Monday 17 May 2010

what happens after death?

heh... not that i'm being dark here... jus that the message i heard yesterday... had set me thinking on the topic... and also how the pastor is able to speak so freely...

i like the way the pastor preaches here... maybe it's cos it is not a multi-racial... multi-religious country like back home... so maybe he does not need to be overly sensitive..? but then again... are we to preach the Word differently in different cultures..? maybe so... the approach may be different...

but the way this pastor preached... i like... no apologies kind... hard facts... in your face kind of message...

he made a few 'spiritual principles' from the story of the rich man from Luke 16:19-31... saying things like... 'if you dont know Jesus... you are going to hell'... woah... made me really sit up and listen for a while...

but of course... ultimately... he speaks of the hope we have when we have Jesus as our Saviour...

i like this statement... or definition he made on death...
'death is the moving from a temporal earthly life... to an eternal life in either heaven or in hell'...

never really saw it that way... we always talked about eternal life after we die... but seldom do we question... if it's eternity in heaven... or in hell... felt that it was a very good gospel message...

looking forward to more 'tough teachings' preached... =)

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