Friday 30 July 2010

すごい。。! {su-go-i = awesome}

was out of the house this morning from 9am to tutor a neighbour's daughter... left the 2 gals at home... set them each a paper to do...

while i was at neighbour's house... i was offered some grapes... and neighbour was nice enough to walk over to our house... to give the gals a bowl of grapes too...

after a little while more... there was a knock on the door... my gals were at the door... they had wanted to return the bowl... my neighbour then exclaimed... すごい!...

initially... i thought she was surprised that the gals had finished the bowl of grapes... but no... in the bowl was ham omelet..!

rachelle had used 3 eggs and a slice of ham... fried them in the pan... put them in the bowl... and returned the bowl..!

instantly... i swelled with pride... =)

this gal has been watching me... you see... neighbours and i have been sharing food with each other quite often... and each time we receive a plate of food from them... the plate will never be returned to the neighbour empty... i will prepare something... put it on their plate... then return them... even if it were jus strawberries... the plate is never returned empty...

the gals had asked me why... which i replied... that by returning an empty plate... seems to say that i wanted some more from them... and in any case... it was much nicer to return the plate with something else on it...

this made me see how important it is for us parents to be exemplary in what we do... how we conduct ourselves...

truly... our children are always watching us... they are really our mirrors..!

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