malaysia fried kway teow...
then in that short 8hrs back in singapore...

we had duck rice... black and white carrot cake... minced pork mee pok with lots of vinegar... more kopi siew dai... then breakfast at killiney... nasi lemak... wanton noodle... kaya toast... half boiled eggs...

BURP..! =P