Wednesday 12 May 2010

mom's day prezzie

the place that we are staying... is a rather hilly area... and the nearest supermart is about 7min walk away... and buying milk and other heavy stuff can be a rather daunting task... not to mention... muscle building too...

so we have been looking around for a trolley bag... but the ones that we have seen around here... are either too large... or too expensive... like over SGD150 each... way beyond wad we were willing to pay for...

so we were jus shopping on mothers' day... when hubby chanced upon this trolley bag... i liked the print... the colour... even the price... jus about SGD53... it was jus perfect..! and i asked for it as a mothers' day gift to me... =P

the bag is so cool... and it's a reisenthel..! we jus love this brand of shopping bags... and their range of reusable bags...

when the bag is not in use... the wheels cleverly fold in... and the entire bag can be folded nicely into a pouch... such a clever design i tell you... =)

i have since used it twice... once to the nearby supermart... to get milk and yogurt... jus to test it out... see if it was easy to pull...

the second was today... ventured to jusco... which is jus a 20min train ride away..! was so happy to have gone there... all by myself... so proud leh... and i returned with the trolley overflowing with groceries... and another bag of veg in hand..! =P

i am so glad that i have this bag..!

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