Sunday 28 February 2010


another week has zoomed passed..!

it'll be march tomorrow..!
that marks exactly 18 more days before we leave..!

didnt do any packing last week... all my afternoons were spent seated next to my gals while they revised for the tests this coming week... cant really pack as they would periodically call out for me... asking for my help in their work... then i'd need to correct their assessments... and go through their mistakes with them...

cos i know if i were to begin to pack and they were to come running to me for help... i'd get very 'mang zhang'... so better jus sit with them while they did their work...

coming week would be the same till thursday... guess i can only really begin to pack from fridya onwards... but then again... all my remaining weekends are filled with appointments...

gotta really find the time to pack and organise... =P

another reminder

jus the other day... we had to settle a fine... felt the pinch... but settled it anyway...

then a day later... i was counting the number of ang pows that were not given away this CNY... the amount not given away amounted to the exact amount of the fine... not a dollar more nor less...

to me... this is yet another assurance from my Jehovah Jireh... that He knows... and He is watching over us... =)


another round of meeting up with friends is coming in the next 3 weeks... most of which are meet-ups for the second time...

it's really nice to know who really have enjoyed my company... not to get all proud here... but it's nice to know that i'd be missed... of course there are friends who have been saying that we should meet up... but never did make it...

jus 3 weeks more... after putting in the different appointments...
i only have about 1 week that is free... to pack... =P

Monday 22 February 2010


jus 2 nights ago... call it revelation... or wadever... but it suddenly hit home that we have jus 4 weeks left here in spore... before our big move to japan..!

at that moment... it felt some what like a panic attack... think i hyperventilated a lil...

the mere thought of packing all that i see before me... into 3 luggages... and God knows how many boxes to be shipped after we have our place @ meguro... i jus felt numb...

hubby has always been the one packing our luggages... even if i were the only one leaving... all i had to do was to put all that i wanted to bring out into the living room... and these things will 'miraculously' be nicely packed into my luggage... =P

now... i have to do all the packing... all by myself..!

when i look at the things that need to be packed... i really duno where to begin... then i realise that i cant really pack... cos gals are still going to school... i duno wad's the temperature's gonna be like in march... therefore not know how much cold wear to pack in our hand luggage...

then in the end... it seems too early to pack...

but then again... if i dun start somewhere... i dun really have much time left...

oh... i need my packer... =(

Sunday 21 February 2010


ever since i came back with my purchase from esprit... a blouse for CNY... the gals have been complaining that it was an 'auntie' blouse...

each time they see the blouse... they'd ask me why i had bought such an 'auntie' blouse...

i wore it on the first day of CNY... and i heard the word 'auntie' many times that day... from the gals... to which i defended that no auntie would wear it... from esprit worr... where got auntie go esprit...

then i told my dad that i was not exactly bored at hubby's 姑妈's house as i was talking with hubby's aunties...

joanna came up to me and asked...
'do you know why you can talk to them..? cos you are dressed jus like them..!'


again... i said that no auntie will go to esprit to buy that blouse la... let alone wear something like that...

today... while at novena square... joanna rushed up to me... alerting me to someone... it was a rather plump auntie... in fact... joanna says she looks more like an 'ah mah'... to which i agree...

and she was wearing the EXACT same blouse..! from esprit..!

my jaw dropped... and joanna went...
'now... do you believe us..?'


dun think i am ever wearing that blouse again liao...
60 over bucks leh... =P

Friday 19 February 2010


let the countdown begin..!

jus 4 more weeks..!

that's jus 28 days..!

woot..! =)

Thursday 18 February 2010

mobile skype

from wad they say... and how they'd run for the phone when he calls for them... i can tell that my in-laws have been missing hubby quite a bit...

tmrw we'd be going to in-laws place for dinner... and thought that it'll be nice for in-laws to see hubby for themselves... and speak in person to him...

i borrowed my uncle's mobile broadband...
jus so they can skype... looking forward... =)

favourite CNY shot

Tuesday 16 February 2010


it's a time for gatherings... especially among families... with hubby not around... this CNY felt rather different... it felt incomplete...

jus thankful that the first 3 days of CNY are over... with much feasting... and little water intake... no wonder my throat feels sore... and am nursing a runny nose...

the final CNY gathering arranged is 2 saturdays away... the 14th day of CNY...

hanging in there... jus over a month more to go...

Friday 12 February 2010

so close

saw an advert on FB of crazybids... where you bid for something... buy bids @ 50 cents each... each bid will up the bid price by a mere 2 cents... but lengthens the closing time by 15 seconds...

anyways... saw this very nice coach bag that was up for grabs... jus for the fun of it... went to purchase 100 bids... that's $5o... and was really banked on getting it last night... the closing time was 9.35pm...

with mission on hand... dad helped me put the gals to bed while i began to watch the bidding...

it was really addictive... interesting... if no one bids after the closing time... the last bidder wins... but each time it comes to the last 10 seconds... some ppl will bad and bring the price up and time up another 15 seconds to 1 minute... depending on the number of bids...

i watched the bidding go for 3 hrs... my eyes were really getting very tired... i tried to occupy myself by cross-stitching... play bejeweled... walk about in the room... anything... jus to keep me awake...

at 12.35am... i could not stay awake any longer liao... so i decided to activate the 'bid kaki'... where the system will auto bid for me when it's the final 40 seconds from closing time... to do that... i had to set a minimum bid price before it auto bids for me...

at that time... it was $19.48... so thinking that the price will go up some more... i set my minimum bid price for my kaki to start at $40...

and i went to sleep...

checked this morning...

bid closed at 1.02am... bid price... $20.38...


Sunday 7 February 2010


it used to be the most expensive month of the year for us...
both our birthdays are in it... valentine's day... and CNY... all big expenditure for us...

guess it's not jus me not feeling the mood... even as i walked around... besides the annoying CNY songs blasting at every departmental store... there is nothing abuzz about the season...

though chinatown was very crowded... not many people were buying... many were jus like us... trying to catch some festive atmosphere...

with valentine's day falling right smack on the first day of CNY... think it is causing a lot of damage to the retail and restaurants...

but i am sort of thankful la... that i'd be too busy on the first day of CNY to know that it is valentine's day... =P

Thursday 4 February 2010

dokushin (single)

Lesson 2
lesson on numbers... sensei asked us for our age... we were to reply in japanese... i'm always called first as my name appears first on the register...

trying to be cheeky... and oso trying to inject some life into the class... i planned to say that i was 18... and then my real age when found out... =P

so there i went...
'watashi wa ju-hachi desu.' (i am 18)

sensei went on to call out another persons name...

so i left it as it was... feeling good of course... =)

Lesson 3
learnt to ask questions in japanese and answering them... sensei asked another person to ask me some questions...

sensei to student
'tel roslyn-san that you are single and ask her if she is also single.'

student to me
'watashi wa dokushin desu. anata mo dokushin desu ka.'
(i am single, are you also single?)

me to student
'iie, watashi wa dokushin dewa arimasen.'
(no, i am not single.)


sensei to me
'you are married?'

me to sensei
'hai, so desu.'
(yes, i am.)

sensei to me *eyes lit*
'but you are only 18.'


it was then when i confessed i was not 18... hiaks...
couldnt stop smiling after that... =)